Real Time Scheduler + Parallel Coroutine Engine for JAMScript C (Device) Side, with support of Remote Procedure Call and separate data-transfer path on Redis
- 1 Kernel Level Thread for Real-Time/Interactive Jobs (jobs with deadline/time constraints)
- n Kernel Level Thread for Batch Jobs (jobs without time constraints)
- Capable of supporting shared-stack coroutines and stand-alone stack coroutines, scheduled with no difference
- Automatic type deduction of C++ functions
- Each task is allocated to as a coroutine, mapped to 1 kernel level thread
- More than 1M tasks per GB
- Switching time: ~30ns on Intel Core i7 10710U
- Task with hard start/deadline
- Scheduled on Real-Time Kernel Level Thread
- All Real-Time tasks runs in a Single Kernel Thread
- A static schedule of Real-Time tasks as a finite list of time intervals are used to schedule Hard Real-Time tasks
- Each time interval has a RT-Task ID, beginning of an interval defines the start of the task with the ID
- An ID equals to 0 defines a slot for Non-Real-Time tasks
- Schedule of Real Time Tasks are downloaded for each cycle
- Length of the cycle is defined by the end time of last interval in the finite list
- Time Point defined in the interval are time points relative to the start of the cycle
- Scheduler picks up Real Time task according to the ID associated with interval
- 2 schedules with different distributions of Non-RealTime slots are provided, picked up according to some algorithm
- Jitter = (StartTimeOfRTTask - BeginOfTimeInterval), relative to the start of cycle
- Jitter is within 20us, usually within 10us
- Task with soft deadline
- Scheduled on Real-Time Kernel Level Thread, possibly Non-Real-Time Kernel Level Thread if expired
- If task has not passed its deadline, schedule it in Earliest Deadline First
- Otherwise, if the programmer allows this task to degrade to a Batch Task, it will degrade.
- Otherwise, it would be pushed into a Bounded LIFO Stack, and will be executed if there is no task in EDF queue
- If the LIFO stack exceeded its capacity, it would pop out (cancel) the eariest-pushed task
- Just like how we process our emails, assignments, and messages...
- Task without deadline
- Scheduled on Non-Real-Time Kernel Level Thread
- Capable of Parallel Execution
- Only Batch Tasks could be executed in worker threads
- FIFO with Work Steal (between Non-Real-Time Kernel Level Threads)
- Work Steal is triggered if one Non-Real-Time Kernel Level Thread run out of tasks
- Load Balancing: Tasks are distributed by the main scheduler to the Non-Real-Time Kernel Level Threads with least amout of tasks
- Synchronize at user-space, without blocking Kernel-Level thread
- Blocking Kernel level threads could break the real-time constraints
- Easier for Asynchronous Programming
- Powered by
timeout.c: Tickless Hierarchical Timing Wheel
- Ideally 30us, normally 50us
- Each RPC Invocation is matched to a Batch Task
- JSON/Cbor on MQTT
- Heartbeat monitoring
- Multiple connections
- Acknowledgement, retry and timeout of connection failure
Please return by a pointer to memory allocated on heap by malloc/calloc to avoid memory leak.
jamc::RIBScheduler ribScheduler(1024 * 256, "tcp://localhost:1883", "app-1", "dev-1");
ribScheduler.RegisterRPCall("DuplicateCString", strdup);
ribScheduler.RegisterRPCall("RPCFunctionJSync", [] (int a, int b) -> int {
std::cout << "Sync Add of " << a << " + " << b << std::endl;
return a + b;
ribScheduler.RegisterRPCall("RPCFunctionJAsync", [] (int a, int b) -> int {
std::cout << "Async Subtract of " << a << " - " << b << std::endl;
return a - b;
ribScheduler.RegisterRPCall("ConcatCString", [] (char *dest, const char *src) -> char* {
printf("please return by a pointer to memory allocated on heap");
return strdup(strcat(dest, src));
jamc::RIBScheduler ribScheduler(1024 * 256);
ribScheduler.RegisterLocalExecution("TestExec", [] (int a, int b) -> int {
return a + b;
auto fu = ribScheduler.CreateLocalNamedInteractiveExecution<int>(
// Interactive Task Attributes
{false, 1024}, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000), std::chrono::microseconds(50),
// Execution Name
// Execution Parameters
3, 4
// after some lines of code...
int val = fu.get();
Also available for Batch Tasks
Although there is std::invalid_argument, to appreciate Prof. Gunter Mussbacher giving me an A- grade in ECSE223 - Model Based Programming, I would like to separately define the class to be InvalidArgumentException, which is the same InvalidArgumentException from ECSE223 course project.
- goto app folder, and make a folder for your application
- add a CMakeLists.txt for configuration and link your favoriate machine learning libraries here
- add a main.c/main.cpp, and other files you need
- make sure your include your folder in app/CMakeLists.txt
- if you are VSCode Users, goto VSCode Users - Reasons to Use
- goto src folder, and make a folder for your module
- add a CMakeLists.txt for your library
- add files you need
- make sure your include your folder in src/CMakeLists.txt
- please read, as we are using Catch2 for testing
- VSCode users, please review Debug Your App for an option of debugging your test cases
- DO NOT compile your tests into LIBRARIES
- vscode formatter style:
Visual Studio
- avoid unnecessary memcpy/copy construct of large object
- avoid unnecessary notify of threads on Condition Variable
- avoid random comment outs without explanation
- avoid unhandled memory allocations, like strdup
- more to come...
- free yourselves from gdb, cmake... commands
- looks cool
- boost (>= 1.65, but preferred 1.73+)
- paho-mqtt3a
- hiredis
- libevent
- tcmalloc
- install CMake Tools, available from
- configure, and build all project using the top right buttons
- supported compiler: Clang 6.0.0, Clang 9.0.0, Clang 11.0.0, GCC 9.3.0, GCC 10.1.0
- on macos, use
cmake -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang++ ../
- Goto
tab, and choose which app you would like to add/debug - To debug testcases, run VSCode task
"clang-9 - test-debug"
- Add the following "chunk" in
: name of your app folder<exec>
: name of your app executable
"name": "clang-9 - <name>",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/build/app/<name>/<exec>",
"args": [],
"stopAtEntry": false,
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/build/app/<name>",
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": false,
"MIMode": "lldb",
"setupCommands": [
"description": "format lldbprint",
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
"ignoreFailures": true
"preLaunchTask": "build project",
"miDebuggerPath": "/usr/bin/lldb"