Easy clojure error handling
Make your deps.edn
look like this:
; ... paths probably
{:deps {coast-framework/error {:mvn/version "1.0.2"}}}
;... your other libraries}}
; ... rest of deps.edn
Require it like this
(ns your-project
(:require [error.core :as error]))
Use it like this
(defn validate-email [email]
(if (re-matches #".+@.+\..+" email)
(error/raise (str "Please enter a valid email address, not " email))))
(let [[email e] (error/rescue (validate-email "not an email"))]
(if (some? e)
{:error e}
{:email email}))
or like this
(defn validate-email [email]
(if (re-matches #".+@.+\..+" email)
(error/raise (str "Please enter a valid email address, not " email))))
(let [[email e] (error/rescue (validate-email "not an email")
(if (some? e)
{:error/email e}
{:email email}))
It will still throw on exceptions if the identifier you specify isn't the same
(error/raise "error" :error)
; :error1 != :error so the following exception will be called
(throw (ex-info "error" {:error.core/e "error" :error.core/id :error}))
It also works with regular exceptions with try*
(defn validate-email [email]
(if (re-matches #".+@.+\..+" email)
(throw (Exception. (str "Please enter a valid email address, not " email)))))
(let [[email e] (error/try* (validate-email "not an email"))]
(if (some? e)
{:error/email (.getMessage e)}
{:email email}))
git clone ...
cd error
make test
Any and all issues or pull requests welcome!
This library is really small, it's true. Too small? Could be.