We sent this survey to everyone who had previously applied for a special event permit and had an email address.
On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being very unsatisfied and 5 being very satisfied, how satisfied were you with your experience requesting a special event permit from Baltimore City?
Likert scale from 1 to 5
What event(s) did you host?
Open text
What, if anything, would you want the City to improve?
Open text
What, if anything, did the City do well?
Open text
Was your permit approved?
[Logic from question 5 with “Yes” as a response] Approximately how long did it take from the time you applied to your permit to receiving it?
<15 days
15 - 30 days
30 - 45 days
45 - 60 days
">60 days"
[Logic from question 5 with “No” as a response] If denied, why was your permit denied?
How likely are you to host an event in Baltimore City again?
Likert scale from not very likely to very likely
Why or why not?
Open text
What else would you like us to know?
Open text
Demographics (will use Census verbiage):
- Do you live in Baltimore City? Y/N
- Age
- Race or ethnicity
- Gender