This project includes data analysis of shopping trends and customer's behaviour using descriptive and inferential analysis.
Check a file "Shopping_trends_presentation.pdf" to see a presentation of this analysis or go below to see slices of that presentation with a source code and plots.
Dataset used in this project is in file : 'shopping_trends_updated.csv'
Full code of this data analysis in :
- jupyter lab file: 'Shopping_trends.ipynb'
- python file: ''
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
# 0 Customer ID 3900 non-null int64
# 1 Age 3900 non-null int64
# 2 Gender 3900 non-null object
# 3 Item Purchased 3900 non-null object
# 4 Category 3900 non-null object
# 5 Purchase Amount USD 3900 non-null int64
# 6 Location 3900 non-null object
# 7 Size 3900 non-null object
# 8 Color 3900 non-null object
# 9 Season 3900 non-null object
# 10 Review Rating 3900 non-null float64
# 11 Subscription Status 3900 non-null object
# 12 Shipping Type 3900 non-null object
# 13 Discount Applied 3900 non-null object
# 14 Promo Code Used 3900 non-null object
# 15 Previous Purchases 3900 non-null int64
# 16 Payment Method 3900 non-null object
# 17 Frequency of Purchases 3900 non-null object)
in code :
# distributions of continuous data :
pd.option_context('mode.use_inf_as_na', True)
sns.displot(df['Age'], kde=True)
sns.displot(df['Purchase Amount USD'], kde=True)
sns.displot(df['Review Rating'], kde=True)
sns.displot(df['Previous Purchases'], kde=True)
in code :
# numbers of categorical data :
for col in df.select_dtypes(['object']).columns:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30,10))
ax = sns.countplot(x=df[col], palette='vlag', hue=df['Gender'], order = df[col].value_counts().index)
for container in ax.containers:
in code :
# spearman's correlation but discrete and binary data:
corr_s = encode_df.corr('spearman', numeric_only=True)
sns.heatmap(corr_s, cmap="rainbow", vmin=-0.9, vmax=0.9, fmt='.3f', annot=True)
# now focus on categorical data :
# encode categorical data:
encoder = OrdinalEncoder()
encoded_df2 = df.copy()
encoded_df2['Gender'] = encoded_df2['Gender'].map({'Male': 1.0, 'Female': 0.0})
encoded_df2['Subscription Status'] = encoded_df2['Subscription Status'].map({'Yes': 1.0, 'No': 0.0})
encoded_df2['Discount Applied'] = encoded_df2['Discount Applied'].map({'Yes': 1.0, 'No': 0.0})
encoded_df2['Promo Code Used'] = encoded_df2['Promo Code Used'].map({'Yes': 1.0, 'No': 0.0})
for col in encoded_df2.select_dtypes(['object']).columns:
encoded_df2[col] = encoder.fit_transform(encoded_df2[col].values.reshape(-1, 1))
# make a function to calculate correlation between 2 features with Cramer's V correlation :
def cramers_corr(v1, v2):
cross_tab =np.array(pd.crosstab(v1, v2, rownames=None, colnames=None))
x2 = stats.chi2_contingency(cross_tab)[0]
n = np.sum(cross_tab)
min_dimen = min(cross_tab.shape)-1
cramer = np.sqrt((x2/n) / min_dimen)
return cramer
# calculate cramer's correlation across all columns and rows :
rows= []
for v1 in encoded_df2:
col = []
for v2 in encoded_df2:
cramers =cramers_corr(encoded_df2[v1], encoded_df2[v2])
# put result into data frame :
cramer_results = np.array(rows)
cramer_df = pd.DataFrame(cramer_results, columns = encoded_df2.columns, index =encoded_df2.columns)
# heatmap to visualize it :
cramer_corr = cramer_df.corr()
sns.heatmap(cramer_corr, cmap="icefire", vmin=0, vmax=1.0, fmt='.3f', annot=True)
# p value:
cramer_pvalue = []
cramer = []
for v1 in cramer_df:
col = []
for v2 in cramer_df:
cramers, pvalue =stats.pearsonr(cramer_df[v1], cramer_df[v2])
cramer_pvalues = np.array(cramer_pvalue)
cramer_pvalue_df = pd.DataFrame(cramer_pvalues, columns = encoded_df2.columns, index =encoded_df2.columns)
in code for 1 example :
filter3 = pl_data.group_by(by=("Location")).agg([pl.mean("Purchase Amount (USD)").alias("mean")])
pd_df = filter3.to_pandas()
fig = px.sunburst(pd_df,
width=750, height=750,
title="Purchase Amount (USD) distribution grouped by Location"
in code MCA :
import prince
dff = df.copy()
dff_mca = df.copy()
cols_to_mca = ['Gender', 'Item Purchased', 'Category', 'Location', 'Size', 'Color', 'Season', 'Subscription Status', 'Shipping Type', 'Discount Applied', 'Promo Code Used', 'Payment Method', 'Frequency of Purchases']
# MCA model :
mca = prince.MCA(n_components = 10)
mca1 =[cols_to_mca])
in code PCA :
scaler = StandardScaler()
cols_to_scale = ['Purchase Amount USD', 'Previous Purchases', 'Age', 'Review Rating']
# create and fit scaler, scale data :[cols_to_scale])
dff[cols_to_scale] = scaler.transform(dff[cols_to_scale])
# PCA model :
pca = prince.PCA(n_components = 3)
pca1 =[cols_to_scale])
Looking at PCA plot and pvalue= ~0.05782, features "Purchase Amount USD" and "Review Rating" seem to be significantly correlated In plots below, the Purchase Amount slightly increases as the Review Rating increases :
in code :
sns.lineplot(x="Review Rating", y="Purchase Amount USD", data=df)
sns.jointplot(x="Review Rating", y="Purchase Amount USD", data=df, kind="hex")
in code :
# kmeans
scaler = StandardScaler()
dd = scaler.fit_transform(df_age_rev)
dd = pd.DataFrame(dd, columns=['Age', 'Purchase Amount USD', 'Review Rating'])
kmeans3d = KMeans(n_clusters = 4, init = 'k-means++', random_state=42)
y = kmeans3d.fit_predict(df_age_rev)
df_age_rev['cluster'] = y
color_list = ['deeppink', 'blue', 'red', 'orange', 'darkviolet', 'brown']
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10, 7))
ax = plt.axes(projection ="3d")
for i in range(df_age_rev.cluster.nunique()):
label = "cluster=" + str(i+1)
ax.scatter3D(df_age_rev[df_age_rev.cluster==i]['Review Rating'], df_age_rev[df_age_rev.cluster==i]['Purchase Amount USD'], df_age_rev[df_age_rev.cluster==i]['Age'], c=color_list[i], label=label)
ax.set_xlabel('Review Rating')
ax.set_ylabel('Purchase Amount USD')
plt.title("Kmeans Clustering Of Features")
This data analysis helped in better understanding of shopping trends like
-- prefered colors,categories or sizes of clothes
-- changes in trends due to gender, age, location
-- customer segmentation based on shopping trends
Thank you for reading !