This is the code for the production iip project.
- make a dir
- cd into that dir
- $ python3 -m venv ./env3_iip_web
- $ git clone ./iip_web_project
- $ mkdir ./settings
- $ mkdir ./logs
- $ mkdir ./db
- $ mkdir ./pull_from_github
- $ cd ./iip_web_project
- $ source ../env3_iip_web/bin/activate
- $ pip install --upgrade pip
- $ pip install -r ./config/requirements.txt
- put submitted settings file in the settings dir
- watch for line-endings
- put submitted db file in the db dir
- point the env/bin/activate file to the file
- give lines for bottom
- give deactivate line
- go through the settings file, updating all paths
- $ python ./ check
- $ python ./ runserver