A package to analyze Error Distribution Rules
Error Distribution Rules (EDRs) are a combination between Distribution Rules and Error Dependence Plots. These are model agnostic and a drill-down technique to evaluate regression models, which consider multivariate interactions between features. EDRs uncover regions of the input space with deviating performance providing an interpretable description of these regions. They can be regarded as a complementary tool to the standard reporting of the expected average predictive performance. Moreover, by providing interpretable descriptions of these specific regions, EDRs allow end users to understand the dangers of using regression tools for some specific cases that fall on these regions, e.g., they improve the accountability of models. This package contains multiple methods to graphically visualize data frames composed of such rules.
Install the package using your R console:
The input data frames have to follow the format:
antecedent_support | p_value | kurtosis | skewness | mean | median | mode | standard_deviation | distribution_values | feature_conditions |
Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | List(Number) | List(String) |
# Using the illustrative data attached to the package
# Calculate the quantiles of every subgroup
# Calculate the counter-factual subgroups of every subgroup
calculate_quantiles(example_rules) %>% counter_factual_subgroups(c(0.00742,0.547, 0.926, 1.33, 2.42))
# Create and plot a graph representing the relationships between subgroups and individual feature conditions
x <- create_graph(example_rules, 0.926)
plot_graph(x$vertices, x$edges)
# List all subgroups' feature conditions as a vector
# Filter subgroups based on containing a certain pattern ("rm=]")
filter_subgroups(example_rules, "rm=]")
# Plot performance boxplots for a set of subgroups, having the whole error distribution as reference
performance_boxplots(rules = example_rules %>% head(-1), reference_conditions = example_rules %>% tail(1) %>% pull(feature_conditions), reference_distribution = example_rules %>% tail(1) %>% pull(distribution_values) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE), label = "error")
# Plot a single subgroup, having the whole error distribution as reference
plot_single_subgroup(subgroup_conditions = example_rules[1,]$feature_conditions, subgroup_distribution = example_rules[1,]$distribution_values %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE), reference_conditions = example_rules[nrow(example_rules),]$feature_conditions, reference_distribution = example_rules[nrow(example_rules),]$distribution_values %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE), type = "Boxplot", label = "error")
# Plot multiple subgroups, having the whole error distribution as reference
plot_multiple_subgroups(rules = example_rules %>% head(5), reference_conditions = example_rules %>% tail(1) %>% pull(feature_conditions), reference_distribution = example_rules %>% tail(1) %>% pull(distribution_values) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE), title = "First 5 Subgroups", label = "error", type = "density")
# Plot a grid of plots comparing inidividual subgroups with a reference
plot_grid_single_subgroup(example_rules, reference_conditions = example_rules %>% tail(1) %>% pull(feature_conditions), reference_distribution = example_rules %>% tail(1) %>% pull(distribution_values) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE), type = "boxplot", label = "error", items_per_page = 4)
# Plot subgroups shared by multiple models
rule_1 <- example_rules %>% head(1) %>% mutate(model = "SVM")
rule_2 <- rule_1 %>% mutate(distribution_values = (distribution_values %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE) + runif(distribution_values %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE) %>% length(), -1, 1)) %>% list(), model = "ANN")
reference_1 <- example_rules %>% tail(1) %>% mutate(model = "SVM")
reference_2 <- reference_1 %>% mutate(distribution_values = (distribution_values %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE) + runif(distribution_values %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE) %>% length(), -1, 1)) %>% list(), model = "ANN")
plot_multiple_models(rules = rbind(rule_1, rule_2, reference_1, reference_2), title = "Example of a title", label = "errors", type = "violinplot")
Unit and automated testing is to be implemented.
For any bug report or suggestion please contact me via the Issues section.