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Clockk SDK for Node.js

Easily build integrations for Clockk


npm install clockk-node --save


var { Clockk } = require('clockk-node');

// Initialize the Clockk object with your OAuth credentials
let clockk = new Clockk({
  // The api_url is an optional parameter for if you have Clockk API development environment (only available to Clockk devs)
  api_url: process.env.CLOCKK_API,
  client_id: process.env.CLOCKK_CLIENT_ID,
  client_secret: process.env.CLOCKK_CLIENT_SECRET,
  redirect_uri: process.env.CLOCKK_REDIRECT_URI

// In your redirect handler, you will want to exchange a code for a token
router.get('/install/clockk', function(req, res, next) {
  let token = await clockk.exchangeCodeForToken(req.query.code);
  // get customer data for authenticated user
  let customer = await clockk.getCustomer();
  // Store this token somewhere for making future requests with this SDK

Options for constructor

client_id : Required

client_secret : Required

redirect_uri : Required

token : Optional

required for all functions that attempt to access resources from the API. This is automatically set by exchangeCodeForToken(code)

customer_id : Optional

required for all functions that attempt to access resources from the API.

Note: This is not required for the getCustomer() function, which can be used to get the customer_id for functions which require it.

api_url : Optional

Sets the api url that the SDK will use to communicate with

Refreshing token

exchangeCodeForToken(code) initiallizes the token on the clockk object. When you would like to utilize the SDK with an existing token, you can set that in the constructor, or simply directly update clockk.options.token

// Get the token from whatever persistent storage mechanism you are using.
const token = getTokenFromStorage();

// Initiallize the Clockk object with the token
let clockk = new Clockk({token: token});

// Also, you can directly update the clockk token on a Clockk object.
clockk.options.token = token;

// Now that a token is set on the Clockk object, you can call the refresh fuction.
let newToken = await clockk.refreshToken();

// And you will probably want to update the persisted token with this new token.


Clockk SDK for Node.js






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