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Semantic Interoperability for Electronic Health Data Using the Layered Schemas Architecture

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Semantic Interoperability for Electronic Health Data Using the Layered Schemas Architecture

This repository contains the artifacts for the ONC LEAP Project titled "Semantic Interoperability for Electronic Health Data Using the Layered Schemas Architecture". For more information, questions, and support, contact:

The project's vision is to build an integrated ecosystem of tools and technologies that connect and harmonize health and health-related data obtained from organizations of all sizes, as well as individuals, supported by a person-centric and privacy-conscious approach to data access and sharing among patients, clinical settings, and researchers.

Project Vision

All data files included in the repository are synthetic data files.


The longitudinal health data from large diverse populations with varying social, economic, geographic, and environmental conditions is a highly valuable resource for medical and public health researchers through the creation of various data commons where disparate data are structured and harmonized to expand research options. Many challenges hinder the complete and efficient capture and exchange of health data, including:

  1. a lack of semantic interoperability across systems
  2. the varying adoption of data standards within and between systems
  3. a lack of standardized metadata, and
  4. the poor integration of electronic health records (EHR) data with data from other relevant sources such as social services, environmental measurements, patient-entered, and data collected from wearable devices.

EHR data can be highly variable between different sources and even within a single EHR system, due to the differences between EHR vendors, data models, and underlying data codification approaches; as well as institutional conventions, and end users’ data capture decisions amongst many other reasons. Customized Extraction-Transformation-Loading (ETL) pipelines are the key for semantic harmonization in a traditional data warehousing operation. However, these data transformations are usually lossy, even if not intended to be so, because of inexact mapping of semantics to the target data model. The process does not scale well when numerous data sources are involved as it requires many customizations that are specific to a particular problem, location, and/or data source.

This project uses layered schemas as a scalable semantic harmonization solution for data warehousing applications. Layered schemas technology consists of a schema base that represents core attributes of the captured data, along with multiple interchangeable overlays that represent variations due to different EHR vendors, jurisdictions, or organizational conventions. A layered schema also defines a mapping between the input data elements and an abstract data model represented as a labeled property graph. The annotated graph representation can be transformed into a common data model or used directly, such as into a training data set for an AI application using the source data and the metadata associated with it.


Even though the project scope included different types of EHR data at the outset, there was a lot of intereset to incorporate non-EHR health related data. Because of this, we worked on the harmonization of the following types of data:

  • Raw EHR data captured CSV files,
  • FHIR data in JSON format,
  • CCDAs in XML format,
  • Social health needs assessment tools captured as spreadsheets in various forms
  • Pharmacy data captured as CSV files.

This repository contains synthetic data that reflects the shape and variations of data we collected from our partners.

Layered Schemas

A schema is a machine-readable document that describes the structure of data. JSON and XML schemas are widely used to generate executable code from specifications and to check structural validity of data. LSA extends schemas (such as FHIR or OMOP schemas) with layers (overlays) to add semantic annotations. The semantic annotations add ontology mappings, contextual metadata, tags, and processing instructions that control data ingestion and normalization. A schema variant is composed of a schema and a set of overlays, and contains the combination of annotations given in the schema and the overlays.

A schema variant is represented using a labeled property graph (LPG) that has a node for each data field. An LPG is a directed graph where every node and edge contain a set of labels describing its type or class, and a set of properties that represent named values. An LPG allows assigning tags that represent different types of metadata to fields. A field may be a simple value, a structured object (e.g a JSON object, array, polymorphic object), or a reference to another schema.

Layered schemas for data ingestion

Different schema variants can be used to ingest data that shows variations depending on the data source. Data variations can be structural (e.g. additional data fields, extensions) or semantic (e.g. measurements in different units, different ontologies or coding systems), and can be due to different vendor implementations, local conventions, or regulations. Ingesting structured data using a schema variant creates an LPG whose nodes combine the annotations from the schema variant and data values from the input.

Layered Schemas for Interoperability

The focus of layered schema architecture is achieving interoperability in an environment with multiple data standards. These standards can be

  • structural, such as data represented as a FHIR message, or CCDA,
  • representational, e.g. different date formats, data entry conventions,
  • semantic, e.g. different coding systems, measurement units.

The goal is not to ingest and normalize data with an ETL process, but to ingest data verbatim with annotations that capture context and metadata. The actual interpretation of data happens closer to the analytics side of the process.

Structural differences in ingested data are solved using labeled property graphs as the core data model. A labeled property graph allows storing individual data elements and the relationships between those data elements together with semantic annotations. Data is ingested using a layered schema describing the input data elements, and converted into an LPG. Then source-specific transformations are performed on that LPG to map it to a graph model. The schemas and the transformations used to process the input can be reused and shared.

Representational differences are solved using a type system built into the layered schema tools, and valueset lookups. For example, the input may contain a date field:


The schema that ingests this field can be defined as:

"birthDate": {
  "@type": "Value",
  "valueType": "xs:date",
  "attributeName": "dob"

xs:date is the XML date format that says the date is of the form YYYY-MM-DD, Which causes the field to be ingested as as graph node:

|   :Value              |
| id: birthDate         |
| valueType: xs:date    |
| attributeName: dob    |
| value: 2001-01-04     |

When data is extracted from this node using a schema that looks like:

"birthYear": {
  "@type": "Value",
  "valueType": "xs:gYear"

where xs:gYear is the XML data type "Gregorian Year", the output will be:


So the ingestion phase ingests data with type information, and when exported using a different type, it is converted if possible.

This is the complete set of data types supported by LSA.

Data entry and data capture conventions for enumerated data may require dictionary lookups to correctly interpret data. For example, one data source may report:


and another may report:


This can be modeled using a schema:

"gender": {
   "@type": "Value",
   "attributeName": "gender"

And an overlay for data source 1 with:

"gender": {
   "@type": "Value",
   "vsValuesets": "gender_source_1",
   "vsResultValues": [ "normalized_gender"]
"normalizedGender": {
   "@type": ["Value","OMOPConcept"]

And a valueset:

  "id": "gender_source_1",
  "values": [
         "values": ["F"],
         "result": "8532"
         "values": ["M"],
         "result": "8507"

And for data source 2 with:

"gender": {
   "@type": "Value",
   "vsValuesets": "gender_source_2",
   "vsResultValues": [ "normalized_gender"]
"normalizedGender": {
   "@type": ["Value","OMOPConcept"]
  "id": "gender_source_1",
  "values": [
         "values": ["Female"],
         "result": "8532"
         "values": ["Male"],
         "result": "8507"

The codes 8532 and 8507 are OMOP concept IDs for "female" and "male".

The ingested data becomes:

+-----------------------+   +-----------------------+
|   :Value              |   | :Value:OMOPConcept    |
+-----------------------+   +-----------------------+
| id: gender            |   |id: normalizedGender   |
| attributeName: gender |   |value: 8532            |
| value: F              |   |                       |
+-----------------------+   +-----------------------+

+-----------------------+   +-----------------------+
|   :Value              |   | :Value:OMOPConcept    |
+-----------------------+   +-----------------------+
| id: gender            |   |id: normalizedGender   |
| attributeName: gender |   |value: 8532            |
| value: Female         |   |                       |
+-----------------------+   +-----------------------+

Such lookups allow creation of codified nodes as data is ingested. This way, the stored data contains both the raw input and the concept normalized based on a terminology. Multiple terminologies can also be used. The data model is not strict and can be extended ad-hoc as needed.

Such valueset lookups are feasible for a small number of options. There are cases where an terminology database is needed. The LSa tooling provides facilities to call out to third-party servers to perform terminology lookups.

Data Flow Overview

The overall process of ingestion, harmonization, and the extraction of data in a common model is depicted in the following diagram. This project primarily works with OMOP, but the model is flexible enough to be adapted to other common data models.

Semantic Data Warehouse

The input to the ingestion process contains support for the following data formats:

  • FHIR data in JSON format. Every patient record is a FHIR Bundle resource stored in a separate JSON file.
  • CCDA data in XML format. Every patient record is a separate XML file.
  • Raw EHR data in CSV format. This data files are obtained by running EHR reports, thus show a great deal of structural and semantic variability. There are usually multiple files, each representing a single object (like patient, or measurement), but there are cases where the result of a SQL JOIN is provided as a single file.

For most CSV data, we write custom schemas to describe the input format. For CCDAs, we developed a set of interlinked schemas and overlays to extract relevant parts of a CCDA document. FHIR ingestion uses HL7 published FHIR schemas with additional overlays to link vocabulary lookups, type variations, and other processing directives. Then, data files are ingested and converted into labeled property graph form.

For FHIR and CCDA files, a single file can generate a graph containing all the necessary elements. For CSV files, each row usually contains a single data object (like a patient, or an observation for a patient). Thus, when ingested, these records must be linked to form a common patient view. This linking is done by using special annotations on the schemas. For instance, the schema for an observation table contains a foreign key to the patient table.

The harmonization process does not normalize the data elements to a common format. Instead, input data elements are tagged with type information and additional annotations that describe how they can be interpreted.

Once ingested, all data elements are harmonized and translated into an intermediate graph model. This graph model is not a strict structural construct. The model is Person centric, and contains the following elements:

  • Person: Demographic information and identity
    • Condition: Multiple conditions are linked to a Person. Condition entries include start/end dates, raw input data, and codifications.
    • DrugExposure: All drug related activity is recorded here. Multiple DrugExposure entries are linked to a Person.
    • Measurement: All laboratory measurements are recorded here. Multiple measurement entries are linked to a Person. The same measurement may appear multiple times, in different dates.
    • Observation: All observations are recored here. Multiple observation entries are linked to a Person.
    • Procedure: All procedures are recoded here. Multiple procedure entries are linked to a Person.

The graph model is stored in a graph database. This project uses Neo4j community version to store the ingested data, but other graph databases that have openCypher support can be adapted as well. It is also possible to change the data ingestion pipelines so that a relational database, or a document database can be used to store data.

OMOP output is generated from this data model by mapping individual fields to OMOP schema fields.

Building and Running the Tools

This repository contains a pipeline program that can be built and used to ingest data contained in this repository. You can get a pre-built binary for your platform, or build it yourself using the Go language build system.

To build, after cloning this repository, run:

cd pipeline
go build

This will build the pipeline binary in the current directory.


This project is supported by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number 90AX0034, Semantic Interoperability for Electronic Health Data Using the Layered Schemas Architecture, total award $999,990 with 100% financed with federal dollars and 0% financed with non-governmental sources. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by ONC, HHS, of the U.S. Government.


Semantic Interoperability for Electronic Health Data Using the Layered Schemas Architecture






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