This project uses the feature provided by Terraform to select a workspace. I'm leveraging this feature in order to enable the code to be compatible with multiples environments. In other words, based on the workspaces this code can be deployed in, for instance, development as dev or production as prod. In this case I'm using dev
and prod
Setting dev environment
export ENVIRONMENT=dev
Creating a new workspace
terraform workspace new $ENVIRONMENT
Selecting an existing workspace
terraform workspace select $ENVIRONMENT
Precondition: Remember to stay logged in before to follow with the next steps.
To preserve state in each execution I chose to save them in S3. It's recommended enable versioning in S3 to allow recovering the states. There are many options to set the backend configuration, you can find them here, but here I let you one:
terraform init \
-backend-config="region=$REGION" \
-backend-config="bucket=$BUCKET_NAME" \
For testing the infrastructure I used terraform compliance, for more details visit the official documentation Test files are located in tests folder.
For running tests, I propose to create a new workspace dedicated to this. Specifically, I created a tst workspace that will allow generating a complete plan every time. Also, the variables of this workspace should exist in the variables file
Creating workspace tst
terraform workspace new tst
Selecting workspace tst
terraform workspace select tst
Generate a plan to tests
terraform plan -out terraform.out
terraform show -json terraform.out > plan.json
Running tests
terraform-compliance -p plan.json -f tests