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User Consent Flow

Str4tos edited this page May 30, 2024 · 16 revisions

⚡ Before you start
Make sure you have correctly Privacy Regulations.

In order for CAS and our ad providers to deliver ads that are more relevant to your users, as a mobile app publisher, you need to collect explicit user consent.


If you implement a CMP that is compliant with IAB TCF v2 (Transparency & Consent Framework) for your user consent flow, the CAS SDK supports sending the TCF v2 consent to networks. In this case, the CAS Consent Flow will not be shown to the user.


If you integrate your own CMP flow, make sure the flow completes before you initialize the CAS SDK.

1. Opt-in consent for the collection and use of personal data in the regions covered by GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, PIPEDA.

Any businesses established are required to comply with GDPR in Europe, CCPA in California, LGPD in Brazil, PIPEDA in Canada or risk facing heavy fines.


Keep in mind that it’s best to contact qualified legal professionals, if you haven’t done so already, to get more information and be well-prepared for compliance.

Read more about:

1. Asking user permission to track them or access their device’s advertising identifier

With iOS 14.5 and later, you need to receive the user’s permission through the AppTrackingTransparency framework in order to track them or access their device’s advertising identifier. Read more about Asking Permission to Track and AppTrackingTransparency Framework on Apple developer page


If an app does not present this request, the IDFA will automatically be zeroed out, which may lead to a significant loss in ad revenue.

Add User Tracking usage description

To display the App Tracking Transparency authorization request for accessing the IDFA, update your Info.plist to add the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key with a custom message describing your usage. Below is an example description text:

<string>Your data will remain confidential and will only be used to provide you a better and personalised ad experience</string>

Some examples include:

  • Your data will remain confidential and will only be used to provide you a better and personalised ad experience
  • Your data will be used to provide you a better and personalised ad experience
  • Your data will be used to create a customized experience tailored to your interests
  • Allowing tracking will enable more personalized ads for you
  • We try to show ads for apps and products that will be most interesting to you based on the apps you use
  • This identifier will be used to deliver personalized ads to you
  • This only uses device info for more interesting and relevant ads


Name in Xcode Property List Editor: Privacy - Tracking Usage Description

Localizing User Tracking usage description

To optimize performance and to improve the user experience, you can localize the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription string. Please follow the Documentation > Xcode > Localization instructions to learn how to localize your app.
The table below gives you a variety of localizations that you can use at your discretion.

Locale Description
English (en) Your data will remain confidential and will only be used to provide you a better and personalised ad experience
German (de) Ihre Daten bleiben vertraulich und werden nur dazu verwendet, Ihnen ein besseres und personalisiertes Werbeerlebnis zu bieten
French (fr) Vos données resteront confidentielles et seront utilisées uniquement pour vous offrir une expérience publicitaire meilleure et personnalisée
Spanish (es) Sus datos permanecerán confidenciales y solo se utilizarán para brindarle una experiencia publicitaria mejor y personalizada
Ukrainian (uk) Ваші дані залишатимуться конфіденційними та використовуватимуться лише для надання вам кращої та персоналізованої реклами
Russian (ru) Ваши данные останутся конфиденциальными и будут использоваться только для предоставления вам более качественной и персонализированной рекламы
Portuguese (pt) Seus dados permanecerão confidenciais e serão usados apenas para lhe proporcionar uma experiência publicitária melhor e personalizada
Japanese (ja) お客様のデータは機密として保持され、より優れたパーソナライズされた広告エクスペリエンスを提供するためにのみ使用されます

Automatic consent flow

To get consent for collecting personal data of your users, we suggest you use a built-in Consent Flow, comes with a pre-made consent form that you can easily present to your users. That means you no longer need to create your own consent window.

The user will see the consent flow when your app create CAS Manager. When the user completes the flow, the SDK calls your initialization-completion handler.

let builder = CAS.buildManager()
builder.withCompletionHandler{ initialConfig in
    // The user completes the flow here
    // App transparency tracking authorization can be checked via
    // let status = ATTrackingManager.trackingAuthorizationStatus
    // Initialize other 3rd-party SDKs

CAS consent flow is enabled by default. You can disable the consent flow by creating CAS Manager withConsentFlow():

    CASConsentFlow(isEnabled: false)

Don't forget to apply the configuration by calling the builder.create(...) function.


You must wait until the user finishes the consent flow before you initialize third-party SDKs (such as MMPs or analytics SDKs). For this reason, initialize such SDKs from within your initialization-completion callback. If you were to initialize these third-party SDKs before the user completes the consent flow, these third-party SDKs would not be able to access relevant identifiers and you would suffer a material impact on measurement, reporting, and ad revenue.

Overview flow


Users will not see the Consent dialog if at least one of following is true

  • Users located in regions that are not covered by information protection
  • Users who are subject to COPPA restrictions.

Users will not see the ATT request if at least one of the following is true

  • Users using iOS versions below 14.5
  • Users who have indicated that they do not allow apps to ask to track them, by setting Settings > Privacy, Allow Apps to Request to Track
  • Users with child accounts, or who are under age 18, who are signed in via their Apple ID
  • Users who have already answered so far
  • The app does not have a usage tracking description in Info.plist under NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key

Manual consent flow

Call presentIfRequired() on the CASConsentFlow class. If the consent is required, the SDK loads a form and immediately presents it . The withCompletionHandler is called after the form is dismissed. If consent is not required, the withCompletionHandler is called immediately.

    .withCompletionHandler { status in
         if status == CASConsentFlowStatus.obtained {
            // User consent obtained.
ConsentFlow.Status Description
obtained User consent obtained. Personalized vs non-personalized undefined.
notRequired User consent not required.
unavailable User consent unavailable.
internalError There was an internal error.
networkError There was an error loading data from the network
flowStillShowing There was an error with another form is still being displayed


The cache consent status on your app or a previously saved consent string, could lead to a TCF 3.3 error if consent is expired.

Privacy options button

Some consent forms require the user to modify their consent at any time. Adhere to the following steps to implement a privacy options button if required.

  1. Implement a UI element, such as a button in your app's settings page, that can trigger a privacy options form.
  2. When a user interacts with your UI element, call present() to show the form so the user can update their privacy options at any time.
func showPrivacyOptionsForm() {
        .withCompletionHandler { status in
             if status == CASConsentFlowStatus.obtained {
                // User consent obtained.

Debug geography

The SDK provides a way to test your app's behavior as though the device was located in the EEA or UK using the WithDebugGeography option.



Note that debug geography only work if:

  • Active test device defined in CAS.settings.setTestDevice(ids:).
  • withForceTesting value is true.

Meta Audience Network Data Processing Options for Users in California

The CAS does not support your handling of CCPA opt-out values for Meta Audience Network, you must work directly with the network to purposes of your obligations for CCPA compliance.

To learn how to implement Meta Audience Network’s “Limited Data Use” flag, read the Additional Meta AudienceNetwork steps.

Custom Consent Logic

The following instructions apply if you are using your own or a third-party party consent mechanism.


If you access Google demand through CAS, it’s critical that you review the Google CMP requirements before you start the integration process.


You must set the privacy options before creating the CAS Manager to disable the automatic CAS consent flow and advertising SDKs are initialized respecting the user's consent.

Request App Tracking Transparency framework

To present the authorization request, call requestTrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler:. We recommend waiting for the completion callback prior to initialize ads, so that if the user grants the App Tracking Transparency permission, the CAS mediation can use the IDFA in ad requests.

import AppTrackingTransparency
func requestIDFA() {
  ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization(completionHandler: { status in
    // Tracking authorization completed. 
    // Start initialize CAS here.

For a better user experience, we recommend adding a Pre permission pop-up preceding the call to ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization to clarify the permission and data usage to users.

Consent in GDPR and Other regions

CAS shares these set consent values via adapters to supported mediation partners.

If the user consents to interest-based advertising, set the user consent accepted flag:

CAS.settings.userConsent = CASConsentStatus.accepted
CAS.settings.userConsent = CASConsentStatusAccepted;

If the user does NOT consent to interest-based advertising, set the user consent denied flag:

CAS.settings.userConsent = CASConsentStatus.denied
CAS.settings.userConsent = CASConsentStatusDenied;

Once you set the consent value, CAS will continue to respect that value for the lifetime of your application or until the user consents to interest-based advertising.

Multi-State Consumer privacy laws

California and Virginia laws may require you to display a “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” link or provide other options to users located in those states to opt out of interest-based advertising. You must set a flag that indicates whether users in those states opt out of interest-based advertising or the sale or share of personal information for interest-based advertising.

If a user does NOT opt out of interest-based advertising, set the optInSale flag:

CAS.settings.userCCPAStatus = CASCCPAStatus.optInSale
CAS.settings.userCCPAStatus = CASCCPAStatusOptInSale;

If a user does opt out of interest-based advertising, set the optOutSale flag:

CAS.settings.userCCPAStatus = CASCCPAStatus.optOutSale
CAS.settings.userCCPAStatus = CASCCPAStatusOptOutSale;

You do not need to set this flag for users who are outside California. If you do set this flag for such users, this will not impact how ads are served to them.

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