The file OpenPGP-v5.3.0.js is the unmodified OpenPGP.js 5.3.0 single-file JS library.
The file is a modified version of OpenPGP-v5.3.0.js with some ad-hoc changes to make it work with Google Apps Script.
The file is a simple example app that uses to sign a message.
The openpgpgs-v5.3.0 branch contains the changes relative to the OpenPGP.js v5.3.0 release tag.
mkdir output
git checkout openpgpgs-$V
npm install
cp dist/openpgp.js output/OpenPGP-$
cp dist/openpgp.min.js output/OpenPGP-$
git checkout openpgpjs-$V
npm install
cp dist/openpgp.js output/OpenPGP-$V.js
git checkout main
cp output/OpenPGP-$V.{gs,,js} .
diff -u OpenPGP-$V.{js,gs} > OpenPGP-$V.js2gs.diff