This event is emitted whenever an attester is enabled. It contains the hex encoded public key of the attester that was added.
type AttesterEnabled struct {
Attester string
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted whenever an attester is disabled. It contains the hex encoded public key of the attester that was removed.
type AttesterDisabled struct {
Attester string
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted whenever the signature threshold is changed. It contains both the old and new values of the parameter.
type SignatureThresholdUpdated struct {
OldSignatureThreshold uint64
NewSignatureThreshold uint64
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when the ownership transfer process if finalized. It
contains the old and new owners. See the OwnershipTransferStarted
event for when this process is started.
type OwnerUpdated struct {
PreviousOwner string
NewOwner string
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when the ownership transfer process is started. It
contains the old and potential new owners. See the OwnerUpdated
event for when this process is finalized.
type OwnershipTransferStarted struct {
PreviousOwner string
NewOwner string
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when the pauser role is updated. It contains the old and new pausers.
type PauserUpdated struct {
PreviousPauser string
NewPauser string
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when the attester manager role is updated. It contains the old and new attester managers.
type AttesterManagerUpdated struct {
PreviousAttesterManager string
NewAttesterManager string
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when the token controller role is updated. It contains the old and new token controllers.
type TokenControllerUpdated struct {
PreviousTokenController string
NewTokenController string
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when burning & minting is paused.
type BurningAndMintingPausedEvent struct {}
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when burning & minting is unpaused.
type BurningAndMintingUnpausedEvent struct {}
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when sending & receiving of messages is paused.
type SendingAndReceivingPausedEvent struct {}
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when sending & receiving of messages is unpaused.
type SendingAndReceivingUnpausedEvent struct {}
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when a deposit for burn message is sent to a remote domain.
type DepositForBurn struct {
Nonce uint64
BurnToken string
Amount cosmossdk_io_math.Int
Depositor string
MintRecipient []byte
DestinationDomain uint32
DestinationTokenMessenger []byte
DestinationCaller []byte
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when a deposit for burn message is received from a remote domain.
type MintAndWithdraw struct {
MintRecipient string
Amount cosmossdk_io_math.Int
MintToken string
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when a remote token is linked with a local token.
type TokenPairLinked struct {
LocalToken string
RemoteDomain uint32
RemoteToken []byte
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when a remote token is unlinked with a local token.
type TokenPairUnlinked struct {
LocalToken string
RemoteDomain uint32
RemoteToken []byte
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when a message is sent to a remote domain.
type MessageSent struct {
Message []byte
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when a message is received from a remote domain.
type MessageReceived struct {
Caller string
SourceDomain uint32
Nonce uint64
Sender []byte
MessageBody []byte
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted whenever the max message body size is changed. It contains the new value of the parameter.
type MaxMessageBodySizeUpdated struct {
NewMaxMessageBodySize uint64
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when a token messenger is added for a remote domain.
type RemoteTokenMessengerAdded struct {
Domain uint32
RemoteTokenMessenger []byte
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted when a token messenger is removed for a remote domain.
type RemoteTokenMessengerRemoved struct {
Domain uint32
RemoteTokenMessenger []byte
This event is emitted by the following transactions:
This event is emitted whenever the burn limit per message is changed. It contains the new value of the parameter.
type SetBurnLimitPerMessage struct {
Token string
BurnLimitPerMessage cosmossdk_io_math.Int
This event is emitted by the following transactions: