A simple IrcBot. Requires SmartIrc4net, and HtmlAgilityPack (will by installed via NuGet) optionally. SmartIrc4net may require log4net to be linked into the core as well - if it's not needed, you can safely remove it.
Modules implement the IPlugin
At first, it loads the files meeting IrcBot.*.dll
match in the PluginPath
setting, then loading the classes implementing IPlugin
. On receiving a event, it will enumerate all plugins and invoke them with the approriate instance. A plugin will only return non-null/String.Empty
if it has something to say when parsing the message.
Note that if you don't have any use for a method in a plugin, simply nop it out by returning null.
The method instances to use are:
string IPlugin.InvokeWithMessage(string source, string message, ref Meebey.SmartIrc4net.IrcClient client)
indicates the channel or user (in case of private message) that the message originated from, message
indicates the message, and client
is a reference to the bot's instance of IrcClient, which can be used for commands. The return value is what to send back to the source.
Best practices when making your plugin is to use "." as a prefix for commands, and not to use client.SendMessage
, as it will send to the source what you return. (if not null)
string IPlugin.InvokeWithChannelUserChange(string channel, string user, string kicker, string message, ChannelUserChange type, ref IrcClient client)
is the channel the event was recieved from (if applicable), user
is the user that has been added or removed from the channel, kicker
was the person who kicked the user (if kicked), message
is the message/reason for the event (if applicable), type
is a ChannelUserChange
enumeration that represents what happened (Join, Part, Quit, Kick), and `client is a reference to the bot's instance of IrcClient.
To build one, you can add a project to the solution or make a simple file with these parameters to the compiler manually:
mcs -r:Meebey.SmartIrc4net -r:IrcBot.exe -target:library IrcBot.Plugin.cs
Whatever the case, make sure that SmartIrc4net and the executable itself are referenced.
Modules MUST be prefixed with IrcBot.*
- IrcBot.Title: Gets the titles of webpages linked.
- IrcBot.Utils: Implements a set of very simplistic plugins.