Note: These examples are only intended as a starting point for loading Cloudant documents into Apache Spark and inserting them into Db2 Warehouse on Cloud. They are not intended as a drop-in replacement for the deprecated Cloudant warehouse integration. In particular these examples do not perform upsert or handle document deletion.
This directory contains the following example tutorials:
Scala tutorial for saving 'animaldb' database to Db2 Warehouse on Cloud
An introductory tutorial in Scala for loading Cloudant documents into a Db2 table. -
Python tutorial for saving 'animaldb' database to Db2 Warehouse on Cloud
An introductory tutorial in Python for loading Cloudant documents into a Db2 table. -
Python tutorial for saving filtered 'crimes' Spark DataFrame to Db2 Warehouse on Cloud
A tutorial in Python for loading Cloudant documents into Apache Spark, and saving a nested JSON object from the documents into a Db2 table. -
Scala tutorial for loading docs and saving filtered 'sales' Spark DataFrame to Db2 on Cloud
A tutorial in Scala that leverages Spark Streaming to continuously load Cloudant documents into a Db2 table. -
Scala and Python code sample for transforming JSON array/object to Db2 data types
Python code sample for saving a nested JSON element into a separate Db2 table