You can find here our existing & future features covered in CNI-Genie
NetworkAttachmentDefinition objects are CRD objects through which user can specify plugin configuration and then pods can use these objects for network attachments.
This feature is the realization of Kubernetes Network Custom Resource Definition De-facto Standard. More details here.
yaml: netattachdef-crd.yaml
yaml: netattachdef-config-in-spec.yaml
yaml: netattachdef-config-in-file.yaml
yaml: pod-using-netattachdef-format-names.yaml
yaml: pod-using-netattachdef-format-json.yaml
Network status annotation shows the result of network attachment (in json format) in the pod object.
As per network CRD De-facto standard, a default network attachs to a pod first, along with other specified network attachments afterwards. When no other network attachment is specified in the network annotation, then the pod gets IP from the default network. Interface name 'eth0' is reserved for this network attachment. The default network is choosen based on the first valid configuration file present in the net dir (/etc/cni/net.d) in a node.