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oena authored Jun 22, 2018
2 parents a2963cd + 74e0ec4 commit c3631b7
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118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions cmapPy/math/
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Aggregate a matrix of replicate profiles into a single signature using
a weighted average based on the correlation between replicates. That is, if
one replicate is less correlated with the other replicates, its values will
not be weighted as highly in the aggregated signature.
Equivalent to the 'modz' method in mortar.

import numpy as np

rounding_precision = 4

def get_upper_triangle(correlation_matrix):
''' Extract upper triangle from a square matrix. Negative values are
set to 0.
correlation_matrix (pandas df): Correlations between all replicates
upper_tri_df (pandas df): Upper triangle extracted from
correlation_matrix; rid is the row index, cid is the column index,
corr is the extracted correlation value
upper_triangle = correlation_matrix.where(np.triu(np.ones(correlation_matrix.shape), k=1).astype(np.bool))

# convert matrix into long form description
upper_tri_df = upper_triangle.stack().reset_index(level=1)
upper_tri_df.columns = ['rid', 'corr']

# Index at this point is cid, it now becomes a column
upper_tri_df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)

# Get rid of negative values
upper_tri_df['corr'] = upper_tri_df['corr'].clip(lower=0)

return upper_tri_df.round(rounding_precision)

def calculate_weights(correlation_matrix, min_wt):
''' Calculate a weight for each profile based on its correlation to other
replicates. Negative correlations are clipped to 0, and weights are clipped
to be min_wt at the least.
correlation_matrix (pandas df): Correlations between all replicates
min_wt (float): Minimum raw weight when calculating weighted average
raw weights (pandas series): Mean correlation to other replicates
weights (pandas series): raw_weights normalized such that they add to 1
# fill diagonal of correlation_matrix with np.nan
np.fill_diagonal(correlation_matrix.values, np.nan)

# remove negative values
correlation_matrix = correlation_matrix.clip(lower=0)

# get average correlation for each profile (will ignore NaN)
raw_weights = correlation_matrix.mean(axis=1)

# threshold weights
raw_weights = raw_weights.clip(lower=min_wt)

# normalize raw_weights so that they add to 1
weights = raw_weights / sum(raw_weights)

return raw_weights.round(rounding_precision), weights.round(rounding_precision)

def agg_wt_avg(mat, min_wt = 0.01, corr_metric='spearman'):
''' Aggregate a set of replicate profiles into a single signature using
a weighted average.
mat (pandas df): a matrix of replicate profiles, where the columns are
samples and the rows are features; columns correspond to the
replicates of a single perturbagen
min_wt (float): Minimum raw weight when calculating weighted average
corr_metric (string): Spearman or Pearson; the correlation method
out_sig (pandas series): weighted average values
upper_tri_df (pandas df): the correlations between each profile that went into the signature
raw weights (pandas series): weights before normalization
weights (pandas series): weights after normalization
assert mat.shape[1] > 0, "mat is empty! mat: {}".format(mat)

if mat.shape[1] == 1:

out_sig = mat
upper_tri_df = None
raw_weights = None
weights = None


assert corr_metric in ["spearman", "pearson"]

# Make correlation matrix column wise
corr_mat = mat.corr(method=corr_metric)

# Save the values in the upper triangle
upper_tri_df = get_upper_triangle(corr_mat)

# Calculate weight per replicate
raw_weights, weights = calculate_weights(corr_mat, min_wt)

# Apply weights to values
weighted_values = mat * weights
out_sig = weighted_values.sum(axis=1)

return out_sig, upper_tri_df, raw_weights, weights
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Robustly z-scores a pandas df along the rows (i.e. the z-score is made relative
to a row). A robust z-score means that median is used instead of mean and
median absolute deviation (MAD) instead of standard deviation in the
standard z-score calculation:
z = (x - u) / s
x: input value
u: median
s: MAD
Optionally, the median and MAD can be computed from a control df, instead of the
input df. This functionality is useful for "vehicle-control"; that is, if
the control df consists only of negative control samples, the median and MAD
can be computed using just those samples but applied to the input df.

rounding_precision = 4

def robust_zscore(mat, ctrl_mat=None, min_mad=0.1):
''' Robustly z-score a pandas df along the rows.
mat (pandas df): Matrix of data that z-scoring will be applied to
ctrl_mat (pandas df): Optional matrix from which to compute medians and MADs
(e.g. vehicle control)
min_mad (float): Minimum MAD to threshold to; tiny MAD values will cause
z-scores to blow up
zscore_df (pandas_df): z-scored data

# If optional df exists, calc medians and mads from it
if ctrl_mat is not None:
medians = ctrl_mat.median(axis=1)
median_devs = abs(ctrl_mat.subtract(medians, axis=0))

# Else just use plate medians
medians = mat.median(axis=1)
median_devs = abs(mat.subtract(medians, axis=0))

sub = mat.subtract(medians, axis='index')
mads = median_devs.median(axis=1)

# Threshold mads
mads = mads.clip(lower=min_mad)

# Must multiply values by 1.4826 to make MAD comparable to SD
# (
zscore_df = sub.divide(mads * 1.4826, axis='index')

return zscore_df.round(rounding_precision)
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions cmapPy/math/tests/
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import unittest
import logging
import pandas as pd
import cmapPy.pandasGEXpress.setup_GCToo_logger as setup_logger
import cmapPy.math.agg_wt_avg as agg_wt_avg

logger = logging.getLogger(setup_logger.LOGGER_NAME)

test_mat = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,2,3], 'B': [2,8,6], 'C': [6,8,9]})
test_mat_corr = test_mat.corr()

class TestAggWtAvg(unittest.TestCase):
def test_calculate_weights(self):
# happy path
raw_weights, weights = agg_wt_avg.calculate_weights(test_mat_corr, min_wt=0.1)
self.assertTrue(len(weights == 3))
self.assertTrue(raw_weights.tolist() == [0.8183, 0.7202, 0.8838])
self.assertTrue(weights.tolist() == [0.3378, 0.2973, 0.3649])

# test that min_wt works
raw_weights2, weights2 = agg_wt_avg.calculate_weights(test_mat_corr, min_wt=0.85)
self.assertEqual(raw_weights2[1], 0.85)

def test_get_upper_triangle(self):
# happy path
upper_tri_df = agg_wt_avg.get_upper_triangle(test_mat_corr)
self.assertTrue(upper_tri_df['corr'].tolist() == [0.6547, 0.982, 0.7857])
self.assertTrue(upper_tri_df['rid'].tolist() == ['B', 'C', 'C'])
self.assertTrue(upper_tri_df['index'].tolist() == ['A', 'A', 'B'])

def test_agg_wt_avg(self):
# use spearman
out_sig, upper_tri_df, raw_weights, weights = agg_wt_avg.agg_wt_avg(test_mat)
self.assertTrue(out_sig.tolist() == [3.125, 5.75, 6.0])
self.assertAlmostEqual(upper_tri_df.loc[upper_tri_df.index[0], "corr"], 0.5)
self.assertAlmostEqual(raw_weights[0], 0.75)
self.assertAlmostEqual(weights[0], 0.375)

# test on a single signature
out_sig2, _, _, _ = agg_wt_avg.agg_wt_avg(test_mat[["C"]])
pd.util.testing.assert_frame_equal(out_sig2, test_mat[["C"]])

# should break if empty input
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as e:
self.assertIn("mat is empty!", str(e.exception))

if __name__ == "__main__":

41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions cmapPy/math/tests/
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import unittest
import logging
import pandas as pd
import cmapPy.pandasGEXpress.setup_GCToo_logger as setup_logger
import cmapPy.math.robust_zscore as robust_zscore

logger = logging.getLogger(setup_logger.LOGGER_NAME)

test_mat = pd.DataFrame({'A':[4,2,3], 'B': [2,8,6], 'C': [6,5,9], 'D': [5,2,1]})
test_ctl_mat = pd.DataFrame({'E':[8,8,6], 'F': [7,6,6]})
test_ctl_mat2 = pd.DataFrame({'E':[8,8,6], 'F': [8,6,6]})

class TestRobustZscore(unittest.TestCase):
def test_zscore_pc(self):
pc_zscores = robust_zscore.robust_zscore(test_mat)
self.assertTrue(pc_zscores.shape == (3, 4))

pd.util.testing.assert_frame_equal(pc_zscores, pd.DataFrame(
{'A': [-0.3372, -0.6745, -0.4047],
'B': [-1.6862, 2.0235, 0.4047],
'C': [1.0117, 0.6745, 1.2141],
'D': [0.3372, -0.6745, -0.9443]}))

def test_zscore_vc(self):
vc_zscores = robust_zscore.robust_zscore(test_mat, ctrl_mat=test_ctl_mat)
self.assertTrue(vc_zscores.shape == (3, 4))
pd.util.testing.assert_frame_equal(vc_zscores, pd.DataFrame(
{'A': [-4.7214, -3.3725, -20.2347],
'B': [-7.4194, 0.6745, 0.0],
'C': [-2.0235, -1.349, 20.2347],
'D': [-3.3725, -3.3725, -33.7245]}))

# check that min_mad works
vc_zscores2 = robust_zscore.robust_zscore(test_mat, ctrl_mat=test_ctl_mat2)
self.assertEqual(vc_zscores2.iloc[0, 0], -26.9796)
self.assertEqual(vc_zscores2.iloc[1, 1], 0.6745)

if __name__ == "__main__":
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions cmapPy/pandasGEXpress/
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Converts a matrix of values (e.g. gene expression, viability, etc.) into a
matrix of differential values. Values can be made differential relative to all
samples in the dataset ("plate-control") or relative to just negative control
samples ("vehicle-control"). The method of computing the differential can be
either a robust z-score ("robust_z") or simply median normalization
import cmapPy.math.robust_zscore as robust_zscore
import cmapPy.pandasGEXpress.GCToo as GCToo

possible_diff_methods = ["robust_z", "median_norm"]

def diff_gctoo(gctoo, plate_control=True, group_field='pert_type', group_val='ctl_vehicle',
diff_method="robust_z", upper_diff_thresh=10, lower_diff_thresh=-10):
''' Converts a matrix of values (e.g. gene expression, viability, etc.)
into a matrix of differential values.
df (pandas df): data to make diff_gctoo
plate_control (bool): True means calculate diff_gctoo using plate control.
False means vehicle control.
group_field (string): Metadata field in which to find group_val
group_val (string): Value in group_field that indicates use in vehicle control
diff_method (string): Method of computing differential data; currently only
support either "robust_z" or "median_norm"
upper_diff_thresh (float): Maximum value for diff data
lower_diff_thresh (float): Minimum value for diff data
out_gctoo (GCToo object): GCToo with differential data values
assert diff_method in possible_diff_methods, (
"possible_diff_methods: {}, diff_method: {}".format(
possible_diff_methods, diff_method))

# Compute median and MAD using all samples in the dataset
if plate_control:

# Compute differential data
if diff_method == "robust_z":
diff_data = robust_zscore.robust_zscore(gctoo.data_df)

elif diff_method == "median_norm":
medians = gctoo.data_df.median(axis=1)
diff_data = gctoo.data_df.subtract(medians, axis='index')

# Compute median and MAD from negative controls, rather than all samples

assert group_field in gctoo.col_metadata_df.columns.values, (
"group_field {} not present in column metadata. " +
"gctoo.col_metadata_df.columns.values: {}").format(
group_field, gctoo.col_metadata_df.columns.values)

assert sum(gctoo.col_metadata_df[group_field] == group_val) > 0, (
"group_val {} not present in the {} column.").format(
group_val, group_field)

# Find negative control samples
neg_ctl_samples = gctoo.col_metadata_df.index[gctoo.col_metadata_df[group_field] == group_val]
neg_ctl_df = gctoo.data_df[neg_ctl_samples]

# Compute differential data
if diff_method == "robust_z":
diff_data = robust_zscore.robust_zscore(gctoo.data_df, neg_ctl_df)

elif diff_method == "median_norm":
medians = gctoo.data_df.median(axis=1)
diff_data = gctoo.data_df.subtract(medians, axis='index')

# Threshold differential data before returning
diff_data = diff_data.clip(lower=lower_diff_thresh, upper=upper_diff_thresh)

# Construct output GCToo object
out_gctoo = GCToo.GCToo(data_df=diff_data,

return out_gctoo


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