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Convert CSV files from online banking to a format YNAB 4 can consume.


$ gem install ynab_convert


$ ynab_convert -f my_transactions.csv -i example

This will process the file my_transactions.csv downloaded from Example Bank's online banking platform, using the example processor (see list of available processors below.)

It will then output the converted file as my_transactions_example_bank_20191101-2019-1201_ynab4.csv. The dates in the filename match the interval of the transactions found in the original CSV file. In that case, the earliest transaction recorded happened on 2019-11-01 and the latest one on 2019-12-01.

Available processors

-i argument Institution's full name Institution's website Remarks
example Example Bank N/A Reference processor implementation, not a real institution
n26 N26 N26 CSV statements, will convert EUR amounts to CHF (hardcoded for now)
ubs_chequing UBS Switzerland (private banking) Private chequing and joint accounts
ubs_credit UBS Switzerland (credit cards) Both MasterCard and Visa
wise Wise (Transferwise) cards Performs currency conversion (hardcoded to CHF for now)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To run Rubocop and RSpec in watch mode, use bundle exec guard.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. Alternatively, the gem can also be run from bin/ynab_convert.

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


Here is the class diagram:

    Documents <|-- Statement
    Documents <|-- YNAB4File
    Transformers <|-- Cleaner
    Transformers <|-- Formatter
    Transformers <|-- Enhancer
    Validators <|-- YNAB4Row
    Processors <|-- Processor

    class Statement{
        #Hash csv_import_options
        #String filepath
        #String institution_name

    class YNAB4File{
        #Hash csv_export_options
        #String filename

    class Processor{

    class Cleaner{

    class Enhancer{

    class Formatter{

    class YNAB4Row{

Each financial institution gets its own class for most of these base classes.

For instance, adding "Some Bank" would require creating the following new classes:

  • class Processors::SomeBank < Processor
  • class Transformers::Cleaners::SomeBank < Cleaner
  • class Transformers::Formatter::SomeBank < Formatter
  • class Transformers::Enhancer::SomeBank < Enhancer
  • class Documents::Statements::SomeBank < Statement

Each of these classes would implement the expected interface for its type, and the Processor::SomeBank would instantiate them all. Validators and YNAB4File aren't related to a particular institution, there is no need to derive a child class for each bank.

Note that any of the Transformers:: classes are optional, and it is possible that some institution only requires a Cleaner but no Formatter or Enhancer (for example).


Run ynab_convert with YNAB_CONVERT_DEBUG=true, or use the rake task spec:debug. Debug logging goes to STDERR.

Or add byebug or pry statements in the code (works with guard and with rspec).

Adding a new financial institution

If there is no processor for your financial institution, you can contribute one to the project.

Looking at the other, real-world processors in lib/processors is helpful.

Note that if the processor name's case cannot be camel cased from its lowercase string, it will need to be added manually in lib/ynab_convert.rb in the processor_class_name method. For instance, the USB Chequing processor is called with -i ubs_chequing from the command line. That makes the gem try to use Processors::UbsChequing as the processor class, but it's actually called Processors::UBSChequing.

Be sure to add tests to your processor as well before you make a PR.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

(c) coaxial 2019


Convert CSV files to YNAB4 format







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