Example Tenable IO integration, this utility exports Tenable IO vulnerabilities to a CSV file with a degree of customisation.
- Has been tested on Windows and Linux with Python 3.6
- Exported file loaded successfully with MS SSIS
- Allows command line or config file configuration
- Has logging
Based on my experience where clients often require small changes post deployment I have included the ability to adjust aspects of the csv generation through the configuration file
- Allows adjusting list of fields in the file
- Allows adjusting column header names for the file
- Allows tweaking of CSV file generation (field separator, line termination, string quoting)
As part of a real engagement implementation details and choices about deployment, libraries used and coding conventions would be discussed with the client the integration consultants and from experience with prior integrations. I have made a variety of assumptions in this process such as;
- There are a number of CVSS scores, base and temporal for CVSS and CVSS3, normally I would consult with colleagues and then the client to ensure I am referring to the correct score, in this instance I've assumed that those discussions have been had and it was resolved that we're talking about the cvss base score
- The specification lists configurability of the output file name and output file directory as two separate points. I have updated the utility to take a single argument containing either a filename with or without the path (eg, -o text.csv will create text.csv in the current directory, c:\temp\text.csv will create it in c:\temp\text.csv). This is similar to other cli tools and avoids confusion when an output path is specified in the config file, and an absolute path is then provided as a command line argument.
- I would normally find out what tool is being used to consume the CSV file and ensure the generated file works correctly.
- Python 3.4+
- Tenable IO library (tenable_io)
- ConfigArgParse
- Pandas
To install and add dependencies
$ git clone https://github.com/tj-scott/tio-18-001-tio2csv.git
$ cd tio-18-001-tio2csv
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
C:\src\python\github\tio-18-001-tio2csv>pip install -r requirements.txt
In order to use this utility
- Provide your Tenable.io access and secret key through environment variables TIO_ACCESS_KEY and TIO_SECRET_KEY or in the tio2csv.config file. More information about acquiring API keys can be found at Generate an API Key
- Provide an output filename through the tio2csv.config file or via the command line. The filename may be a relative or absolute path (-o vuln.csv or c:\temp\vuln.csv).
$ export TIO_ACCESS_KEY={your tio access key}
$ export TIO_SECRET_KEY={your tio secret key}
$ python3 tio2csv.py -o vulnerabilities.csv
C:\src\python\github\tio-18-001-tio2csv>set TIO_ACCESS_KEY={your tio access key}
C:\src\python\github\tio-18-001-tio2csv>set TIO_SECRET_KEY={your tio secret key}
C:\src\python\github\tio-18-001-tio2csv>python tio2csv.py -o vulnerabilities
You should see
INFO - Started
INFO - About to export vulnerabilities from tenable.io (this may take a few moments...
INFO - completed vulnerabilities export from tenable.io
INFO - Loading chunk number 1
INFO - Loading data file /tmp/vulns_1.json
INFO - Exported 1461 vulnerabilities to /home/tscott/github/tio-18-001-tio2csv/vulnerabilities.csv
INFO - Finished
The utility has number of other options and these can be provided on the command line or in the tio2csv.config configuration file
A list of the configuration options can be seen by using the -h or --help options
$ python tio2csv.py -h
usage: tio2csv.py [-h]
--tio_access_key TIO_ACCESS_KEY
--tio_secret_key TIO_SECRET_KEY
[--temp_file_dir TEMP_FILE_DIR]
[--temp_file_name TEMP_FILE_NAME]
[--keep_temp_files KEEP_TEMP_FILES]
[--vuln_state VULN_STATE]
[--vuln_severity VULN_SEVERITY]
[--csv_header_row CSV_HEADER_ROW]
[--csv_columns CSV_COLUMNS]
[--csv_column_names CSV_COLUMN_NAMES]
[--csv_null_value CSV_NULL_VALUE]
[--csv_replace_newline_character CSV_REPLACE_NEWLINE_CHARACTER]
[--csv_newline_character CSV_NEWLINE_CHARACTER]
[--csv_delimiter CSV_DELIMITER]
[--csv_quote_char CSV_QUOTE_CHAR]
[--csv_quote_everything CSV_QUOTE_EVERYTHING]
tio2csv is a utility for exporting Tenable.io vulnerabilities to a CSV file.
Args that start with '--' (eg. -o) can also be set in a config file
(C:\src\python\github\tio-18-001-tio2csv\tio2csv.config or specified via -c).
Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details,
see syntax at https://goo.gl/R74nmi). If an arg is specified in more than one
place, then commandline values override environment variables which override
config file values which override defaults.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c MY_CONFIG, --my-config MY_CONFIG
config file path (will load tio2csv.config by default)
-o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, --output_file_name OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
The output CSV file name
--tio_access_key TIO_ACCESS_KEY
Tenable.io API access key (can also be provided by
environment variable TIO_ACCESS_KEY) [env var:
--tio_secret_key TIO_SECRET_KEY
Tenable.io API secret key (can also be provided by
environment variable TIO_SECRET_KEY) [env var:
--temp_file_dir TEMP_FILE_DIR
Temporary directory for vulnerability export files
from Tenable.io (defaults to system temporary
--temp_file_name TEMP_FILE_NAME
filename for vulnerability export file (defaults to
--keep_temp_files KEEP_TEMP_FILES
Keep vulnerability download files (defaults to false)
--vuln_state VULN_STATE
The list of vulnerability states to include in the
export, options are [OPEN, REOPENED, FIXED] (defaults
to [open,reopened])
--vuln_severity VULN_SEVERITY
The list of vulnerability severity levels to include
in the export, options are [[info, low, medium, high,
critical] (defaults to [high,critical])
--csv_header_row CSV_HEADER_ROW
Should the csv file contain a header row with the
column names (defaults to True)
--csv_columns CSV_COLUMNS
The list of columns to export to the CSV file, see
config file for available columns and default
--csv_column_names CSV_COLUMN_NAMES
List of column header names to use in output CSV file,
if not provided and csv_header_row is set to true, it
will use the default column names
--csv_null_value CSV_NULL_VALUE
Written to csv file when a value is not found for an
element (defaults to NULL)
--csv_replace_newline_character CSV_REPLACE_NEWLINE_CHARACTER
If specified, replaces newline characters in strings
to ensure one text file line per row, some csv parsers
dont like more than one line per data row. Will need
to reverse this when parsing file
--csv_newline_character CSV_NEWLINE_CHARACTER
The character used to indicate a new line in the csv
--csv_delimiter CSV_DELIMITER
The character used to indicate a new field in the csv
--csv_quote_char CSV_QUOTE_CHAR
The character used to indicate a new field in the csv
--csv_quote_everything CSV_QUOTE_EVERYTHING
Set to true to surround every element in the CSV file
with quotes
- my_config This option allows you to specify an alternative config file instead of the default tio2csv.config
- output_file_name Is the name of the CSV file which the utility will produce.
- tio_access_key and tio_secret_key Is your API access key and secret from Tenable.IO. This is probably best provided via an environment variable or on the command line to prevent other users reading this sensitive information from the config file.
In order to export more than 5000 vulnerabilities the utility needs to use the vulns-request-export API. This will download vulnerabilities into a temporary json file(s) before processing. These settings allow you to adjust the location, name and persistence of those download file(s).
- temp_file_dir The directory for the temporary files. This will default to the system temp directory if left undefined
- temp_file_name The file name used for the temporary files. There can be multiple files if there are enough vulnerabilities so the pattern %(chunk_id)s is used by the tenable_io library to name each file. If that pattern isn't provided the chunk number will be appended to the end of the provided file name
- keep_temp_files Is a flag that will determine whether the json vulnerability files are retained after the utility is run. The default is False, but setting this value to True may be useful for debugging or archival purpouses. (Files will be over-written next time the utility is run)
- vuln_state can be used to choose whether OPEN, REOPENED and FIXED vulnerabilities are included. By default OPEN and REOPENED vulnerabilities are included
- vuln_severity is used to indicate which severity levels should be included in the export, options are info, low, medium, high and critical. Default is high and critical
As a semi-formal standard, some CSV parser implementations can have compatibility issues. These options allow the output file format to be tweaked if there are issues importing the file.
The default settings when downloaded from Github have been tested to work when importing data using Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services.
- csv_header_row is used to choose whether columns headers are written to the CSV file, by default column headers are written
- csv_null_value When a vulnerability doesn't have a value for an attribute this can be used to determine what is written to the csv file, by default this value is null
- csv_newline_character The default character used to denote a new row in the CSV file '\n', but if the CSV parser expects '\r\n' this can be set with this option
- csv_delimiter If a column separator other than the default comma is required for compatibility with the parser it can be provided with this option
- csv_quote_character A double quote is used to escape strings within the csv file by default but can be changed with this option
- csv_quote_everything By default only string values are quoted, if this option is set to True then quotes will be used on every field. This may help the csv parser or data load, but will show numbers as strings.
- csv_replace_newline_character Some CSV parsers don't like newline characters within quoted strings, (resulting in more than one text file line per data row). This option lets you specify a character to replace newline characters within strings. The application loading this data file will need to restore the newlines on load if it wants to present data properly. If nothing is specified it will not replace newline characters.
These options allow for adjustment of the content of the csv output file. If additional fields or adjustments to column headers are required they can be changed here. Some fields like plugin.cve contain lists of sub-items, these will be compressed into one field with items separated by a semi-colon.
- csv_column_headers This allows a list of column headers to be provided to override default column names, useful for providing more human readable headers. If csv_header_row is True and this value is not defined the header will use the natural column name (from the list below)
- csv_columns This allows adjustment of the columns included in the CSV file. The field names represent a flattened version of the vulnerability export json object with hierarchy represented by dot notation. The list of available columns is
- asset.agent_uuid
- asset.bios_uuid
- asset.device_type
- asset.fqdn
- asset.hostname
- asset.ipv4
- asset.last_authenticated_results
- asset.operating_system
- asset.tracked
- asset.uuid
- first_found
- last_found
- output
- plugin.bid
- plugin.canvas_package
- plugin.cpe
- plugin.cve
- plugin.cvss3_base_score
- plugin.cvss3_temporal_score
- plugin.cvss3_temporal_vector.exploitability
- plugin.cvss3_temporal_vector.raw
- plugin.cvss3_temporal_vector.remediation_level
- plugin.cvss3_temporal_vector.report_confidence
- plugin.cvss3_vector.access_complexity
- plugin.cvss3_vector.access_vector
- plugin.cvss3_vector.availability_impact
- plugin.cvss3_vector.confidentiality_impact
- plugin.cvss3_vector.integrity_impact
- plugin.cvss3_vector.raw
- plugin.cvss_base_score
- plugin.cvss_temporal_score
- plugin.cvss_temporal_vector.exploitability
- plugin.cvss_temporal_vector.raw
- plugin.cvss_temporal_vector.remediation_level
- plugin.cvss_temporal_vector.report_confidence
- plugin.cvss_vector.access_complexity
- plugin.cvss_vector.access_vector
- plugin.cvss_vector.authentication
- plugin.cvss_vector.availability_impact
- plugin.cvss_vector.confidentiality_impact
- plugin.cvss_vector.integrity_impact
- plugin.cvss_vector.raw
- plugin.description
- plugin.exploit_available
- plugin.exploit_framework_canvas
- plugin.exploit_framework_core
- plugin.exploit_framework_metasploit
- plugin.exploitability_ease
- plugin.exploited_by_malware
- plugin.family
- plugin.family_id
- plugin.has_patch
- plugin.id
- plugin.in_the_news
- plugin.metasploit_name
- plugin.modification_date
- plugin.ms_bulletin
- plugin.name
- plugin.patch_publication_date
- plugin.publication_date
- plugin.risk_factor
- plugin.see_also
- plugin.solution
- plugin.stig_severity
- plugin.synopsis
- plugin.type
- plugin.unsupported_by_vendor
- plugin.version
- plugin.vuln_publication_date
- plugin.xrefs
- port.port
- port.protocol
- port.service
- scan.completed_at
- scan.schedule_uuid
- scan.started_at
- scan.uuid
- severity
- severity_default_id
- severity_id
- severity_modification_type
- state
Logging is configured in the file log.ini. Default behaviour is to log all messages to ./tio2csv.log and display all messages except debug on stderr