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Greedy Search
for the best Minimally Complex Models (MCM)

This program allows the detection of community structures in binary data, while taking into account possible high-order patterns of the data in detecting the communities (i.e., possible high-order correlations between the variables). The idea of the algorithm is based on performing statistical inference with a family of spin models (maximum entropy models for binary data) that have minimal information-theoretic complexity. These models are called Minimally Complex Models (MCM). We use the fact that each partition of the variables (i.e., a community structure) can be mapped to an MCM.

One huge advantage of Minimally Complex Models is that the model evidence (integration of the likelihood over the model parameter) has a known analytic expression that is easy to compute numerically. As a consequence, the computation of the model evidence doesn’t require fitting the parameters of the model nor computing a numerical integral, which allows to significantly accelerate the comparison between models. The selected model can also be used as a generative model for data. Details can be found in the paper Statistical Inference of Minimally Complex Models [1].

This repository contains a code initially developed for the paper Ref. [1] and later optimized for the paper Ref.[2]. The program performs a greedy search for the best Minimally Complex Spin Model (MCM) on a basis provided by the user. The comparison between models is based on their evidence (i.e., posterior probability that the model generates the data, integrated over its parameter values). The code performs a hierarchical merging procedure to find an optimal MCM in the basis chosen by the user. The code can run for systems with up to n=128 variables.

This program is complementary to the program available in, which performs an exhaustive search for the best community. We recommend using the greedy search over the exhaustive search when the number of variables exceeds 15. A simulated annealing version of the optimization procedure can also be found in, which can find solutions closer to the global optimal.

It is also possible to use the program to generate samples from a chosen MCM, as well as print out the model probability distribution.

[1] C. de Mulatier, P. P. Mazza, M. Marsili, Statistical Inference of Minimally Complex Models, arXiv:2008.00520

[2] E. Peerbooms, S. Kamphof, J.-H. Lestang, C. de Mulatier, Statistical Modeling of High-Order Community Structures in Binary Data (arxiv coming soon)

To cite this repository:
C. de Mulatier, S. Kamphof. (2024). Greedy Search for the best Minimally Complex Model (v1.0). Zenodo.

Different programs for searching for the best MCM:

The comparison between models is based on their evidence (posterior probability that the model generates the data, integrated over its parameter values). All these programs aim at finding the models with the largest log-evidence.

  • Exhaustive search: The program available here performs an exhaustive search for the best community. The code goes through all possible MCMs of a given rank r, and finds the one with the largest evidence (exact optimal model). The limiting factor of this code is that the space of possible MCMs increases almost exponentially with the number r of variables (the number of MCMs on a chosen basis is given by the Bell number of r). We recommend using a different strategy when the number of variables exceeds ~13 to 15.

  • Greedy search VS Simulated annealing: We recommend using the simulated annealing algorithm (here) if you are interested in finding a solution that is as close as possible to the global optimal, or when the local greedy procedure fails to merge the initial spin variables into communities (this could be due to the absence of strong pairwise patterns, for example). We recommend the Greedy algorithm if you are looking for a fast converging algorithm, as it will allow finding near-optimal solutions in reasonable times when the search space becomes too large.

General information

The code performs a hierarchical merging procedure to try to find the optimal Minimally Complex Model (MCM) in the basis chosen by the user.

  • Chosen Basis: The code starts by re-writing the data in the basis provided by the user. By default, this basis is the original basis of the data.

  • Greedy Search: To perform the hierarchical merging procedure, the code starts with r initial communities, and then successively merges the two communities that lead to the largest increase in the log-Evidence of the model. The code iterates this procedure until no more communities can be merged without decreasing the log-Evidence. By default, the n initial communities are taken to be such that there is only one variable in each community. This procedure returns the MCM that achieves the maximal value of the evidence along the hierarchical merging process, as the number of communities varies from n to 1.



The code uses the C++11 version of C++.

Format of the input datafiles:

The data file and the basis file must be placed in the INPUT folder and have the following format:

  • Data file: The dataset must be provided in a text file in which the state of each variable is either a '0' or a '1'. The file must have:

    • n columns, where n is the number of variables;
    • N lines, each corresponding to a new datapoint (where N is the total number of datapoints).

    See the example file MNIST11.sorted which is a dataset with n=121 variables and N=60 000 binary datapoints.

  • Basis file: The basis must be provided in a text file, in which basis operators are defined in each line by a binary string of size n:

    • a '0' at the i-th index indicates that the i-th spin is not involved in the operator;
    • a '1' at the i-th index indicates that the i-th spin contributes to the operator.

    Spins must be ordered in the same order as in the original datafile, i.e. the i-th index from the left in the basis file corresponds to the i-th spin from the left in the datafile. The number $r$ of basis operators can be smaller than the original number $n$ of spin variables, in which case there will be a dimension reduction of the dataset after basis transformation. The important thing is that the basis operators provided are independent (i.e. they form an independent set). You must make sure that this is the case, as the program won't check it (see Ref. [1] for more information about this).

    See the example file MNIST11.sorted_BestBasis_k4_Binary.dat which contains a basis with n=121 basis operators, each encoded over the n=121 original basis variables. Each operator corresponds to a new line. Note that the text appearing after the n-th columns is simply ignored by the function reading the basis. Similarly, empty lines or lines starting with characters other than '0' or '1' are ignored (see for example the line starting with '#').

  • MCM file (for sampling only): The MCM file must be placed in the OUTPUT folder. It must be a text file in which the chosen MCM is specified by a list of binary strings, in the same format as the MCM output by the greedy search procedure (see section "Output and format of the returned MCMs" below). One can use directly the MCM file generated by the greedy search as an input for the sampling. For example, see the file MNIST11_MCM_inBnew.dat in the output folder, which contains the best MCM found by the greedy search for the MNIST dataset in the new basis. See also the file SCOTUS_n9_N895_Data_MCM_inBnew_exh.dat, which contains the best MCM found by the exhaustive search for the SCOTUS dataset in the new basis.

Usage without Makefile:

  • To compile: Type in your Terminal from the main folder:

    g++ -std=c++11 -O3 includes/main_routines.cpp main.cpp src/MCM/*.cpp -include includes/library.hpp -o MCM_Greedy.out

    or use the bash script by running in your Terminal:

  • To execute the greedy search: The data and basis files be placed in the INPUT folder. In the following commands, replace [datafilename] by the name of your datafile, [n] by the number of variables, and [basisfilename] by the name of the file containing a chosen new basis (optional).

    • Greedy Search in the original basis: This will run the greedy search in the basis in which the dataset is provided:
      ./GreedySearch.out  [datafilename] [n]
    • Greedy Search in a chosen basis: You can run the greedy search in another chosen basis by using the option -b followed by the name of the basis file [basisfilename]:
      ./GreedySearch.out  [datafilename] [n] -b [basisfilename]
  • To execute sampling from an MCM: The data and basis files be placed in the INPUT folder; the MCM file must be placed in the OUTPUT folder. In the following commands, replace [mcmfilename] by the name of the file containing the chosen mcm.

    • Sampling from an MCM defined in the original basis: This will sample from the chosen MCM in the same basis as the dataset:
      ./GreedySearch.out  [datafilename] [n] --sample [mcmfilename]
    • Sampling from an MCM defined in another basis: This will sample from the chosen MCM in the basis specified in [basisfilename] (using the option -b):
      ./GreedySearch.out  [datafilename] [n] -b [basisfilename] --sample [mcmfilename]

    Other options for greedy search: You can also use the following options: --full, --NoCheckPoint and --proba

    • Full merging: the option --full will run the greedy merging until everything is merged into a single complete ICC, and print the evolution of the LogE along the merging path. The best MCM along the greedy path is saved and returned at the end. By default (i.e., without this option), the greedy algorithm will stop as soon as any additional merging starts decreasing the LogE.
    • Remove checkpoints: By default, the program prints out the intermediate values of LogE along the Greedy path. Using the option --NoCheckPoint will stop printing this information. This may save time, when printing is not needed, for datasets with a large number of variables and a long greedy path.
    • Print model probabilities: the option --proba will print out (in a file) the model probability distribution in comparison with the empirical probability distribution (only for the states observed in the dataset) at the end of the program.
    • The options -b, --full, --NoCheckPoint and --proba can be combined in any order. Note that options --full and --NoCheckPoint are incompatible: --full will always print the checkpoints and therefore take over --NoCheckPoint.

    Other options for Sampling: You can also use the following options: -N and --proba

    • Number of samples: the option -N allows you to specify the number of samples; by default it is set to 1000. To do so, write -Nfollowed by the number of samples that you want, for instance:
      ./GreedySearch.out  [datafilename] [n] -b [basisfilename] --sample [mcmfilename] -N 2000
    • Print model probabilities: adding the option --proba will also print out (in a file) the model probability distribution in comparison with the empirical probability distribution (only for the states observed in the dataset) at the end of the program.

    Summary tables:

    Run MCM Search Command Comment
    Help ./MCM_Greedy.out -h
    Run default example:
    MNIST dataset
    in its original basis
    ./MCM_Greedy.out See Example 1
    in "Examples" section below
    Greedy Search
    in the Original Basis
    of the data
    ./MCM_Greedy.out [datafilename] [n]
    Greedy Search
    in the chosen New Basis
    ./MCM_Greedy.out [datafilename] [n] -b [basisfilename]
    Full Greedy merging
    until getting a single ICC
    ./MCM_Greedy.out [datafilename] [n] --full prints LogE
    along the entire Greedy path
    Don't print checkpoints ./MCM_Greedy.out [datafilename] [n] --NoCheckPoint slightly faster for datasets
    with large n
    Run Sampling Command Comment
    Sample from MCM
    in the Original Basis
    of the data
    ./MCM_Greedy.out [datafilename] [n] --sample [MCMfilename]
    Sample from MCM
    in a chosen New Basis
    ./MCM_Greedy.out [datafilename] [n] -b [basisfilename] --sample [MCMfilename]
    Sample from MCM
    and print model probabilities
    ./MCM_Greedy.out [datafilename] [n] --proba
  • To execute using a bash script: Open the script file and replace datafilename by the name of your datafile, n by your number of variables in the file, and (if needed) basisfilename by the name of your basis file. Select/comment the command line that applies to your case.

    Use the script by running in your Terminal:


    All the options in the previous section also apply here.

Usage with Makefile:

Run the following commands in your terminal, from the main folder (folder containing the makefile document):

  • To compile: make

  • To clean:

    • make clean removes all the intermediate files created during compilation and not used later;
    • make delete will delete the final executable (to use only once you're done using the code).
  • To Execute Greedy Search:

    • make run to run the greedy search in the original basis;
    • make run-newBasis to run the greedy search in the specified new basis.

    This will use the datafiles specified at the beginning of the makefile (by default, the MNIST dataset -- see Example 1 below). To change them, open the makefile and replace the values of the following variables at the very top of the file:

    • datafilename: name of your datafile; this file must be placed in the INPUT folder.
    • n: number of variables in your file; maximum possible value n = 128.
    • basisfilename: (option) name of the file containing the new basis; this file must be placed in the INPUT folder.

    You can also execute the code by running it directly from your terminal, as in the previous section ("Usage without Makefile"). For example, you can run the command:

    ./GreedySearch.out [datafilename] [n]

    where you must replace [datafilename] by the name of your datafile and [n] by your number of variables.

  • To Execute Sampling:

    • make sample to get samples from an MCM specified in the original basis;
    • make sample-newBasis to get samples from an MCM specified in a specified new basis.

    This will use the datafiles specified at the beginning of the makefile. To change them, open the makefile and replace the values of the following variables at the very top of the file:

    • datafilename: name of your datafile; this file must be placed in the INPUT folder.
    • n: number of variables in your file; maximum possible value n = 128.
    • basisfilename: (option) name of the file containing the new basis; this file must be placed in the INPUT folder.
    • mcmfilename: name of the file containing the MCM; this file must be placed in the OUTPUT folder.
    • N: number of requested samples.
  • Other options: All the options specified in the previous section, "Usage without Makefile", still apply here.


In the INPUT folder, we provided the following examples:

  • Example 1: MNIST dataset. The binary dataset MNIST11.sorted: this is the binarized version of the MNIST dataset [3] used as an example in Ref.[1] (see Fig.~7). The dataset has n=121 variables and N=60 000 datapoints. The file MNIST11.sorted_BestBasis_k4_Binary.dat contains the binary representation of the best basis found with the recursive procedure described in Ref.[1] up to order k=4 (using the program available here).
  • Example 2: Big 5 dataset. The binary dataset Big5PT.sorted: this is the binarized version of the Big 5 dataset [3] used as an example in Ref.[1]. The dataset has n=50 variables and N = 1 013 558 datapoints. Important: This dataset is given as a zip file (due to its large size) and must be decompressed before use. The file MNIST11.sorted_BestBasis_k4_Binary.dat contains the binary representation of the best basis found with the recursive procedure described in Ref.[1] up to order k=4 (using the program available here).
  • Example 3: SCOTUS dataset. The binary dataset SCOTUS_n9_N895_Data.dat, which is the dataset of votes of the US Supreme Court analyzed in Ref.[4] and used as an example in Ref.[1]. The dataset was processed by the authors of Ref.[4] from the original data published by Ref.[5] (accessed in 3 April 2012). Note that for this dataset, the greedy search wasn't able to find the best MCM in the best basis (i.e., the one found by the exhaustive search). However, when run in the orginal basis, the greedy search is able to find the same MCM as the exhaustive search in the original basis (this is however not the best MCM overall). The mapping between the variables and the justices is the following (labeled from Right to Left):
    $S_9$ $S_8$ $S_7$ $S_6$ $S_5$ $S_4$ $S_3$ $S_2$ $S_1$

Each of these datasets can be analyzed by running the program with the makefile or the after commenting/uncommenting the correct datafile choices at the beginning of these files.

[2] LeCun, L Bottou, Y Bengio, P Haffner, Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition. Proc. IEEE 86, 2278–2324 (1998).

[3] Raw data from Open-Source Psychometrics Project in the line indicated as "Answers to the IPIP Big Five Factor Markers"; here is a direct link to the same zip file.

[4] E.D. Lee, C.P. Broedersz, W. Bialek, Statistical Mechanics of the US Supreme Court. J Stat Phys 160, 275–301 (2015).

[5] H.J. Spaeth, L. Epstein, T.W. Ruger, K. Whittington, J.A. Segal, A.D. Martin:SupremeCourtdatabase. Version 2011 Release 3 (2011). Accessed 3 April 2012.

Output and format of the returned MCMs:

  • Terminal Output: We provided, in the OUTPUT folder, the LOGS returned when running the greedy code on the example datasets.

  • Interpreting the printed MCM: How to read the printed MCM in the original and in the new basis?

    • Working in the original basis: The code only compares MCMs that correspond to partitions of n original basis variables of the data. The best-found MCM is then printed as a list of binary strings, each one encoding an ICC (i.e., a part): spins with a bit equal to '1' belong to the ICC, spins with a '0' don't. Variables are organized in the same order as in the original datafile, i.e. the i-th spin from the right in the best MCM corresponds to the i-th spin from the right in the original datafile.

       Example, for a system with 9 binary variables.
       The following MCM has 3 parts:   110111000
       Labeling the spin variables from the right (s1) to the left (s9),
       one can read the contribution of each spin to each part:
                             - 110111000, this part contains the spins s4, s5, s6, s8, s9;
                             - 001000110, this part contains the spins s2, s3, s7;
                             - 000000001, this part contains the spin s1 alone.
    • Working in the new basis: The code compares MCMs that correspond to a partition of the basis operators provided.

      • Conversion to the new basis: Consider a basis with $r$ independent operators (necessarily $r\leq n$). In the new basis, the datapoints will then be written over $r$ binary variables, each corresponding to one of the basis variables. The code will order the basis operators from the right to the left, i.e. the rightmost bit corresponds to the first operator (sig_1) in the basis file (encoded by the binary string in the first line of the file):

         sig_1 = 1rst operator in the basis file = corresponds to the RIGHTmost bit 
         sig_n = last operator in the basis file = corresponds to the LEFTmost bit

      This ordering is very important to interpret correctly the output of the MCM algorithm after basis transformation!

      • Reading the MCM in the new basis: Once the dataset is converted in the new basis, the MCMs found are printed as a list of binary strings, exactly as described in the previous section, except that the spin variables now correspond to the variables (sig_i) of the new basis.
  • Results for the examples: See Ref.[1] for results and discussions on the best MCMs obtained for these datasets.

Advanced use:

You can also directly work with the C++ code, by calling functions directly from the main() function of the main.cpp file. For hands-on simple use of available functions, see the function tutorial() in the main.cpp file (you can call this function by uncommenting the last lines in the function main()).

All the functions that can be called from int main() are declared at the beginning of the main.cpp file or in the file library.hpp. The most useful functions are described below.

  • Basis Choice: The basis is encoded in the variable Basis_li; by default, it is the original basis of the data. You can specify the basis elements as a list of integers list<__int128_t> basis_li either manually or by using one of the available functions. A different basis can be specified in a file by the user and read with the functions Read_BasisOp_IntegerRepresentation() or the function Read_BasisOp_BinaryRepresentation() depending on the format of the basis file (see examples in the INPUT folder, the files SCOTUS_n9_BestBasis_Binary.dat and SCOTUS_n9_BestBasis_Integer.dat which are encoding the best basis for the US Supreme Court data used as an example in Ref.[1]).

  • Basis Transformation: You can transform the dataset Nset into the new basis (transformed data is in Kset) using the function build_Kset. The transformed data is then stored in Kset:

    vector<pair<__int128_t, unsigned int>> Kset = build_Kset(Nset, Basis_li);

    When performing this basis transformation, basis operators are then placed from right to left in the new basis, i.e. the rightmost bit (lowest bit) corresponds to the first operator in list<__int128_t> Basis. This is very important to interpret correctly the output of the MCM algorithm after basis transformation.

  • Greedy Search: The Greedy search can be done using the functions MCM_GreedySearch() or MCM_GreedySearch_AND_printInfo() (the only difference is the latter function also prints some information about the found best MCM).

  • Starting the Greedy search from a chosen MCM: By default, the greedy search starts from an MCM in which each ICC only contains a single variable. The search can also be started from a different initial MCM, using the function MCM_GreedySearch_MCM0(). This can be used for instance to run a short greedy merging at the end of a simulated annealing search.


This code is an open-source project under the GNU GPLv3.