Input a Circom circuit source and compiler configuration to generate (and upload to S3) zip of sources, Solidity verifier, and zip with build artifacts and development library:
- Circuit sources configured into Circomkit
- All the build artifacts (including verifier Solidity source)
- An exposed method to generate a proof and caldata from your application easily
import {prove} from 'snarkjs-prover-multiplier-xxxxxxxxx'; console.log(await prove({ in: [3,4] })); /* { proof: { proof: { pi_a: [Array], pi_b: [Array], pi_c: [Array], protocol: 'groth16', curve: 'bn128' }, publicSignals: [ '12' ] }, calldata: [ [ '0x20400eec228fd0aab8fdba57b3c92c97305259066c3dc4cd9073f00b9d4d371d', '0x28c37b1e79e8440f249d8f2c495c4387ec81189c643007bc3411e588773254bf' ], [ [Array], [Array] ], [ '0x21bb3d87e363849029f37be15852136c780e7b07856b9c0b8c8bad5179f21ab2', '0x0063c20e5f781eb1d86db0877a56aa16725dba3c55863412de01bd6ce102294d' ], [ '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c' ] ] } */
$ cp .env.example .env
# Update S3 configuration
$ vim .env
$ yarn test