A responsive website made for a local restaurant based in Dublin, Ireland, where customers can book a table, get in touch, and see the menus before enjoying the delicious food at Restaurant 104. The website is a redesign of an older website in WordPress, and the new technologies used are HTML, CSS with Sass, adn JavaScript and deployed at Hosting Ireland.
Check the live project at Restaurant 104
The font choosen is the Overpass, as a the best math with the original logo of the resturant that use Interstate Regular.
Colour Palette
- #363c3c as a primary colour is used in all backgrounds
- #BFA250 escura #ffe787 clara 180deg gradient
- #fff to the fonts text
- #a0a1a1 to the grey text
- Documentation
- Make the menus interactive
- Add welcome text to the home
- Background image is zoomed in on iPhones and iPads
- Sass
- JavaScript
- Fonts by Google Fonts.
- Icons by Font Awesome.
- Booking sistem by tablein.
- Favicon create using Favicon generator.
- Burger menu added folloing Brad Traversy tutorial.
- Text animation from web code tools