✨ New Features
- updated changelog.yml name and file (commit by @vibutigoyal)8a11f30
- add deepsource & added assignees,reviewer in dependabot (commit by @Tanveer143s)199877b
- Add automerge github shared workflow (PR #26 by @vaibhav7797)cabe766
- update tf.checks step name and tf and aws version (PR #28 by @theprashantyadav)f1b4e86
- 🚀 Created GitHub OIDC role module (PR #33 by @Tanveer143s)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Added commecnts and update example folder heirarchy (PR #19 by @13archit)163ddce
- update github action and readme and terraform version (PR #20 by @mamrajyadav)878d331
- update tf and aws latest version (PR #21 by @mamrajyadav)