This standard is named CDXTYPO3 within PHP Code Sniffer.
You have to require the package via composer composer require codappix/cgl-typo3.
Afterwards, there are multiple ways to install the standard. We recommend to require dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer which handles the installation.
The goal of this package is to provide our TYPO3 coding guideline rules, which are based on CDXPHP, via composer. The package uses PHP Code Sniffer to sniff the configured files and show errors.
After installation, the standard is available as CDXTYPO3.
This is the initial version of this ruleset. We are currently using our PHP rules. Custom rules and sniffs will follow when needed.
This is a early version. More information can be taken from Github at current issues.
The sniffs were originally copied from TYPO3SniffPool which is not managed anymore.