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process various elevation datasets.
dlim [ -acdghijnquwEJPRT [ args ] ] DATALIST,FORMAT,WEIGHT,UNCERTAINTY ...
is the elevation data processing tool using various dataset modules. dlim
's native dataset format is a "datalist". A datalist is similar to an MBSystem datalist; it is a space-delineated file containing the following columns:
data-path data-format data-weight data-uncertainty data-name data-source data-date data-resolution data-type data-horz data-vert data-url
Minimally, data-path
(column 1) is all that is needed.
An associated inf
and geojson file will be gerenated for each datalist while only an associated inf
file will be genereated for individual datasets
Parse various dataset types by region/increments and yield data as xyz or array recursive data-structures which point to datasets (datalist, zip, fetches, etc) are negative format numbers, e.g. -1 for datalist
-R, --region
Restrict processing to the desired REGION
Where a REGION is xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax[/zmin/zmax[/wmin/wmax/umin/umax]]
Use '-' to indicate no bounding range; e.g. -R -/-/-/-/-10/10/1/-/-/-
OR an OGR-compatible vector file with regional polygons.
Where the REGION is /path/to/vector[:zmin/zmax[/wmin/wmax/umin/umax]].
If a vector file is supplied, will use each region found therein.
-E, --increment
Block data to INCREMENT in native units.
Where INCREMENT is x-inc[/y-inc]
-X, --extend
Number of cells with which to EXTEND the output DEM REGION and a
percentage to extend the processing REGION.
Where EXTEND is dem-extend(cell-count)[:processing-extend(percentage)]
e.g. -X6:10 to extend the DEM REGION by 6 cells and the processing region by 10
percent of the input REGION.
-J, --s_srs
Set the SOURCE projection.
-P, --t_srs
Set the TARGET projection. (REGION should be in target projection)
-D, --cache-dir
CACHE Directory for storing temp and output data.
-Z, --z-precision
Set the target precision of dumped z values. (default is 4)
-A, --stack-mode
Set the STACK MODE to 'mean', 'min', 'max' or 'supercede' (with -E and -R)
-T, --stack_filter
FILTER the data stack using one or multiple filters.
Where FILTER is fltr_name[:opts] (see grits --modules
for more information)
The -T switch may be set multiple times to perform multiple filters.
Available FILTERS: blur, grdfilter, outliers, flats
-F, --point_filter
FILTER the POINT data using one or multiple filters.
Where FILTER is fltr_name[:opts]
The -F switch may be set multiple times to perform multiple filters.
Available FILTERS: bin_z
MASK the datalist to the given REGION/INCREMENTs
Generate SPATIAL METADATA of the datalist to the given REGION/INCREMENTs
ARCHIVE the datalist to the given REGION[/INCREMENTs]
GLOB the datasets in the current directory to stdout
Generate and return an INFO dictionary of the dataset
Output WEIGHT values along with xyz
Output UNCERTAINTY values along with xyz
Output stacked x/y data rather than pixel
Lower the verbosity to a quiet
Display the datatype descriptions and usage
Print the usage text
Print the version information
Name | dlim dataset module code | Description |
datalist | -1 | An extended MB-System style datalist containting dlim-compatible datasets |
zip | -2 | A zipfile containing dlim-compatible datasets |
scratch | -3 | A scratch dataset, including a python list of dlim-compatible datasets |
yxz | 167 | An ascii DSV datafile formatted as y,x,z |
xyz | 168 | An ascii DSV datafile formatted as x,y,z |
gdal | 200 | A gdal-compatible raster dataset |
bag | 201 | A BAG bathymetry dataset |
swot_pixc | 202 | An HDF5 SWOT PIXC datafile |
swot_hr_raster | 203 | an HDF5 SWOT HR Raster datafile |
las | 300 | An las or laz lidar datafile |
mbs | 301 | An MB-System-compatible multibeam datafile |
ogr | 302 | An ogr-compatible vector datafile |
icesat_atl | 303 | An HDF5 IceSat ATL03 datafile |
https | -100 | a URL pointing to a dlim-compatible datafile |
gmrt | -101 | The GMRT fetches module |
gebco | -102 | The GEBCO fetches module |
copernicus | -103 | The Copernicus fetches module |
fabdem | -104 | The FABDEM fetches module |
nasadem | -105 | The NASADEM fetches module |
mar_grav | -106 | The mar_grav fetches module |
srtm_plus | -107 | The srtm_plus fetches module |
charts | -200 | The charts fetches module |
multibeam | -201 | The multibeam fetches module |
hydronos | -202 | The hydronos fetches module |
ehydro | -203 | The ehydro fetches module |
bluetopo | -204 | The bluetopo fetches module |
ngs | -205 | The ngs fetches module |
tides | -206 | The tids fetches module |
digital_coast | -207 | The digital_coast fetches module |
ncei_thredds | -208 | The ncei_thredds fetches module |
tnm | -209 | The TNM fetches module |
CUDEM | -210 | The CUDEM fetches module |
CoNED | -211 | The CoNED fetches module |
SLR | -212 | The SLR fetches module |
waterservies | -213 | The waterservices fetches module |
icesat | -214 | The IceSat fetches module |
ned | -215 | The NED fetches module |
swot | -216 | The SWOT fetches module |
csb | -217 | the CSB fetches module |
emodnet | -300 | The emodnet fetches module |
chs | -301 | The chs fetches module |
hrdem | -302 | The hrdem fetches module |
arcticdem | -303 | The arcticdem fetches module |
vdatum | -500 | The vdatum fetches module |
hydrolakes | -600 | The hydrolakes fetches module |