Releases: cloudnative-netcore/netcorekit
Releases · cloudnative-netcore/netcorekit
Work with dotnet-2.1
This is a version which works with dotnet-2.1
The snapshot of the demo in Sep 2018 in .NET Conf. Event
The demo includes 3 parts: the WebAPI, the SignalR server and the WebNotifier (Blazor)
- WebAPI: allows us to create a project and tasks, then publish an event (Protobuf) to the Kafka Bus
- SignalR Server: subscribe to the Kafka Bus, if any then it will get the message, convert it to notification and push it using SignalR
- WebNotifier: uses Blazor + SignalR client to listen to the push message from the SignalR Server, if there is any message it will display it to the UI.