This repository contains two short Javascript programs written to run in Node.js. One is a program to bulk add devices to the Watson IoT Platform. The second is a program to bulk delete (unregister) devices from the Watson IoT Platform. Both programs make use of the project "iot-nodejs" available here: ibmiotf .
The files in this repository were inspired from the initial work done by jeffdare in this repository: bulk-add-devices. My thanks to jeffdare for providing this as a starting point.
The programs interact with the Watson IoT Platform Watson IoT.
git clone https://github.com/climbertjh/iot-bulksample
from the top directory of the repository clone, change to the 'src' directory:
cd src
install into a local node_modules directory the 'ibmiotf' Javascript client API:
npm install ibmiotf
. Note, this will create a 'node_modules' directory in your 'src' directory. -
Edit config.json. Add your organization's api-key and auth-token
Edit devices.json to add the list of the multiple devices that are to be registered.
Run the following command (from the src directory) to run the bulkadd.js script
node bulkadd.js
This will register the devices listed to the organization specified, using the device type specified. -
Run the following command to (from the src directory) run the bulkdel.js script
node bulkdel.js
This will un-register the devices listed which were previously registered to the organization specified. The device type in devices.json is not used.
Configuration file containing your organization credentials
"org": <orgid>,
"id": "myAppliationId",
"auth-key": <api-key>,
"auth-token": <auth-token>
Note - replace <orgid>, <api-key>, and <auth-token> with the values for your Watson IoT organizatiaon, application API key and application auth-token, respectively before running the programs.
Array containing your list of devices to be registered
"devices" : [
"typeId": "raspi",
"deviceId": "device01"
"typeId": "raspi",
"deviceId": "device02"
Note that for bulkadd.js to work, all referred to device types (in the "typeId" field in devices.json) must have been created prior to invoking the device registration API. Edit the devices.json file as appropriate for the device type and device identifiers for your organization and devices.