function makeAlert(msg, alertType) {
var defaultMsg = null;
if (alertType == 'info') {
@@ -149,6 +161,10 @@ function makeAlert(msg, alertType) {
+var analyzeButton = '';
+var clearButton = '';
* Analysis Control
* Contains button and subsequent results outputs from the tool.
@@ -163,13 +179,14 @@ var analyzeControl = L.control.custom({
' + analyzeButton + '
' +
'' +
- '',
+ '' +
+ '
' + clearButton + '
classes: 'list-group',
id: "analyze-control",
style: {
margin: '10px',
- padding: '0px 0 0 0',
- cursor: 'pointer',
+ padding: '0px 0 0 0'
+ //cursor: 'pointer',
@@ -359,129 +376,175 @@ HydroPowerClass.prototype.buildProfileGraphic = function() {
* instantiate the hydropower object
- */
-var hp = HydroPowerClass();
+ */
+hp = HydroPowerClass();
* run the two GP tasks at once
-var runGP = function (hp) {
- var elevProfileStatus = $.Deferred();
- var elevProfileService = L.esri.GP.service({
- url: "http://elevation.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/Tools/ElevationSync/GPServer/Profile",
- useCors: true,
- token: arcgis_token
- });
- var elevProfileTask = elevProfileService.createTask();
- var watershedStatus = $.Deferred();
- var watershedService = L.esri.GP.service({
- url: "http://hydro.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/Tools/Hydrology/GPServer/Watershed",
- useCors: true,
- token: arcgis_token
- });
- var watershedTask = watershedService.createTask();
+var runGP = function () {
+ var e = $.Deferred();
+ var w = $.Deferred();
* run the Elevation Profile service
- elevProfileTask.on('initialized', function() {
- // set input parameters
- elevProfileTask.setParam("DEMResolution ", "FINEST");
- elevProfileTask.setParam("ProfileIdField", "OID");
- elevProfileTask.setParam("MaximumSampleDistance", 50000);
- elevProfileTask.setParam("returnZ", true);
- // Input must be an L.LatLng, L.LatLngBounds, L.Marker or GeoJSON Point Line or Polygon object
- elevProfileTask.setParam("InputLineFeatures", drawnPolyline.toGeoJSON());
- // update status
- hp.status.profile = "Elevation initialized. Submitting Request...";
- console.log(hp.status.profile);
- // run the task
- elevProfileTask.run(function(error, result, response) {
- if (error) {
- hp.status.profile = "Elevation Profile: " + error.message + "(code:" + error.code + ")";
- $('#msg-status').html(makeAlert(hp.status.profile, 'danger'));
- console.log(error.details);
- elevProfileStatus.resolve();
- } else {
- // messages
- hp.status.profile = "Elevation Profile: Complete";
- console.log(hp.status.profile);
- console.log(result);
- // update the class
- hp.profile = result;
- // resolve callback
- elevProfileStatus.resolve();
- }
+ //function runElevProfileGP() {
+ var elevProfileService = L.esri.GP.service({
+ url: "http://elevation.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/Tools/ElevationSync/GPServer/Profile",
+ useCors: true,
+ token: arcgis_token
- });
+ var elevProfileTask = elevProfileService.createTask();
+ elevProfileTask.on('initialized', function() {
+ // set input parameters
+ elevProfileTask.setParam("DEMResolution ", "FINEST");
+ elevProfileTask.setParam("ProfileIdField", "OID");
+ elevProfileTask.setParam("MaximumSampleDistance", 50000);
+ elevProfileTask.setParam("returnZ", true);
+ // Input must be an L.LatLng, L.LatLngBounds, L.Marker or GeoJSON Point Line or Polygon object
+ elevProfileTask.setParam("InputLineFeatures", drawnPolyline.toGeoJSON());
+ // update status
+ console.log("Elevation initialized. Submitting Request...");
+ // run the task
+ elevProfileTask.run(function(error, result, response) {
+ if (error) {
+ msg = "Elevation Profile: " + error.message + "(code:" + error.code + ")";
+ $('#msg-status').html(makeAlert(msg, 'danger'));
+ console.log(error.details);
+ e.resolve(error);
+ } else {
+ // messages
+ msg = "Elevation Profile: Complete";
+ console.log(msg);
+ console.log(result);
+ // resolve callback
+ e.resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ //}
* run the Watershed service
- */
- watershedTask.on('initialized', function() {
- // InputPoints must be an L.LatLng, L.LatLngBounds, L.Marker or GeoJSON Point Line or Polygon object
- watershedTask.setParam("InputPoints", drawnPoint.toGeoJSON());
- watershedTask.setParam("SourceDatabase", "FINEST");
- watershedTask.setParam("PointIDField", "OID");
- watershedTask.setParam("SnapDistance", 500);
- watershedTask.setParam("Generalize", true);
- watershedTask.setParam("ReturnSnappedPoints", false);
- // output parameters (required for an async GP service)
- var outputWatershedArea, outputSnappedPoints;
- watershedTask.setOutputParam("WatershedArea");
- //watershedTask.setOutputParam("SnappedPoints");
- watershedTask.gpAsyncResultParam("WatershedArea", outputWatershedArea);
- //watershedTask.gpAsyncResultParam("SnappedPoints", outputSnappedPoints);
- hp.status.watershed = "Watershed initialized. Submitting Request...";
- console.log(hp.status.watershed);
- $('#analyze').prop("disabled", false);
+ */
+ //function runWatershedGP () {
+ var watershedService = L.esri.GP.service({
+ url: "http://hydro.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/Tools/Hydrology/GPServer/Watershed",
+ useCors: true,
+ token: arcgis_token
+ });
+ var watershedTask = watershedService.createTask();
+ watershedTask.on('initialized', function() {
+ // InputPoints must be an L.LatLng, L.LatLngBounds, L.Marker or GeoJSON Point Line or Polygon object
+ watershedTask.setParam("InputPoints", drawnPoint.toGeoJSON());
+ watershedTask.setParam("SourceDatabase", "FINEST");
+ watershedTask.setParam("PointIDField", "OID");
+ watershedTask.setParam("SnapDistance", 500);
+ watershedTask.setParam("Generalize", true);
+ watershedTask.setParam("ReturnSnappedPoints", false);
+ // output parameters (required for an async GP service)
+ var outputWatershedArea;
+ watershedTask.setOutputParam("WatershedArea");
+ watershedTask.gpAsyncResultParam("WatershedArea", outputWatershedArea);
+ //var outputSnappedPoints;
+ //watershedTask.setOutputParam("SnappedPoints");
+ //watershedTask.gpAsyncResultParam("SnappedPoints", outputSnappedPoints);
+ console.log("Watershed initialized. Submitting Request...");
+ $('#analyze').prop("disabled", false);
+ watershedTask.run(function(error, result, response) {
+ //console.log(response);
+ if (error) {
+ // messages
+ msg = "Watershed: " + error.message + "(code:" + error.code + ")";
+ console.log(msg);
+ console.log(error);
+ // update alert
+ $('#msg-status').append(makeAlert(msg, 'danger'));
+ // resolve callback
+ w.resolve(error);
+ } else {
+ // messages
+ msg = "Watershed: Complete";
+ console.log(msg);
+ console.log(result);
+ // resolve callback
+ w.resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
- watershedTask.run(function(error, result, response) {
- //console.log(response);
- if (error) {
- // messages
- hp.status.watershed = "Watershed: " + error.message + "(code:" + error.code + ")";
- console.log(hp.status.watershed);
- console.log(error);
- // update alert
- $('#msg-status').append(makeAlert(hp.status.watershed, 'danger'));
- // resolve callback
- watershedStatus.resolve();
- } else {
- // messages
- hp.status.watershed = "Watershed: Complete";
- console.log(hp.status.watershed);
- console.log(result);
- // update the class
- hp.watershed = result;
- // resolve callback
- watershedStatus.resolve();
- }
- });
- // return the deferral
- return $.Deferred(function (def) {
- $.when(elevProfileStatus, watershedStatus).done(function () {
- def.resolve();
+ //}
+ /* when runGP runs, it first hits $.Deferred. The first argument is a function
+ * that executes before anything else. That argument is a $.when function,
+ * which runs the two functions defined above. When done, the results
+ * are passed into a callback function that resolves the whole thing and
+ * returns the two results objects from runGP
+ */
+ var x = $.Deferred(function (def) {
+ // elevProfileResult, watershedResult
+ $.when(e, w).done(function (eR,wR) {
+ def.resolve(eR,wR);
+ return x;
-var analyzeGPResults = function() {
- //post process the GP service results with these two methods:
- hp.getArea();
+var analyzeGPResults = function(elevProfileResult,watershedResult) {
+ console.log("Analyzing GP Results...");
+ console.log(elevProfileResult);
+ console.log(watershedResult);
+ /*post process the GP service results with these two methods:
+ hp.profile = elevProfileResult;
- // add the results to our message area
- $('#msg-text').append('
' + hp.area + ' km^2
- $('#msg-text').append('
' + hp.head + ' m
- // use stored data to run calculation
+ hp.watershed = watershedResult;
+ hp.getArea();
- $('#msg-text').append('
' + hp.power + ' m
- $('#msg-status').html(makeAlert(null,'success'));
- $('#analyze').prop("disabled", false);
+ */
+ // get the area value, which is buried in the service result object
+ var area = watershedResult.WatershedArea.features[0].properties.AreaSqKm;
+ $('#msg-text').append('
' + _round(area,2) + ' km^2
+ //get the line from the result object
+ var line = elevProfileResult.OutputProfile.features[0];
+ // get the coords from the line
+ var coords = line.geometry.coordinates;
+ // get the z values from the first and last coordinate
+ var firstZ = coords[0][2];
+ var lastZ = coords[coords.length - 1][2];
+ // save the difference
+ var head = lastZ - firstZ;
+ // check result. It must be a positive number
+ $('#msg-text').append('
' + _round(head,2) + ' m
+ // calculate power
+ var Qavail = (area * 1.6);
+ //where x is a range from 0.1 to 0.5 with default value of 0.3 (edited)
+ var x = 0.3;
+ var Qenv = (area * x);
+ var Quseable = Qavail - Qenv;
+ //Power in kW; where e is a variable with default value 0.7 (edited)
+ var e = 0.7;
+ var p = Quseable * head * (0.084) * e;
+ var power = _round(p, 2);
+ if (head < 0) {
+ $('#msg-status').html(makeAlert("The head calculation returned a negative value. Make sure the line was drawn downstream→upstream.", 'danger'));
+ } else {
+ $('#msg-status').html(makeAlert(null,'success'));
+ }
+ $('#msg-text').append('
Power Potential:
' + power + ' kW/year
+ $('#clear-button-item').show();
+ $('#analyze').prop("disabled", true);
@@ -489,17 +552,17 @@ var analyzeGPResults = function() {
$('#analyze').click(function() {
- /**
- * reset the messages
- */
- $('.analysis-status').show();
- $('#msg-text').html();
- // set tthe status to
+ // reset the messages
+ $('#analyze').prop("disabled", true);
+ $('.analysis-status').hide();
+ $('.analysis-status').empty();
+ $('#clear-button-item').hide();
+ // set the new status to
+ $('.analysis-status').show();
- /**
- * print geometries to console
- */
+ // print geometries to console