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Muon Jet Analysis Samples

How to generate LHE files

1. Set up new process with Madgraph

1.1. Download archive with pre-compiled Madgraph from github

wget -O MG_ME_V4.5.2_CompiledBackup.tar.gz

1.2. Unzip and rename it to MG_ME_V4.5.2

tar -xzf MG_ME_V4.5.2_CompiledBackup.tar.gz

mv MG_ME_V4.5.2_CompiledBackup MG_ME_V4.5.2

1.3. Go to Madgraph folder:

cd MG_ME_V4.5.2

1.4. Create template for the process

Copy the Template directory to directory with new name, for example pp_to_Higgs_HEFT_Model, in order to keep a clean copy of the Template:

cp -r Template pp_to_Higgs_HEFT_Model

1.5. Set up process pp -> Higgs through a top loop

See details in on Madgraph web

Edit the file pp_to_Higgs_HEFT_Model/Cards/proc_card.dat:

    pp>h  @1           # First Process
    QCD=99             # Max QCD couplings
    QED=0              # Max QED couplings
    HIG=1              # Max HIGGS EFT coupling: (now max is 1)
    end_coup           # End the couplings input

NOTE: Don't forget to specify choice of model. In our test case it is heft:

    # Begin MODEL  # This is TAG. Do not modify this line
    # End   MODEL  # This is TAG. Do not modify this line

1.6. Setup the specified process

cd pp_to_Higgs_HEFT_Model/bin


NOTE: this will replace the file pp_to_Higgs_HEFT_Model/Cards/param_card.dat by the original param_card.dat for the model. In our case model is heft, so the original file is MG_ME_V4.5.2/Models/heft/param_card.dat.

1.7. Check the specified process

Use your web browser, by looking at index.html in the pp_to_Higgs_HEFT_Model folder, e.g.:

firefox pp_to_Higgs_HEFT_Model/index.html

1.8. Specify the model parameters

The model parameters include masses and widths for particles and coupling constants. They are defined in file param_card.dat in the MG_ME_V4.5.2/pp_to_Higgs_HEFT_Model/Cards folder.

In our case adjust mass of Higgs to 125 GeV:

    25     1.25000000E+02   # H        mass

2. Generate Higgs events with Madgraph

2.1. Set generation parameters

Set beam type to protons, beam energy (6.5 TeV in this example), number of events (80k) and random seed in the file pp_to_Higgs_HEFT_Model/Cards/run_card.dat:

    # Number of events and rnd seed                                      *
        80000    = nevents ! Number of unweighted events requested 
        1234     = iseed   ! rnd seed (0=assigned automatically=default))
    # Collider type and energy                                           *
           1     = lpp1  ! beam 1 type (0=NO PDF)
           1     = lpp2  ! beam 2 type (0=NO PDF)
        6500     = ebeam1  ! beam 1 energy in GeV
        6500     = ebeam2  ! beam 2 energy in GeV

2.2. Generate events with the process already set up

cd pp_to_Higgs_HEFT_Model/bin


This program asks 2 questions:

    Enter 2 for multi-core, 1 for parallel, 0 for serial run
    Enter run name

Generated events are stored in file MG_ME_V4.5.2/pp_to_Higgs_HEFT_Model/Events/ggToHiggs_mH_125_13TeV_madgraph452_events80k_unweighted_events.lhe.gz.

Unzip this LHE file with generated unweighted events, it will be used in next steps:

cd MG_ME_V4.5.2/pp_to_Higgs_HEFT_Model/Events

gunzip -d ggToHiggs_mH_125_13TeV_madgraph452_events80k_unweighted_events.lhe.gz

Repeat generation for other masses of Higgs. Suggested run names:


3. Create custom Dark SUSY model

In our example Higgs decays into two neutralinos n2 that decay into dark neutralino n1 (LSP) and dark photon zd. Dark photon decays into two muons mu1.

3.1. Create template for the model

Copy folder MG_ME_V4.5.2/Models/usrmod with custom model template to new folder:

cp -r Models/usrmod Models/usrmod_DarkSusy_mH_125_mGammaD_0400

3.2. Define model's particles

Edit Models/usrmod_DarkSusy_mH_125_mGammaD_0400/particles.dat:

    n1      n1        F        S      MN1   WN1     S    n1   3000001
    n2      n2        F        S      MN2   WN2     S    n2   3000002
    zd      zd        V        W      MZD   WZD     S    zd   3000022
    mu1-    mu1+      F        S      MMU1  WMU1    S    mu1  3000013
    # END

NOTE: Muon mu1 has new code 3000013 to make it massive (defualt muon mu in Madgraph is massless).

3.3. Define model's interactions

Edit Models/usrmod_DarkSusy_mH_125_mGammaD_0400/interactions.dat.

Add new vertexes:

    # USRVertex
    n2   n2   h    GHN22   QED
    n2   n1   zd   GZDN12  QED
    mu1- mu1- zd   GZDL    QED

Remove SM Higgs vertexes to exclude Higgs decays to SM particles:

    # FFS (Yukawa)
    #ta- ta- h GHTAU QED
    #b   b   h GHBOT QED
    #t   t   h GHTOP QED

    # VVS
    #w- w+ h  GWWH  QED
    #z  z  h  GZZH  QED

3.4. Convert model

cd Models/usrmod_DarkSusy_mH_125_mGammaD_0400/

Run the shell script ./

The script asks a question:

    Need to keep old couplings.f and param_card.dat? yes or no: yes

3.5. Redefine model's couplings

Edit file Models/usrmod_DarkSusy_mH_125_mGammaD_0400/couplings.f.

Change couplings from default 1 to some small number 0.001 (narrow width approximation):

    c UserMode couplings

3.6. Re-define particles' masses and decay widths

Edit file Models/usrmod_DarkSusy_mH_125_mGammaD_0400/param_card.dat:

  1. Adjust mass of Higgs to 125 GeV, mass of n2 to 10 GeV, mass of n1 to 1 GeV, mass of zd to 400 MeV, mass of mu1 to 105 MeV

  2. Set widths of stable particles n1 and mu1 set to 0

  3. Set Higgs width to 1 and remove branchings to SM particles

          25     1.25000000E+02   # H        mass
     3000001     1.00000000e+00   # MN1
     3000002     1.00000000e+01   # MN2
     3000022     4.00000000e-01   # MZD
     3000013     1.05000000e-01   # MMU1
     #            PDG       Width
     DECAY   3000001     0.00000000e+00   # WN1
     DECAY   3000002     1.00000000e+00   # WN2
     DECAY   3000022     1.00000000e+00   # WZD
     DECAY   3000013     0.00000000e+00   # WMU1
     DECAY         6     1.51013490E+00   # top width
     DECAY        23     2.44639985E+00   # Z   width
     DECAY        24     2.03535570E+00   # W   width
     DECAY        25     1.00000000e+00   # H   width

3.7. Compile model's couplings and run

make couplings


4. Define decay table using BRIDGE

4.1. Go to the BRIDGE folder:

cd MG_ME_V4.5.2/BRIDGE

4.2. Run BRIDGE


The program asks a few following questions:

    Would you like to run from a MadGraph Model directory? (Y/N): Y
    What is the name of the model directory(assuming that it is a subdirectory of Models/): usrmod_DarkSusy_mH_125_mGammaD_0400
    Do you wish to generate decay tables for all particles listed above or a subset?(type 1 for all, 2 for subset): 2
    Please enter particles you wish to create decay tables for, you must explicitly enter antiparticles if you want BRI to generate their decay tables, otherwise use (type 'done' when finished):
    Please enter a random number seed or write 'time' to use the time: 1234
    The default number of Vegas calls is 50000. Would you like to change this? (Y/N) n
    The default max. number of Vegas iterations is 5. Would you like to change this? (Y/N) n
    Would you like to calculate three-body widths even for particles with open 2-body channels? (Y/N) n
    Do you wish to replace the values of the param_card.dat widths, with the values stored in slha.out?(Y/N) y
    Do you wish to keep a copy of the old param_card.dat?(Y/N) y

NOTE: the file param_card.dat was updated with new decay widths:

    DECAY        25   4.77997464e-06   # h decays
    #          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
         1.00000000e+00    2     3000002   3000002   # BR(h -> n2 n2 )
    DECAY   3000002   1.20714630e-04   # n2 decays
    #          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
         1.00000000e+00    2     3000001   3000022   # BR(n2 -> n1 zd )
    DECAY   3000022   1.02272608e-08   # zd decays
    #          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
          1.00000000e+00    2     3000013  -3000013   # BR(zd -> mu1- mu1+ )

5. Decay events generated in step 2 within this custom model

5.1. Run BRIDGE


The program asks a few following questions:

    Would you like to run from a MadGraph Model directory? (Y/N) Y
    What is the name of the model directory(assuming that it is a subdirectory of Models/):
    What is the name of the input event file(include path if directory is different from where DGE is running)?
         [FUL PATH]/MG_ME_V4.5.2/pp_to_Higgs_HEFT_Model/Events/ggToHiggs_mH_125_13TeV_madgraph452_events80k_unweighted_events.lhe
    What is the name of the output event file(include path if directory is different from where DGE is running)?
    Please enter a random number seed or write 'time' to use the time
    Choose a mode:
    1. Decay a particular particle.
    2. Decay down to a set of final-state particles.
    3. Decay using a specified set of decay modes.
    Which mode? 2
    Choose an input method:
    1. Read a file listing final-state particles.
    2. Enter the list of final-state particles manually.
    Which mode? 2

NOTE: In this test example we want to decay particles to mu+mu- final states according to branching ratios.

    Enter a final-state particle name, or "END" to finish: mu1+
    Enter a final-state particle name, or "END" to finish: mu1-
    Enter a final-state particle name, or "END" to finish: END
    Would you like to save the list of final-state particles? (Y/N) Y
    What file name do you want to save to? DarkSUSY_mH_125_mGammaD_0400_13TeV-madgraph452_bridge224_ListFinalStateParticles.txt

5.2. Finally, we need to change our custom massive muon "mu1" to regular "mu".

Just search for codes 3000013 and -3000013 in event file DarkSUSY_mH_125_mGammaD_2000_13TeV-madgraph452_bridge224_events80k.lhe and replace them with codes 13 and -13, correspondingly.

A simple way to do this is in vi: vi DarkSUSY_mH_125_mGammaD_2000_13TeV-madgraph452_bridge224_events80k.lhe :%s/3000013 /13 /g

5.3 Adjust quantum numbers

After all desired lhe files have been generated, run the following command in the terminal to update the custom particle quantum numbers:

sed -i 's/Block MASS # Mass spectrum (kinematic masses)/BLOCK QNUMBERS 3000001 # nD\n1 0 # 3 times electric charge\n2 1 # number of spin states (2S+1)\n3 1 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet\n4 0 # Particle\/Antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)\nBLOCK QNUMBERS 3000002 # n2\n1 0 # 3 times electric charge\n2 1 # number of spin states (2S+1)\n3 1 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)\n4 0 # Particle\/Antiparticle disinction (0=own anti)\nBLOCK QNUMBERS 3000022 # gammaD\n1 0 # 3 times electric charge\n2 3 # number of spin states (2S+1)\n3 1 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)\n4 0 # Particle\/Antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)\nBlock MASS # Mass spectrum (kinematic masses)/g' *.lhe

NOTE: The above sed command is correct, but github truncates multiple spaces to a single space. Please open this README in a text editor to copy the correct command.


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