A more flexible, asynchronous version of file-size-tree.
npm install file-tree
Takes an array of files
mapper(filename, next)
should pass an object to the the callback
with the metadata you want to associate with the file.
callback(err, tree)
is called when everything's done.
var tree = require('file-tree')
var fs = require('fs')
__dirname + '/project/src/index.js'
, __dirname + '/project/src/README.md'
, __dirname + '/project/src/package.json'
, __dirname + '/LICENSE'
], function(filename, next) {
fs.stat(filename, function(err, stats) {
if (err) return next(err)
next(null, {
size: stats.size
}, function(err, fileTree) {
console.log(fileTree) // done!