I like runit. A lot. I also like Redhat. A lot. What I didn't like was the lack of widely distributed RPMs for runit. Scott Likens made an RPM for version 2.0, so I thought I'd be a pal and take his RPM, update it to 2.1.2 and put it on Github for everyone to fork/clone/make fun of.
So, thanks to Scott for the RPMs and thanks to SuSE for the original spec/RPMs
I modified the Makefile (admin/runit-2.1.2/src/Makefile) of runit from smarden in order include and compile runsvctrl and runsvstat.I also modify the runit.spec to add runsvctrl and runsvstat for the commands part.
yum -q -y install rpmdevtools git glibc-static
yum -q -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
git clone https://github.com/imeyer/runit-rpm runit-rpm
cd ./runit-rpm
sudo rpm -i ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/*.rpm