Issue | Instances | |
GAS-1 | a = a + b is more gas effective than a += b for state variables (excluding arrays and mappings) |
42 |
GAS-2 | Using bools for storage incurs overhead | 7 |
GAS-3 | Cache array length outside of loop | 22 |
GAS-4 | For Operations that will not overflow, you could use unchecked | 294 |
GAS-5 | Avoid contract existence checks by using low level calls | 9 |
GAS-6 | ++i costs less gas compared to i++ or i += 1 (same for --i vs i-- or i -= 1 ) |
7 |
GAS-7 | Using private rather than public for constants, saves gas |
31 |
GAS-8 | Use shift right/left instead of division/multiplication if possible | 4 |
GAS-9 | uint256 to bool mapping : Utilizing Bitmaps to dramatically save on Gas |
1 |
GAS-10 | Increments/decrements can be unchecked in for-loops | 44 |
GAS-11 | Use != 0 instead of > 0 for unsigned integer comparison | 58 |
GAS-12 | internal functions not called by the contract should be removed |
2 |
[GAS-1] a = a + b
is more gas effective than a += b
for state variables (excluding arrays and mappings)
This saves 16 gas per instance.
Instances (42):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
231: t += WEEK;
271: t += WEEK;
539: pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope += newSlope.slope;
540: pointsSum[nextTime].slope += newSlope.slope;
548: changesWeight[nomineeHash][newSlope.end] += newSlope.slope;
549: changesSum[newSlope.end] += newSlope.slope;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
575: totalRewards += eligibleServiceRewards[numServices];
624: updatedTotalRewards += updatedReward;
629: mapServiceInfo[curServiceId].reward += updatedReward;
634: updatedTotalRewards += updatedReward;
639: updatedReward += lastAvailableRewards - updatedTotalRewards;
643: mapServiceInfo[curServiceId].reward += updatedReward;
653: mapServiceInfo[curServiceId].reward += eligibleServiceRewards[i];
922: reward += calculateStakingLastReward(serviceId);
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
540: totalValueAmount += valueAmounts[i];
609: transferAmounts[i] += stakingIncentive;
610: totalAmounts[0] += stakingIncentive;
611: totalAmounts[2] += returnAmount;
630: totalAmounts[1] += transferAmounts[i];
924: returnAmount += stakingIncentive - availableStakingAmount;
936: returnAmount += stakingIncentive - normalizedStakingAmount;
941: totalStakingIncentive += stakingIncentive;
944: totalReturnAmount += returnAmount;
1157: totalReturnAmount += stakingPoint.stakingIncentive * stakingWeight;
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
947: mapUnitIncentives[unitType][serviceUnitIds[j]].pendingRelativeReward += amount;
953: mapUnitIncentives[unitType][serviceUnitIds[j]].pendingRelativeTopUp += amount;
954: mapEpochTokenomics[curEpoch].unitPoints[unitType].sumUnitTopUpsOLAS += amount;
1019: donationETH += mapEpochTokenomics[curEpoch].epochPoint.totalDonationsETH;
1138: inflationPerEpoch += (block.timestamp - yearEndTime) * curInflationPerSecond;
1254: inflationPerEpoch += (block.timestamp + curEpochLen - yearEndTime) * curInflationPerSecond;
1270: curMaxBond += effectiveBond;
1370: reward += mapUnitIncentives[unitTypes[i]][unitIds[i]].reward;
1373: topUp += mapUnitIncentives[unitTypes[i]][unitIds[i]].topUp;
1440: reward += totalIncentives / 100;
1451: topUp += totalIncentives / sumUnitIncentives;
1456: reward += mapUnitIncentives[unitTypes[i]][unitIds[i]].reward;
1458: topUp += mapUnitIncentives[unitTypes[i]][unitIds[i]].topUp;
File: tokenomics/contracts/TokenomicsConstants.sol
59: supplyCap += (supplyCap * maxMintCapFraction) / 100;
96: supplyCap += (supplyCap * maxMintCapFraction) / 100;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
172: localWithheldAmount += amount;
182: localWithheldAmount += targetWithheldAmount;
209: withheldAmount += localWithheldAmount;
Use uint256(1) and uint256(2) for true/false to avoid a Gwarmaccess (100 gas), and to avoid Gsset (20000 gas) when changing from ‘false’ to ‘true’, after having been ‘true’ in the past. See source.
Instances (7):
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingVerifier.sol
64: bool public implementationsCheck;
67: mapping(address => bool) public mapImplementations;
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
367: mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => bool)) public mapNewUnits;
369: mapping(address => bool) public mapNewOwners;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
93: mapping(bytes32 => bool) public stakingQueueingNonces;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeDepositProcessorL1.sol
18: mapping(bytes32 => bool) public mapDeliveryHashes;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeTargetDispenserL2.sol
54: mapping(bytes32 => bool) public mapDeliveryHashes;
If not cached, the solidity compiler will always read the length of the array during each iteration. That is, if it is a storage array, this is an extra sload operation (100 additional extra gas for each iteration except for the first) and if it is a memory array, this is an extra mload operation (3 additional gas for each iteration except for the first).
Instances (22):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
573: for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
793: for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
332: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _stakingParams.agentIds.length; ++i) {
669: for (uint256 i = 0; i < serviceIds.length; ++i) {
835: for (; idx < serviceIds.length; ++idx) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingToken.sol
92: for (uint256 i = 0; i < serviceAgentIds.length; ++i) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingVerifier.sol
150: for (uint256 i = 0; i < implementations.length; ++i) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
450: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
462: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
473: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
485: for (uint256 j = 0; j < updatedStakingTargets.length; ++j) {
526: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
550: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
593: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
600: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
717: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
1335: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
1357: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
1407: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
1429: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
154: for (uint256 i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/EthereumDepositProcessor.sol
94: for (uint256 i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) {
Instances (294):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
159: uint256 public constant MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
214: timeSum = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK;
227: for (uint256 i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WEEKS; i++) {
231: t += WEEK;
232: uint256 dBias = pt.slope * WEEK;
234: pt.bias -= dBias;
236: pt.slope -= dSlope;
267: for (uint256 i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WEEKS; i++) {
271: t += WEEK;
272: uint256 dBias = pt.slope * WEEK;
274: pt.bias -= dBias;
276: pt.slope -= dSlope;
309: uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
357: revert Underflow(chainId, MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID + 1);
424: uint256 t = time / WEEK * WEEK;
432: weight = 1e18 * nomineeWeight / totalSum;
489: uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
502: uint256 nextAllowedVotingTime = lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeHash] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY;
511: oldBias = oldSlope.slope * (oldSlope.end - nextTime);
515: slope: uint256(uint128(userSlope)) * weight / MAX_WEIGHT,
520: uint256 newBias = newSlope.slope * (lockEnd - nextTime);
523: powerUsed = powerUsed + newSlope.power - oldSlope.power;
532: pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].bias = _maxAndSub(_getWeight(account, chainId) + newBias, oldBias);
533: pointsSum[nextTime].bias = _maxAndSub(_getSum() + newBias, oldBias);
536: _maxAndSub(pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope + newSlope.slope, oldSlope.slope);
537: pointsSum[nextTime].slope = _maxAndSub(pointsSum[nextTime].slope + newSlope.slope, oldSlope.slope);
539: pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope += newSlope.slope;
540: pointsSum[nextTime].slope += newSlope.slope;
544: changesWeight[nomineeHash][oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
545: changesSum[oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
548: changesWeight[nomineeHash][newSlope.end] += newSlope.slope;
549: changesSum[newSlope.end] += newSlope.slope;
573: for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
579: return a > b ? a - b : 0;
605: uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
610: uint256 newSum = oldSum - oldWeight;
622: nominee = setNominees[setNominees.length - 1];
659: changesWeight[nomineeHash][oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
660: changesSum[oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
665: powerUsed = powerUsed - oldSlope.power;
692: return setNominees.length - 1;
699: return setRemovedNominees.length - 1;
746: uint256 totalNumNominees = setNominees.length - 1;
763: uint256 totalNumRemovedNominees = setRemovedNominees.length - 1;
793: for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
804: nextAllowedVotingTimes[i] = lastUserVote[voters[i]][nomineeHash] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingActivityChecker.sol
58: uint256 ratio = ((curNonces[0] - lastNonces[0]) * 1e18) / ts;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
4: import {ERC721TokenReceiver} from "../../lib/solmate/src/tokens/ERC721.sol";
332: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _stakingParams.agentIds.length; ++i) {
350: minStakingDuration = _stakingParams.minNumStakingPeriods * livenessPeriod;
353: maxInactivityDuration = _stakingParams.maxNumInactivityPeriods * livenessPeriod;
356: emissionsAmount = _stakingParams.rewardsPerSecond * _stakingParams.maxNumServices *
380: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numAgentIds; ++i) {
449: for (uint256 i = 0; i < totalNumServices; ++i) {
459: sCounter++;
464: for (uint256 i = numEvictServices; i > 0; --i) {
466: totalNumServices--;
468: uint256 idx = serviceIndexes[i - 1];
536: if (block.timestamp - tsCheckpointLast >= livenessPeriod && lastAvailableRewards > 0) {
548: for (uint256 i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
566: ts = block.timestamp - serviceCheckpoint;
574: eligibleServiceRewards[numServices] = rewardsPerSecond * ts;
575: totalRewards += eligibleServiceRewards[numServices];
577: ++numServices;
620: for (uint256 i = 1; i < numServices; ++i) {
622: updatedReward = (eligibleServiceRewards[i] * lastAvailableRewards) / totalRewards;
624: updatedTotalRewards += updatedReward;
629: mapServiceInfo[curServiceId].reward += updatedReward;
633: updatedReward = (eligibleServiceRewards[0] * lastAvailableRewards) / totalRewards;
634: updatedTotalRewards += updatedReward;
639: updatedReward += lastAvailableRewards - updatedTotalRewards;
643: mapServiceInfo[curServiceId].reward += updatedReward;
648: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numServices; ++i) {
653: mapServiceInfo[curServiceId].reward += eligibleServiceRewards[i];
657: lastAvailableRewards -= totalRewards;
669: for (uint256 i = 0; i < serviceIds.length; ++i) {
678: serviceInactivity[i] = mapServiceInfo[curServiceId].inactivity + serviceInactivity[i];
685: numServices++;
701: uint256 epochLength = block.timestamp - tsCheckpoint;
706: epochCounter = eCounter + 1;
773: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numAgents; ++i) {
817: uint256 ts = block.timestamp - tsStart;
835: for (; idx < serviceIds.length; ++idx) {
858: setServiceIds[idx] = setServiceIds[setServiceIds.length - 1];
899: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numServices; ++i) {
904: reward = (eligibleServiceRewards[i] * lastAvailableRewards) / totalRewards;
922: reward += calculateStakingLastReward(serviceId);
941: tsNext = tsCheckpoint + livenessPeriod;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingFactory.sol
4: import {StakingProxy} from "./StakingProxy.sol";
239: nonce = localNonce + 1;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingNativeToken.sol
4: import {StakingBase} from "./StakingBase.sol";
30: balance -= amount;
41: uint256 newBalance = balance + msg.value;
42: uint256 newAvailableRewards = availableRewards + msg.value;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingToken.sol
4: import {StakingBase} from "./StakingBase.sol";
5: import {SafeTransferLib} from "../utils/SafeTransferLib.sol";
92: for (uint256 i = 0; i < serviceAgentIds.length; ++i) {
106: balance -= amount;
117: uint256 newBalance = balance + amount;
118: uint256 newAvailableRewards = availableRewards + amount;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingVerifier.sol
91: emissionsLimit = _rewardsPerSecondLimit * _timeForEmissionsLimit * _numServicesLimit;
150: for (uint256 i = 0; i < implementations.length; ++i) {
247: emissionsLimit = _rewardsPerSecondLimit * _timeForEmissionsLimit * _numServicesLimit;
File: registries/contracts/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol
32: mstore(4, from) // Append the "from" argument.
33: mstore(36, to) // Append the "to" argument.
34: mstore(68, amount) // Append the "amount" argument.
46: mstore(0x60, 0) // Restore the zero slot to zero.
47: mstore(0x40, memPointer) // Restore the memPointer.
74: mstore(4, to) // Append the "to" argument.
75: mstore(36, amount) // Append the "amount" argument.
87: mstore(0x60, 0) // Restore the zero slot to zero.
88: mstore(0x40, memPointer) // Restore the memPointer.
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
275: uint256 public constant MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
376: revert Overflow(firstClaimedEpoch, eCounter - 1);
380: uint256 epochAfterRemoved = mapRemovedNomineeEpochs[nomineeHash] + 1;
384: revert Overflow(firstClaimedEpoch, epochAfterRemoved - 1);
388: lastClaimedEpoch = firstClaimedEpoch + numClaimedEpochs;
450: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
462: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
465: ++numActualTargets;
473: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
477: ++numPos;
485: for (uint256 j = 0; j < updatedStakingTargets.length; ++j) {
526: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
540: totalValueAmount += valueAmounts[i];
550: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
593: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
600: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
609: transferAmounts[i] += stakingIncentive;
610: totalAmounts[0] += stakingIncentive;
611: totalAmounts[2] += returnAmount;
619: withheldAmount -= transferAmounts[i];
622: transferAmounts[i] -= withheldAmount;
630: totalAmounts[1] += transferAmounts[i];
717: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
766: uint256 endTime = ITokenomics(tokenomics).getEpochEndTime(eCounter - 1);
773: uint256 maxAllowedTime = endTime + epochLen - 1 weeks;
811: if ((reward + topUp) > 0) {
822: olasBalance = IToken(olas).balanceOf(msg.sender) - olasBalance;
881: for (uint256 j = firstClaimedEpoch; j < lastClaimedEpoch; ++j) {
905: stakingDiff = availableStakingAmount - totalWeightSum;
911: if (stakingWeight < uint256(stakingPoint.minStakingWeight) * 1e14) {
913: returnAmount = ((stakingDiff + availableStakingAmount) * stakingWeight) / 1e18;
916: stakingIncentive = (availableStakingAmount * stakingWeight) / 1e18;
918: returnAmount = (stakingDiff * stakingWeight) / 1e18;
924: returnAmount += stakingIncentive - availableStakingAmount;
932: uint256 normalizedStakingAmount = stakingIncentive / (10 ** (18 - bridgingDecimals));
933: normalizedStakingAmount *= 10 ** (18 - bridgingDecimals);
936: returnAmount += stakingIncentive - normalizedStakingAmount;
941: totalStakingIncentive += stakingIncentive;
944: totalReturnAmount += returnAmount;
1016: withheldAmount -= transferAmount;
1020: transferAmount -= withheldAmount;
1034: olasBalance = IToken(olas).balanceOf(address(this)) - olasBalance;
1112: olasBalance = IToken(olas).balanceOf(address(this)) - olasBalance;
1146: for (uint256 j = firstClaimedEpoch; j < lastClaimedEpoch; ++j) {
1157: totalReturnAmount += stakingPoint.stakingIncentive * stakingWeight;
1159: totalReturnAmount /= 1e18;
1183: uint256 withheldAmount = mapChainIdWithheldAmounts[chainId] + amount;
1221: uint256 normalizedAmount = amount / (10 ** (18 - bridgingDecimals));
1222: normalizedAmount *= 10 ** (18 - bridgingDecimals);
1228: uint256 withheldAmount = mapChainIdWithheldAmounts[chainId] + amount;
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
4: import {convert, UD60x18} from "@prb/math/src/UD60x18.sol";
5: import {TokenomicsConstants} from "./TokenomicsConstants.sol";
6: import {IDonatorBlacklist} from "./interfaces/IDonatorBlacklist.sol";
7: import {IErrorsTokenomics} from "./interfaces/IErrorsTokenomics.sol";
464: if (block.timestamp >= (_timeLaunch + ONE_YEAR)) {
465: revert Overflow(_timeLaunch + ONE_YEAR, block.timestamp);
469: uint256 zeroYearSecondsLeft = uint32(_timeLaunch + ONE_YEAR - block.timestamp);
473: uint256 _inflationPerSecond = getInflationForYear(0) / zeroYearSecondsLeft;
509: uint256 _maxBond = (_inflationPerSecond * _epochLen * _maxBondFraction) / 100;
692: emit TokenomicsParametersUpdateRequested(epochCounter + 1, _devsPerCapital, _codePerDev, _epsilonRate, _epochLen,
717: if (_rewardComponentFraction + _rewardAgentFraction > 100) {
718: revert WrongAmount(_rewardComponentFraction + _rewardAgentFraction, 100);
722: uint256 sumTopUpFractions = _maxBondFraction + _topUpComponentFraction + _topUpAgentFraction +
729: uint256 eCounter = epochCounter + 1;
735: tp.epochPoint.rewardTreasuryFraction = uint8(100 - _rewardComponentFraction - _rewardAgentFraction);
772: uint256 eCounter = epochCounter + 1;
798: eBond -= amount;
814: uint256 eBond = effectiveBond + amount;
833: uint256 stakingIncentive = mapEpochStakingPoints[eCounter].stakingIncentive + amount;
854: totalIncentives *= mapEpochTokenomics[epochNum].unitPoints[unitType].rewardUnitFraction;
856: totalIncentives = mapUnitIncentives[unitType][unitId].reward + totalIncentives / 100;
869: totalIncentives *= mapEpochTokenomics[epochNum].epochPoint.totalTopUpsOLAS;
870: totalIncentives *= mapEpochTokenomics[epochNum].unitPoints[unitType].topUpUnitFraction;
871: uint256 sumUnitIncentives = uint256(mapEpochTokenomics[epochNum].unitPoints[unitType].sumUnitTopUpsOLAS) * 100;
872: totalIncentives = mapUnitIncentives[unitType][unitId].topUp + totalIncentives / sumUnitIncentives;
904: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numServices; ++i) {
916: for (uint256 unitType = 0; unitType < 2; ++unitType) {
926: if (incentiveFlags[unitType] || incentiveFlags[unitType + 2]) {
928: uint96 amount = uint96(amounts[i] / numServiceUnits);
930: for (uint256 j = 0; j < numServiceUnits; ++j) {
947: mapUnitIncentives[unitType][serviceUnitIds[j]].pendingRelativeReward += amount;
952: if (topUpEligible && incentiveFlags[unitType + 2]) {
953: mapUnitIncentives[unitType][serviceUnitIds[j]].pendingRelativeTopUp += amount;
954: mapEpochTokenomics[curEpoch].unitPoints[unitType].sumUnitTopUpsOLAS += amount;
960: for (uint256 j = 0; j < numServiceUnits; ++j) {
964: mapEpochTokenomics[curEpoch].unitPoints[unitType].numNewUnits++;
970: mapEpochTokenomics[curEpoch].epochPoint.numNewOwners++;
1010: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numServices; ++i) {
1019: donationETH += mapEpochTokenomics[curEpoch].epochPoint.totalDonationsETH;
1061: idf = 1e18 + fKD;
1097: uint256 prevEpochTime = mapEpochTokenomics[epochCounter - 1].epochPoint.endTime;
1098: uint256 diffNumSeconds = block.timestamp - prevEpochTime;
1116: incentives[1] = (incentives[0] * tp.epochPoint.rewardTreasuryFraction) / 100;
1118: incentives[2] = (incentives[0] * tp.unitPoints[0].rewardUnitFraction) / 100;
1119: incentives[3] = (incentives[0] * tp.unitPoints[1].rewardUnitFraction) / 100;
1126: uint256 numYears = (block.timestamp - timeLaunch) / ONE_YEAR;
1132: uint256 yearEndTime = timeLaunch + numYears * ONE_YEAR;
1134: inflationPerEpoch = (yearEndTime - prevEpochTime) * curInflationPerSecond;
1136: curInflationPerSecond = getInflationForYear(numYears) / ONE_YEAR;
1138: inflationPerEpoch += (block.timestamp - yearEndTime) * curInflationPerSecond;
1146: inflationPerEpoch = curInflationPerSecond * diffNumSeconds;
1152: incentives[4] = (inflationPerEpoch * tp.epochPoint.maxBondFraction) / 100;
1166: incentives[4] = effectiveBond + incentives[4] - curMaxBond;
1171: TokenomicsPoint storage nextEpochPoint = mapEpochTokenomics[eCounter + 1];
1189: emit TokenomicsParametersUpdated(eCounter + 1);
1196: emit IncentiveFractionsUpdated(eCounter + 1);
1199: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1206: mapEpochStakingPoints[eCounter + 1].stakingFraction = mapEpochStakingPoints[eCounter].stakingFraction;
1213: emit StakingParamsUpdated(eCounter + 1);
1216: mapEpochStakingPoints[eCounter + 1].maxStakingIncentive = mapEpochStakingPoints[eCounter].maxStakingIncentive;
1217: mapEpochStakingPoints[eCounter + 1].minStakingWeight = mapEpochStakingPoints[eCounter].minStakingWeight;
1223: uint256 accountRewards = incentives[2] + incentives[3];
1225: incentives[5] = (inflationPerEpoch * tp.unitPoints[0].topUpUnitFraction) / 100;
1227: incentives[6] = (inflationPerEpoch * tp.unitPoints[1].topUpUnitFraction) / 100;
1231: uint256 accountTopUps = incentives[5] + incentives[6];
1237: incentives[8] = incentives[7] + (inflationPerEpoch * mapEpochStakingPoints[eCounter].stakingFraction) / 100;
1243: numYears = (block.timestamp + curEpochLen - timeLaunch) / ONE_YEAR;
1248: uint256 yearEndTime = timeLaunch + numYears * ONE_YEAR;
1250: inflationPerEpoch = (yearEndTime - block.timestamp) * curInflationPerSecond;
1252: curInflationPerSecond = getInflationForYear(numYears) / ONE_YEAR;
1254: inflationPerEpoch += (block.timestamp + curEpochLen - yearEndTime) * curInflationPerSecond;
1256: curMaxBond = (inflationPerEpoch * nextEpochPoint.epochPoint.maxBondFraction) / 100;
1263: curMaxBond = (curEpochLen * curInflationPerSecond * nextEpochPoint.epochPoint.maxBondFraction) / 100;
1270: curMaxBond += effectiveBond;
1290: epochCounter = uint32(eCounter + 1);
1329: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1335: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
1357: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
1370: reward += mapUnitIncentives[unitTypes[i]][unitIds[i]].reward;
1373: topUp += mapUnitIncentives[unitTypes[i]][unitIds[i]].topUp;
1401: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1407: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
1429: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
1438: totalIncentives *= mapEpochTokenomics[lastEpoch].unitPoints[unitTypes[i]].rewardUnitFraction;
1440: reward += totalIncentives / 100;
1447: totalIncentives *= mapEpochTokenomics[lastEpoch].epochPoint.totalTopUpsOLAS;
1448: totalIncentives *= mapEpochTokenomics[lastEpoch].unitPoints[unitTypes[i]].topUpUnitFraction;
1449: uint256 sumUnitIncentives = uint256(mapEpochTokenomics[lastEpoch].unitPoints[unitTypes[i]].sumUnitTopUpsOLAS) * 100;
1451: topUp += totalIncentives / sumUnitIncentives;
1456: reward += mapUnitIncentives[unitTypes[i]][unitIds[i]].reward;
1458: topUp += mapUnitIncentives[unitTypes[i]][unitIds[i]].topUp;
File: tokenomics/contracts/TokenomicsConstants.sol
15: uint256 public constant ONE_YEAR = 1 days * 365;
19: uint256 public constant MAX_EPOCH_LENGTH = ONE_YEAR - 1 days;
51: numYears -= 9;
58: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numYears; ++i) {
59: supplyCap += (supplyCap * maxMintCapFraction) / 100;
88: numYears -= 9;
95: for (uint256 i = 1; i < numYears; ++i) {
96: supplyCap += (supplyCap * maxMintCapFraction) / 100;
100: inflationAmount = (supplyCap * maxMintCapFraction) / 100;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumDepositProcessorL1.sol
4: import {DefaultDepositProcessorL1, IToken} from "./DefaultDepositProcessorL1.sol";
159: cost[0] = maxSubmissionCostToken + TOKEN_GAS_LIMIT * gasPriceBid;
163: cost[1] = maxSubmissionCostMessage + gasLimitMessage * gasPriceBid;
165: uint256 totalCost = cost[0] + cost[1];
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumTargetDispenserL2.sol
4: import {DefaultTargetDispenserL2} from "./DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol";
48: l1AliasedDepositProcessor = address(uint160(_l1DepositProcessor) + offset);
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultDepositProcessorL1.sol
4: import {IBridgeErrors} from "../interfaces/IBridgeErrors.sol";
30: uint256 public constant MAX_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
153: stakingBatchNonce++;
179: stakingBatchNonce++;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
4: import {IBridgeErrors} from "../interfaces/IBridgeErrors.sol";
64: uint256 public constant MAX_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
154: for (uint256 i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) {
172: localWithheldAmount += amount;
181: uint256 targetWithheldAmount = amount - limitAmount;
182: localWithheldAmount += targetWithheldAmount;
205: stakingBatchNonce = batchNonce + 1;
209: withheldAmount += localWithheldAmount;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/EthereumDepositProcessor.sol
94: for (uint256 i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) {
108: uint256 refundAmount = amount - limitAmount;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisDepositProcessorL1.sol
4: import {DefaultDepositProcessorL1, IToken} from "./DefaultDepositProcessorL1.sol";
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisTargetDispenserL2.sol
4: import "./DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol";
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismDepositProcessorL1.sol
4: import {DefaultDepositProcessorL1, IToken} from "./DefaultDepositProcessorL1.sol";
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismTargetDispenserL2.sol
4: import {DefaultTargetDispenserL2} from "./DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol";
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/PolygonDepositProcessorL1.sol
4: import {DefaultDepositProcessorL1, IToken} from "./DefaultDepositProcessorL1.sol";
5: import {FxBaseRootTunnel} from "../../lib/fx-portal/contracts/tunnel/FxBaseRootTunnel.sol";
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/PolygonTargetDispenserL2.sol
4: import {DefaultTargetDispenserL2} from "./DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol";
5: import {FxBaseChildTunnel} from "../../lib/fx-portal/contracts/tunnel/FxBaseChildTunnel.sol";
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeDepositProcessorL1.sol
4: import {DefaultDepositProcessorL1} from "./DefaultDepositProcessorL1.sol";
5: import {TokenBase, TokenSender} from "wormhole-solidity-sdk/TokenBase.sol";
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeTargetDispenserL2.sol
4: import {DefaultTargetDispenserL2} from "./DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol";
5: import {TokenBase, TokenReceiver} from "wormhole-solidity-sdk/TokenBase.sol";
Prior to 0.8.10 the compiler inserted extra code, including EXTCODESIZE
(100 gas), to check for contract existence for external function calls. In more recent solidity versions, the compiler will not insert these checks if the external call has a return value. Similar behavior can be achieved in earlier versions by using low-level calls, since low level calls never check for contract existence
Instances (9):
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
815: olasBalance = IToken(olas).balanceOf(msg.sender);
822: olasBalance = IToken(olas).balanceOf(msg.sender) - olasBalance;
1028: uint256 olasBalance = IToken(olas).balanceOf(address(this));
1034: olasBalance = IToken(olas).balanceOf(address(this)) - olasBalance;
1106: uint256 olasBalance = IToken(olas).balanceOf(address(this));
1112: olasBalance = IToken(olas).balanceOf(address(this)) - olasBalance;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
189: if (IToken(olas).balanceOf(address(this)) >= amount && localPaused == 1) {
287: uint256 olasBalance = IToken(olas).balanceOf(address(this));
440: uint256 amount = IToken(olas).balanceOf(address(this));
Pre-increments and pre-decrements are cheaper.
For a uint256 i
variable, the following is true with the Optimizer enabled at 10k:
i += 1
is the most expensive formi++
costs 6 gas less thani += 1
costs 5 gas less thani++
(11 gas less thani += 1
i -= 1
is the most expensive formi--
costs 11 gas less thani -= 1
costs 5 gas less thani--
(16 gas less thani -= 1
Note that post-increments (or post-decrements) return the old value before incrementing or decrementing, hence the name post-increment:
uint i = 1;
uint j = 2;
require(j == i++, "This will be false as i is incremented after the comparison");
However, pre-increments (or pre-decrements) return the new value:
uint i = 1;
uint j = 2;
require(j == ++i, "This will be true as i is incremented before the comparison");
In the pre-increment case, the compiler has to create a temporary variable (when used) for returning 1
instead of 2
Consider using pre-increments and pre-decrements where they are relevant (meaning: not where post-increments/decrements logic are relevant).
Saves 5 gas per instance
Instances (7):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
227: for (uint256 i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WEEKS; i++) {
267: for (uint256 i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WEEKS; i++) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
459: sCounter++;
466: totalNumServices--;
685: numServices++;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultDepositProcessorL1.sol
153: stakingBatchNonce++;
179: stakingBatchNonce++;
If needed, the values can be read from the verified contract source code, or if there are multiple values there can be a single getter function that returns a tuple of the values of all currently-public constants. Saves 3406-3606 gas in deployment gas due to the compiler not having to create non-payable getter functions for deployment calldata, not having to store the bytes of the value outside of where it's used, and not adding another entry to the method ID table
Instances (31):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
145: uint256 public constant WEEK = 604_800;
148: uint256 public constant WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY = 864_000;
155: uint256 public constant MAX_NUM_WEEKS = 53;
157: uint256 public constant MAX_WEIGHT = 10_000;
159: uint256 public constant MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
224: string public constant VERSION = "0.2.0";
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingFactory.sol
88: uint256 public constant SELECTOR_DATA_LENGTH = 4;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingProxy.sol
23: bytes32 public constant SERVICE_STAKING_PROXY = 0x9e5e169c1098011e4e5940a3ec1797686b2a8294a9b77a4c676b121bdc0ebb5e;
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
275: uint256 public constant MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
File: tokenomics/contracts/TokenomicsConstants.sol
10: string public constant VERSION = "1.2.0";
13: bytes32 public constant PROXY_TOKENOMICS = 0xbd5523e7c3b6a94aa0e3b24d1120addc2f95c7029e097b466b2bedc8d4b4362f;
15: uint256 public constant ONE_YEAR = 1 days * 365;
17: uint256 public constant MIN_EPOCH_LENGTH = 10 days;
19: uint256 public constant MAX_EPOCH_LENGTH = ONE_YEAR - 1 days;
21: uint256 public constant MIN_PARAM_VALUE = 1e14;
23: uint256 public constant MAX_STAKING_WEIGHT = 10_000;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumDepositProcessorL1.sol
72: uint256 public constant BRIDGE_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 160;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultDepositProcessorL1.sol
28: bytes4 public constant RECEIVE_MESSAGE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("receiveMessage(bytes)")));
30: uint256 public constant MAX_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
33: uint256 public constant TOKEN_GAS_LIMIT = 300_000;
35: uint256 public constant MESSAGE_GAS_LIMIT = 2_000_000;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
62: bytes4 public constant RECEIVE_MESSAGE = bytes4(keccak256(bytes("receiveMessage(bytes)")));
64: uint256 public constant MAX_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
67: uint256 public constant GAS_LIMIT = 300_000;
70: uint256 public constant MAX_GAS_LIMIT = 2_000_000;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisDepositProcessorL1.sol
34: uint256 public constant BRIDGE_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 32;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisTargetDispenserL2.sol
28: uint256 public constant BRIDGE_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 32;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismDepositProcessorL1.sol
61: uint256 public constant BRIDGE_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 64;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismTargetDispenserL2.sol
39: uint256 public constant BRIDGE_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 64;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeDepositProcessorL1.sol
13: uint256 public constant BRIDGE_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 64;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeTargetDispenserL2.sol
52: uint256 public constant BRIDGE_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 64;
While the DIV
opcode uses 5 gas, the SHR
opcode only uses 3 gas. Furthermore, beware that Solidity's division operation also includes a division-by-0 prevention which is bypassed using shifting. Eventually, overflow checks are never performed for shift operations as they are done for arithmetic operations. Instead, the result is always truncated, so the calculation can be unchecked in Solidity version 0.8+
- Use
>> 1
instead of/ 2
- Use
>> 2
instead of/ 4
- Use
<< 3
instead of* 8
- ...
- Use
>> 5
instead of/ 2^5 == / 32
- Use
<< 6
instead of* 2^6 == * 64
- Shifting left by N is like multiplying by 2^N (Each bits to the left is an increased power of 2)
- Shifting right by N is like dividing by 2^N (Each bits to the right is a decreased power of 2)
Saves around 2 gas + 20 for unchecked per instance
Instances (4):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
159: uint256 public constant MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
275: uint256 public constant MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultDepositProcessorL1.sol
30: uint256 public constant MAX_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
64: uint256 public constant MAX_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
* @dev Library for managing uint256 to bool mapping in a compact and efficient way, provided the keys are sequential.
* Largely inspired by Uniswap's[merkle-distributor].
* BitMaps pack 256 booleans across each bit of a single 256-bit slot of `uint256` type.
* Hence booleans corresponding to 256 _sequential_ indices would only consume a single slot,
* unlike the regular `bool` which would consume an entire slot for a single value.
* This results in gas savings in two ways:
* - Setting a zero value to non-zero only once every 256 times
* - Accessing the same warm slot for every 256 _sequential_ indices
Instances (1):
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
367: mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => bool)) public mapNewUnits;
In Solidity 0.8+, there's a default overflow check on unsigned integers. It's possible to uncheck this in for-loops and save some gas at each iteration, but at the cost of some code readability, as this uncheck cannot be made inline.
The change would be:
- for (uint256 i; i < numIterations; i++) {
+ for (uint256 i; i < numIterations;) {
// ...
+ unchecked { ++i; }
These save around 25 gas saved per instance.
The same can be applied with decrements (which should use break
when i == 0
The risk of overflow is non-existent for uint256
Instances (44):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
227: for (uint256 i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WEEKS; i++) {
267: for (uint256 i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WEEKS; i++) {
573: for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
793: for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
332: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _stakingParams.agentIds.length; ++i) {
380: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numAgentIds; ++i) {
449: for (uint256 i = 0; i < totalNumServices; ++i) {
464: for (uint256 i = numEvictServices; i > 0; --i) {
548: for (uint256 i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
620: for (uint256 i = 1; i < numServices; ++i) {
648: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numServices; ++i) {
669: for (uint256 i = 0; i < serviceIds.length; ++i) {
773: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numAgents; ++i) {
835: for (; idx < serviceIds.length; ++idx) {
899: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numServices; ++i) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingToken.sol
92: for (uint256 i = 0; i < serviceAgentIds.length; ++i) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingVerifier.sol
150: for (uint256 i = 0; i < implementations.length; ++i) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
450: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
462: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
473: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
485: for (uint256 j = 0; j < updatedStakingTargets.length; ++j) {
526: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
550: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
593: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
600: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
717: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
881: for (uint256 j = firstClaimedEpoch; j < lastClaimedEpoch; ++j) {
1146: for (uint256 j = firstClaimedEpoch; j < lastClaimedEpoch; ++j) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
904: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numServices; ++i) {
916: for (uint256 unitType = 0; unitType < 2; ++unitType) {
930: for (uint256 j = 0; j < numServiceUnits; ++j) {
960: for (uint256 j = 0; j < numServiceUnits; ++j) {
1010: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numServices; ++i) {
1199: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1329: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1335: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
1357: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
1401: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1407: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
1429: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/TokenomicsConstants.sol
58: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numYears; ++i) {
95: for (uint256 i = 1; i < numYears; ++i) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
154: for (uint256 i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/EthereumDepositProcessor.sol
94: for (uint256 i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) {
Instances (58):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
295: if (mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] > 0) {
300: if (mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash] > 0) {
430: if (totalSum > 0) {
478: if (mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash] > 0) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingActivityChecker.sol
57: if (ts > 0 && curNonces[0] > lastNonces[0]) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
450: if (evictServiceIds[i] > 0) {
464: for (uint256 i = numEvictServices; i > 0; --i) {
536: if (block.timestamp - tsCheckpointLast >= livenessPeriod && lastAvailableRewards > 0) {
612: if (numServices > 0) {
665: if (serviceIds.length > 0) {
676: if (serviceInactivity[i] > 0) {
696: if (numServices > 0) {
728: if (sInfo.tsStart > 0) {
751: if (threshold > 0 && threshold != service.threshold) {
767: if (size > 0) {
818: if (ts <= minStakingDuration && availableRewards > 0) {
867: if (reward > 0) {
932: } else if (sInfo.tsStart > 0) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingFactory.sol
220: if (returnData.length > 0) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
419: if (transferAmount > 0) {
455: if (transferAmounts[i] > 0) {
463: if (stakingIncentives[i][j] > 0) {
615: if (transferAmounts[i] > 0) {
617: if (withheldAmount > 0) {
811: if ((reward + topUp) > 0) {
814: if (topUp > 0) {
821: if (topUp > 0){
1000: if (returnAmount > 0) {
1007: if (stakingIncentive > 0) {
1013: if (withheldAmount > 0) {
1027: if (transferAmount > 0) {
1098: if (totalAmounts[2] > 0) {
1103: if (totalAmounts[0] > 0) {
1105: if (totalAmounts[1] > 0) {
1161: if (totalReturnAmount > 0) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
670: if (_epsilonRate > 0 && _epsilonRate <= 17e18) {
684: if (uint96(_veOLASThreshold) > 0) {
853: if (totalIncentives > 0) {
866: if (totalIncentives > 0) {
896: incentiveFlags[0] = (mapEpochTokenomics[curEpoch].unitPoints[0].rewardUnitFraction > 0);
897: incentiveFlags[1] = (mapEpochTokenomics[curEpoch].unitPoints[1].rewardUnitFraction > 0);
898: incentiveFlags[2] = (mapEpochTokenomics[curEpoch].unitPoints[0].topUpUnitFraction > 0);
899: incentiveFlags[3] = (mapEpochTokenomics[curEpoch].unitPoints[1].topUpUnitFraction > 0);
1176: if (nextEpochLen > 0) {
1183: if (nextVeOLASThreshold > 0) {
1261: } else if (tokenomicsParametersUpdated > 0) {
1274: if (incentives[0] > 0) {
1363: if (lastEpoch > 0 && lastEpoch < curEpoch) {
1433: if (lastEpoch > 0 && lastEpoch < curEpoch) {
1437: if (totalIncentives > 0) {
1444: if (totalIncentives > 0) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumDepositProcessorL1.sol
153: if (transferAmount > 0) {
172: if (transferAmount > 0) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
208: if (localWithheldAmount > 0) {
442: if (amount > 0) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisDepositProcessorL1.sol
63: if (transferAmount > 0) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismDepositProcessorL1.sol
107: if (transferAmount > 0) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/PolygonDepositProcessorL1.sol
64: if (transferAmount > 0) {
If the functions are required by an interface, the contract should inherit from that interface and use the override
Instances (2):
File: registries/contracts/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol
22: function safeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal {
64: function safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint256 amount) internal {
Issue | Instances | |
NC-1 | Replace abi.encodeWithSignature and abi.encodeWithSelector with abi.encodeCall which keeps the code typo/type safe |
6 |
NC-2 | Use string.concat() or bytes.concat() instead of abi.encodePacked |
5 |
NC-3 | constant s should be defined rather than using magic numbers |
95 |
NC-4 | Control structures do not follow the Solidity Style Guide | 38 |
NC-5 | Functions should not be longer than 50 lines | 169 |
NC-6 | Change int to int256 | 24 |
NC-7 | mapping definitions do not follow the Solidity Style Guide |
1 |
NC-8 | Use a modifier instead of a require/if statement for a special msg.sender actor |
50 |
NC-9 | Consider using named mappings | 28 |
NC-10 | address s shouldn't be hard-coded |
1 |
NC-11 | Take advantage of Custom Error's return value property | 86 |
NC-12 | Avoid the use of sensitive terms | 17 |
NC-13 | Internal and private variables and functions names should begin with an underscore | 2 |
NC-14 | Constants should be defined rather than using magic numbers | 7 |
NC-15 | Variables need not be initialized to zero | 39 |
[NC-1] Replace abi.encodeWithSignature
and abi.encodeWithSelector
with abi.encodeCall
which keeps the code typo/type safe
When using abi.encodeWithSignature
, it is possible to include a typo for the correct function signature.
When using abi.encodeWithSignature
or abi.encodeWithSelector
, it is also possible to provide parameters that are not of the correct type for the function.
To avoid these pitfalls, it would be best to use abi.encodeCall
Instances (6):
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumDepositProcessorL1.sol
187: bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(RECEIVE_MESSAGE, abi.encode(targets, stakingIncentives));
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumTargetDispenserL2.sol
55: bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(RECEIVE_MESSAGE, abi.encode(amount));
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisDepositProcessorL1.sol
73: bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(RECEIVE_MESSAGE, abi.encode(targets, stakingIncentives));
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisTargetDispenserL2.sol
77: bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(RECEIVE_MESSAGE, abi.encode(amount));
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismDepositProcessorL1.sol
136: bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(RECEIVE_MESSAGE, abi.encode(targets, stakingIncentives));
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismTargetDispenserL2.sol
85: bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(RECEIVE_MESSAGE, abi.encode(amount));
Solidity version 0.8.4 introduces bytes.concat()
(vs abi.encodePacked(<bytes>,<bytes>)
Solidity version 0.8.12 introduces string.concat()
(vs abi.encodePacked(<str>,<str>), which catches concatenation errors (in the event of a
bytes data mixed in the concatenation)
Instances (5):
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingFactory.sol
143: bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.chainid, localNonce));
146: bytes memory deploymentData = abi.encodePacked(type(StakingProxy).creationCode,
151: abi.encodePacked(
201: bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.chainid, localNonce));
203: bytes memory deploymentData = abi.encodePacked(type(StakingProxy).creationCode,
Even assembly can benefit from using readable constants instead of hex/numeric literals
Instances (95):
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
302: if (_stakingParams.minStakingDeposit < 2) {
303: revert LowerThan(_stakingParams.minStakingDeposit, 2);
411: if (success && returnData.length > 63 && (returnData.length % 32 == 0)) {
420: if (success && returnData.length == 32) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingFactory.sol
176: _locked = 2;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingVerifier.sol
212: if (returnData.length == 32) {
File: registries/contracts/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol
39: or(and(eq(mload(0), 1), gt(returndatasize(), 31)), iszero(returndatasize())),
43: call(gas(), token, 0, 0, 100, 0, 32)
80: or(and(eq(mload(0), 1), gt(returndatasize(), 31)), iszero(returndatasize())),
84: call(gas(), token, 0, 0, 68, 0, 32)
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
741: ITreasury(treasury).paused() == 2) {
797: _locked = 2;
802: ITreasury(treasury).paused() == 2) {
931: if (bridgingDecimals < 18) {
933: normalizedStakingAmount *= 10 ** (18 - bridgingDecimals);
963: _locked = 2;
984: ITreasury(treasury).paused() == 2) {
1069: _locked = 2;
1081: ITreasury(treasury).paused() == 2) {
1134: _locked = 2;
1220: if (bridgingDecimals < 18) {
1222: normalizedAmount *= 10 ** (18 - bridgingDecimals);
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
437: veOLASThreshold = 10_000e18;
490: tp.unitPoints[0].rewardUnitFraction = 83;
491: tp.unitPoints[1].rewardUnitFraction = 17;
502: uint256 _maxBondFraction = 50;
504: tp.unitPoints[0].topUpUnitFraction = 41;
505: tp.unitPoints[1].topUpUnitFraction = 9;
509: uint256 _maxBond = (_inflationPerSecond * _epochLen * _maxBondFraction) / 100;
670: if (_epsilonRate > 0 && _epsilonRate <= 17e18) {
717: if (_rewardComponentFraction + _rewardAgentFraction > 100) {
718: revert WrongAmount(_rewardComponentFraction + _rewardAgentFraction, 100);
724: if (sumTopUpFractions > 100) {
725: revert WrongAmount(sumTopUpFractions, 100);
856: totalIncentives = mapUnitIncentives[unitType][unitId].reward + totalIncentives / 100;
871: uint256 sumUnitIncentives = uint256(mapEpochTokenomics[epochNum].unitPoints[unitType].sumUnitTopUpsOLAS) * 100;
916: for (uint256 unitType = 0; unitType < 2; ++unitType) {
926: if (incentiveFlags[unitType] || incentiveFlags[unitType + 2]) {
952: if (topUpEligible && incentiveFlags[unitType + 2]) {
1116: incentives[1] = (incentives[0] * tp.epochPoint.rewardTreasuryFraction) / 100;
1118: incentives[2] = (incentives[0] * tp.unitPoints[0].rewardUnitFraction) / 100;
1119: incentives[3] = (incentives[0] * tp.unitPoints[1].rewardUnitFraction) / 100;
1152: incentives[4] = (inflationPerEpoch * tp.epochPoint.maxBondFraction) / 100;
1199: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1225: incentives[5] = (inflationPerEpoch * tp.unitPoints[0].topUpUnitFraction) / 100;
1227: incentives[6] = (inflationPerEpoch * tp.unitPoints[1].topUpUnitFraction) / 100;
1237: incentives[8] = incentives[7] + (inflationPerEpoch * mapEpochStakingPoints[eCounter].stakingFraction) / 100;
1256: curMaxBond = (inflationPerEpoch * nextEpochPoint.epochPoint.maxBondFraction) / 100;
1263: curMaxBond = (curEpochLen * curInflationPerSecond * nextEpochPoint.epochPoint.maxBondFraction) / 100;
1329: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1401: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1440: reward += totalIncentives / 100;
1449: uint256 sumUnitIncentives = uint256(mapEpochTokenomics[lastEpoch].unitPoints[unitTypes[i]].sumUnitTopUpsOLAS) * 100;
File: tokenomics/contracts/TokenomicsConstants.sol
35: if (numYears < 10) {
37: 529_659_000e18,
38: 569_913_084e18,
39: 610_313_084e18,
40: 666_313_084e18,
41: 746_313_084e18,
42: 818_313_084e18,
43: 882_313_084e18,
44: 930_313_084e18,
45: 970_313_084e18,
51: numYears -= 9;
55: uint256 maxMintCapFraction = 2;
59: supplyCap += (supplyCap * maxMintCapFraction) / 100;
71: if (numYears < 10) {
74: 3_159_000e18,
75: 40_254_084e18,
76: 40_400_000e18,
77: 56_000_000e18,
78: 80_000_000e18,
79: 72_000_000e18,
80: 64_000_000e18,
81: 48_000_000e18,
82: 40_000_000e18,
83: 29_686_916e18
88: numYears -= 9;
92: uint256 maxMintCapFraction = 2;
96: supplyCap += (supplyCap * maxMintCapFraction) / 100;
100: inflationAmount = (supplyCap * maxMintCapFraction) / 100;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumDepositProcessorL1.sol
141: if (gasPriceBid < 2 || gasLimitMessage < 2 || maxSubmissionCostMessage == 0) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultDepositProcessorL1.sol
213: return 18;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
144: _locked = 2;
165: if (success && returnData.length == 32) {
271: _locked = 2;
274: if (paused == 2) {
328: _locked = 2;
331: if (paused == 2) {
359: paused = 2;
382: _locked = 2;
417: _locked = 2;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/EthereumDepositProcessor.sol
91: _locked = 2;
174: return 18;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeDepositProcessorL1.sol
139: return 8;
See the control structures section of the Solidity Style Guide
Instances (38):
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
287: if (_stakingParams.metadataHash == 0 || _stakingParams.maxNumServices == 0 ||
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingFactory.sol
18: function verifyImplementation(address implementation) external view returns (bool);
24: function verifyInstance(address instance, address implementation) external view returns (bool);
58: error UnverifiedImplementation(address implementation);
62: error UnverifiedProxy(address instance);
83: event VerifierUpdated(address indexed verifier);
94: address public verifier;
105: verifier = _verifier;
133: verifier = newVerifier;
134: emit VerifierUpdated(newVerifier);
194: address localVerifier = verifier;
196: revert UnverifiedImplementation(implementation);
232: revert UnverifiedProxy(instance);
283: address localVerifier = verifier;
285: return IStakingVerifier(localVerifier).verifyInstance(instance, implementation);
296: bool success = verifyInstance(instance);
303: address localVerifier = verifier;
306: uint256 maxEmissions = IStakingVerifier(localVerifier).getEmissionsAmountLimit(instance);
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingVerifier.sol
166: function verifyImplementation(address implementation) external view returns (bool){
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
330: if (_olas == address(0) || _tokenomics == address(0) || _treasury == address(0) ||
740: if (currentPause == Pause.StakingIncentivesPaused || currentPause == Pause.AllPaused ||
801: if (currentPause == Pause.DevIncentivesPaused || currentPause == Pause.AllPaused ||
821: if (topUp > 0){
903: uint256 stakingDiff;
905: stakingDiff = availableStakingAmount - totalWeightSum;
913: returnAmount = ((stakingDiff + availableStakingAmount) * stakingWeight) / 1e18;
918: returnAmount = (stakingDiff * stakingWeight) / 1e18;
983: if (currentPause == Pause.StakingIncentivesPaused || currentPause == Pause.AllPaused ||
1080: if (currentPause == Pause.StakingIncentivesPaused || currentPause == Pause.AllPaused ||
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
427: if (_olas == address(0) || _treasury == address(0) || _depository == address(0) || _dispenser == address(0) ||
1098: uint256 diffNumSeconds = block.timestamp - prevEpochTime;
1146: inflationPerEpoch = curInflationPerSecond * diffNumSeconds;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
18: function verifyInstanceAndGetEmissionsAmount(address instance) external view returns (uint256 amount);
109: if (_olas == address(0) || _stakingFactory == address(0) || _l2MessageRelayer == address(0)
160: bytes memory verifyData = abi.encodeCall(IStakingFactory.verifyInstanceAndGetEmissionsAmount, target);
161: (bool success, bytes memory returnData) =;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/EthereumDepositProcessor.sol
28: function verifyInstanceAndGetEmissionsAmount(address instance) external view returns (uint256 amount);
99: uint256 limitAmount = IStakingFactory(stakingFactory).verifyInstanceAndGetEmissionsAmount(target);
Overly complex code can make understanding functionality more difficult, try to further modularize your code to ensure readability
Instances (169):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
8: function addNominee(bytes32 nomineeHash) external;
12: function removeNominee(bytes32 nomineeHash) external;
36: function lockedEnd(address account) external view returns (uint256 unlockTime);
41: function getLastUserPoint(address account) external view returns (PointVoting memory pv);
254: function _getWeight(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) internal returns (uint256) {
292: function _addNominee(Nominee memory nominee) internal {
324: function addNomineeEVM(address account, uint256 chainId) external {
349: function addNomineeNonEVM(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
386: function changeDispenser(address newDispenser) external {
406: function checkpointNominee(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
473: function voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId, uint256 weight) public {
578: function _maxAndSub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
586: function removeNominee(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
641: function revokeRemovedNomineeVotingPower(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
674: function getNomineeWeight(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256) {
684: function getWeightsSum() external view returns (uint256) {
691: function getNumNominees() external view returns (uint256) {
698: function getNumRemovedNominees() external view returns (uint256) {
705: function getAllNominees() external view returns (Nominee[] memory) {
712: function getAllRemovedNominees() external view returns (Nominee[] memory) {
720: function getNomineeId(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256) {
732: function getRemovedNomineeId(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256) {
744: function getNominee(uint256 id) external view returns (Nominee memory) {
761: function getRemovedNominee(uint256 id) external view returns (Nominee memory) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingActivityChecker.sol
36: function getMultisigNonces(address multisig) external view virtual returns (uint256[] memory nonces) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
11: function getMultisigNonces(address multisig) external view returns (uint256[] memory nonces);
72: function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 id) external;
77: function getService(uint256 serviceId) external view returns (Service memory service);
83: function getAgentParams(uint256 serviceId) external view
390: function _withdraw(address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual;
482: function _claim(uint256 serviceId, bool execCheckPoint) internal returns (uint256 reward) {
522: function _calculateStakingRewards() internal view returns (
805: function unstake(uint256 serviceId) external returns (uint256 reward) {
877: function claim(uint256 serviceId) external returns (uint256) {
884: function checkpointAndClaim(uint256 serviceId) external returns (uint256) {
893: function calculateStakingLastReward(uint256 serviceId) public view returns (uint256 reward) {
916: function calculateStakingReward(uint256 serviceId) external view returns (uint256 reward) {
928: function getStakingState(uint256 serviceId) external view returns (StakingState stakingState) {
939: function getNextRewardCheckpointTimestamp() external view returns (uint256 tsNext) {
947: function getServiceInfo(uint256 serviceId) external view returns (ServiceInfo memory sInfo) {
953: function getServiceIds() public view returns (uint256[] memory) {
959: function getAgentIds() external view returns (uint256[] memory) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingFactory.sol
10: function emissionsAmount() external view returns (uint256);
18: function verifyImplementation(address implementation) external view returns (bool);
24: function verifyInstance(address instance, address implementation) external view returns (bool);
28: function getEmissionsAmountLimit(address) external view returns (uint256);
127: function changeVerifier(address newVerifier) external {
141: function getProxyAddressWithNonce(address implementation, uint256 localNonce) public view returns (address) {
161: function getProxyAddress(address implementation) external view returns (address) {
249: function setInstanceStatus(address instance, bool isEnabled) external {
267: function verifyInstance(address instance) public view returns (bool) {
294: function verifyInstanceAndGetEmissionsAmount(address instance) external view returns (uint256 amount) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingNativeToken.sol
20: function initialize(StakingParams memory _stakingParams) external {
28: function _withdraw(address to, uint256 amount) internal override {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingProxy.sol
54: function getImplementation() external view returns (address implementation) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingToken.sol
16: function mapServiceIdTokenDeposit(uint256 serviceId) external view returns (address, uint96);
22: function getAgentBond(uint256 serviceId, uint256 agentId) external view returns (uint256 bond);
74: function _checkTokenStakingDeposit(uint256 serviceId, uint256, uint32[] memory serviceAgentIds) internal view override {
104: function _withdraw(address to, uint256 amount) internal override {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingVerifier.sol
8: function rewardsPerSecond() external view returns (uint256);
12: function maxNumServices() external view returns (uint256);
16: function stakingToken() external view returns (address);
113: function setImplementationsCheck(bool setCheck) external {
166: function verifyImplementation(address implementation) external view returns (bool){
179: function verifyInstance(address instance, address implementation) external view returns (bool) {
255: function getEmissionsAmountLimit(address) external view returns (uint256) {
File: registries/contracts/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol
22: function safeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal {
64: function safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint256 amount) internal {
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
11: function sendMessage(address target, uint256 stakingIncentive, bytes memory bridgePayload,
19: function sendMessageBatch(address[] memory targets, uint256[] memory stakingIncentives, bytes memory bridgePayload,
27: function sendMessageNonEVM(bytes32 target, uint256 stakingIncentive, bytes memory bridgePayload,
35: function sendMessageBatchNonEVM(bytes32[] memory targets, uint256[] memory stakingIncentives,
40: function getBridgingDecimals() external pure returns (uint256);
48: function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
54: function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
115: function accountOwnerIncentives(address account, uint256[] memory unitTypes, uint256[] memory unitIds) external
120: function epochCounter() external view returns (uint32);
124: function epochLen() external view returns (uint32);
129: function getEpochEndTime(uint256 epoch) external view returns (uint256 endTime);
134: function mapEpochStakingPoints(uint256 eCounter) external view returns (StakingPoint memory);
138: function refundFromStaking(uint256 amount) external;
151: function withdrawToAccount(address account, uint256 accountRewards, uint256 accountTopUps) external
170: function mapNomineeIds(bytes32 nomineeHash) external returns (uint256);
175: function checkpointNominee(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external;
185: function nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId, uint256 time) external view returns (uint256, uint256);
356: function _checkpointNomineeAndGetClaimedEpochCounters(
655: function changeManagers(address _tokenomics, address _treasury, address _voteWeighting) external {
683: function changeStakingParams(uint256 _maxNumClaimingEpochs, uint256 _maxNumStakingTargets) external {
705: function setDepositProcessorChainIds(address[] memory depositProcessors, uint256[] memory chainIds) external {
732: function addNominee(bytes32 nomineeHash) external {
750: function removeNominee(bytes32 nomineeHash) external {
1174: function syncWithheldAmount(uint256 chainId, uint256 amount) external {
1199: function syncWithheldAmountMaintenance(uint256 chainId, uint256 amount) external {
1241: function setPauseState(Pause pauseState) external {
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
13: function timeLaunch() external view returns (uint256);
21: function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address);
25: function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
33: function rebalanceTreasury(uint256 treasuryRewards) external returns (bool success);
46: function exists(uint256 serviceId) external view returns (bool);
53: function getUnitIdsOfService(UnitType unitType, uint256 serviceId) external view
61: function getVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256);
516: function tokenomicsImplementation() external view returns (address implementation) {
526: function changeTokenomicsImplementation(address implementation) external {
565: function changeManagers(address _treasury, address _depository, address _dispenser) external {
592: function changeRegistries(address _componentRegistry, address _agentRegistry, address _serviceRegistry) external {
616: function changeDonatorBlacklist(address _donatorBlacklist) external {
751: function changeStakingParams(uint256 _maxStakingIncentive, uint256 _minStakingWeight) external {
787: function reserveAmountForBondProgram(uint256 amount) external returns (bool success) {
808: function refundFromBondProgram(uint256 amount) external {
826: function refundFromStaking(uint256 amount) external {
847: function _finalizeIncentivesForUnitId(uint256 epochNum, uint256 unitType, uint256 unitId) internal {
1033: function _calculateIDF(uint256 treasuryRewards, uint256 numNewOwners) internal view returns (uint256 idf) {
1466: function getUnitPoint(uint256 epoch, uint256 unitType) external view returns (UnitPoint memory) {
1472: function getLastIDF() external view returns (uint256) {
1479: function getEpochEndTime(uint256 epoch) external view returns (uint256) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/TokenomicsConstants.sol
33: function getSupplyCapForYear(uint256 numYears) public pure returns (uint256 supplyCap) {
69: function getInflationForYear(uint256 numYears) public pure returns (uint256 inflationAmount) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/interfaces/IDonatorBlacklist.sol
9: function isDonatorBlacklisted(address account) external view returns (bool status);
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumDepositProcessorL1.sol
63: function l2ToL1Sender() external view returns (address);
196: function receiveMessage(bytes memory data) external {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumTargetDispenserL2.sol
16: function sendTxToL1(address destination, bytes calldata data) external payable returns (uint256);
53: function _sendMessage(uint256 amount, bytes memory) internal override {
66: function receiveMessage(bytes memory data) external payable {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultDepositProcessorL1.sol
7: function syncWithheldAmount(uint256 chainId, uint256 amount) external;
15: function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
107: function _receiveMessage(address l1Relayer, address l2Dispenser, bytes memory data) internal virtual {
186: function _setL2TargetDispenser(address l2Dispenser) internal {
206: function setL2TargetDispenser(address l2Dispenser) external virtual {
212: function getBridgingDecimals() external pure virtual returns (uint256) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
18: function verifyInstanceAndGetEmissionsAmount(address instance) external view returns (uint256 amount);
26: function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
32: function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
38: function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
139: function _processData(bytes memory data) internal {
218: function _sendMessage(uint256 amount, bytes memory bridgePayload) internal virtual;
266: function redeem(address target, uint256 amount, uint256 batchNonce) external {
311: function processDataMaintenance(bytes memory data) external {
323: function syncWithheldTokens(bytes memory bridgePayload) external payable {
377: function drain() external returns (uint256 amount) {
412: function migrate(address newL2TargetDispenser) external {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/EthereumDepositProcessor.sol
9: function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
15: function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
28: function verifyInstanceAndGetEmissionsAmount(address instance) external view returns (uint256 amount);
86: function _deposit(address[] memory targets, uint256[] memory stakingIncentives) internal {
173: function getBridgingDecimals() external pure returns (uint256) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisDepositProcessorL1.sol
15: function requireToPassMessage(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 maxGasLimit) external returns (bytes32);
21: function relayTokensAndCall(address token, address receiver, uint256 amount, bytes memory payload) external;
25: function messageSender() external returns (address);
98: function receiveMessage(bytes memory data) external {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisTargetDispenserL2.sol
15: function requireToPassMessage(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 maxGasLimit) external returns (bytes32);
19: function messageSender() external returns (address);
58: function _sendMessage(uint256 amount, bytes memory bridgePayload) internal override {
87: function receiveMessage(bytes memory data) external {
99: function onTokenBridged(address, uint256, bytes calldata data) external {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismDepositProcessorL1.sol
52: function xDomainMessageSender() external view returns (address);
148: function receiveMessage(bytes memory data) external payable {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismTargetDispenserL2.sol
30: function xDomainMessageSender() external view returns (address);
56: function _sendMessage(uint256 amount, bytes memory bridgePayload) internal override {
96: function receiveMessage(bytes memory data) external payable {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/PolygonDepositProcessorL1.sol
15: function depositFor(address user, address rootToken, bytes calldata depositData) external;
91: function _processMessageFromChild(bytes memory data) internal override {
98: function setFxChildTunnel(address l2Dispenser) public override {
117: function setL2TargetDispenser(address l2Dispenser) external override {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/PolygonTargetDispenserL2.sol
32: function _sendMessage(uint256 amount, bytes memory) internal override {
52: function _processMessageFromRoot(uint256, address sender, bytes memory data) internal override {
59: function setFxRootTunnel(address l1Processor) external override {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeDepositProcessorL1.sol
132: function setL2TargetDispenser(address l2Dispenser) external override {
138: function getBridgingDecimals() external pure override returns (uint256) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeTargetDispenserL2.sol
89: function _sendMessage(uint256 amount, bytes memory bridgePayload) internal override {
Throughout the code base, some variables are declared as int
. To favor explicitness, consider changing all instances of int
to int256
Instances (24):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
108: struct Point {
226: Point memory pt = pointsSum[t];
266: Point memory pt = pointsWeight[nomineeHash][t];
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
360: tsCheckpoint = block.timestamp;
557: uint256 serviceCheckpoint = tsCheckpointLast;
561: serviceCheckpoint = ts;
703: tsCheckpoint = block.timestamp;
941: tsNext = tsCheckpoint + livenessPeriod;
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
61: struct EpochPoint {
90: struct StakingPoint {
134: function mapEpochStakingPoints(uint256 eCounter) external view returns (StakingPoint memory);
883: ITokenomics.StakingPoint memory stakingPoint =
1148: ITokenomics.StakingPoint memory stakingPoint = ITokenomics(tokenomics).mapEpochStakingPoints(j);
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
160: struct UnitPoint {
177: struct EpochPoint {
207: struct TokenomicsPoint {
212: EpochPoint epochPoint;
233: struct StakingPoint {
482: TokenomicsPoint storage tp = mapEpochTokenomics[1];
730: TokenomicsPoint storage tp = mapEpochTokenomics[eCounter];
773: StakingPoint storage stakingPoint = mapEpochStakingPoints[eCounter];
1107: TokenomicsPoint storage tp = mapEpochTokenomics[eCounter];
1171: TokenomicsPoint storage nextEpochPoint = mapEpochTokenomics[eCounter + 1];
1466: function getUnitPoint(uint256 epoch, uint256 unitType) external view returns (UnitPoint memory) {
See the mappings section of the Solidity Style Guide
Instances (1):
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
272: mapping (uint256 => ServiceInfo) public mapServiceInfo;
If a function is supposed to be access-controlled, a modifier
should be used instead of a require/if
statement for more readability.
Instances (50):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
370: if (msg.sender != owner) {
388: if (msg.sender != owner) {
588: if (msg.sender != owner) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
485: if (msg.sender != sInfo.owner) {
808: if (msg.sender != sInfo.owner) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingFactory.sol
112: if (msg.sender != owner) {
129: if (msg.sender != owner) {
255: if (msg.sender != deployer) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingVerifier.sol
98: if (msg.sender != owner) {
115: if (owner != msg.sender) {
137: if (owner != msg.sender) {
235: if (owner != msg.sender) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
638: if (msg.sender != owner) {
657: if (msg.sender != owner) {
685: if (msg.sender != owner) {
707: if (msg.sender != owner) {
734: if (msg.sender != voteWeighting) {
752: if (msg.sender != voteWeighting) {
1178: if (msg.sender != depositProcessor) {
1201: if (msg.sender != owner) {
1243: if (msg.sender != owner) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
528: if (msg.sender != owner) {
548: if (msg.sender != owner) {
567: if (msg.sender != owner) {
594: if (msg.sender != owner) {
618: if (msg.sender != owner) {
647: if (msg.sender != owner) {
712: if (msg.sender != owner) {
753: if (msg.sender != owner) {
789: if (depository != msg.sender) {
810: if (depository != msg.sender) {
828: if (dispenser != msg.sender) {
997: if (treasury != msg.sender) {
1314: if (dispenser != msg.sender) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumDepositProcessorL1.sol
198: if (msg.sender != bridge) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumTargetDispenserL2.sol
68: if (msg.sender != l1AliasedDepositProcessor) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultDepositProcessorL1.sol
139: if (msg.sender != l1Dispenser) {
171: if (msg.sender != l1Dispenser) {
188: if (msg.sender != owner) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
249: if (msg.sender != owner) {
313: if (msg.sender != owner) {
355: if (msg.sender != owner) {
366: if (msg.sender != owner) {
385: if (msg.sender != owner) {
420: if (msg.sender != owner) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/EthereumDepositProcessor.sol
137: if (msg.sender != dispenser) {
162: if (msg.sender != dispenser) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisTargetDispenserL2.sol
101: if (msg.sender != l2TokenRelayer) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/PolygonDepositProcessorL1.sol
100: if (msg.sender != owner) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/PolygonTargetDispenserL2.sol
61: if (msg.sender != owner) {
Consider moving to solidity version 0.8.18 or later, and using named mappings to make it easier to understand the purpose of each mapping
Instances (28):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
172: mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public mapNomineeIds;
174: mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public mapRemovedNominees;
177: mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => VotedSlope)) public voteUserSlopes;
179: mapping(address => uint256) public voteUserPower;
181: mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => uint256)) public lastUserVote;
190: mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => Point)) public pointsWeight;
192: mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public changesWeight;
194: mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public timeWeight;
197: mapping(uint256 => Point) public pointsSum;
199: mapping(uint256 => uint256) public changesSum;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingFactory.sol
99: mapping(address => InstanceParams) public mapInstanceParams;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingVerifier.sol
67: mapping(address => bool) public mapImplementations;
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
302: mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public mapLastClaimedStakingEpochs;
304: mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public mapRemovedNomineeEpochs;
306: mapping(uint256 => address) public mapChainIdDepositProcessors;
308: mapping(uint256 => uint256) public mapChainIdWithheldAmounts;
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
210: mapping(uint256 => UnitPoint) unitPoints;
359: mapping(uint256 => uint256) public mapServiceAmounts;
361: mapping(address => uint256) public mapOwnerRewards;
363: mapping(address => uint256) public mapOwnerTopUps;
365: mapping(uint256 => TokenomicsPoint) public mapEpochTokenomics;
367: mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => bool)) public mapNewUnits;
369: mapping(address => bool) public mapNewOwners;
371: mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => IncentiveBalances)) public mapUnitIncentives;
374: mapping(uint256 => StakingPoint) public mapEpochStakingPoints;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
93: mapping(bytes32 => bool) public stakingQueueingNonces;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeDepositProcessorL1.sol
18: mapping(bytes32 => bool) public mapDeliveryHashes;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeTargetDispenserL2.sol
54: mapping(bytes32 => bool) public mapDeliveryHashes;
It is often better to declare address
es as immutable
, and assign them via constructor arguments. This allows the code to remain the same across deployments on different networks, and avoids recompilation when addresses need to change.
Instances (1):
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumTargetDispenserL2.sol
46: uint160 offset = uint160(0x1111000000000000000000000000000000001111);
An important feature of Custom Error is that values such as address, tokenID, msg.value can be written inside the () sign, this kind of approach provides a serious advantage in debugging and examining the revert details of dapps such as tenderly.
Instances (86):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
208: revert ZeroAddress();
327: revert ZeroAddress();
332: revert ZeroValue();
352: revert ZeroAddress();
376: revert ZeroAddress();
654: revert ZeroValue();
749: revert ZeroValue();
766: revert ZeroValue();
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingActivityChecker.sol
27: revert ZeroValue();
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
283: revert AlreadyInitialized();
291: revert ZeroValue();
306: revert ZeroAddress();
343: revert ZeroValue();
499: revert ZeroValue();
722: revert NoRewardsAvailable();
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingFactory.sol
118: revert ZeroAddress();
174: revert ReentrancyGuard();
180: revert ZeroAddress();
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingProxy.sol
30: revert ZeroImplementationAddress();
47: revert(0, returndatasize())
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingToken.sol
64: revert ZeroTokenAddress();
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingVerifier.sol
78: revert ZeroAddress();
83: revert ZeroValue();
104: revert ZeroAddress();
153: revert ZeroAddress();
241: revert ZeroValue();
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
332: revert ZeroAddress();
337: revert ZeroValue();
370: revert ZeroValue();
536: revert ZeroValue();
644: revert ZeroAddress();
691: revert ZeroValue();
720: revert ZeroValue();
742: revert Paused();
795: revert ReentrancyGuard();
803: revert Paused();
862: revert ZeroValue();
867: revert ZeroAddress();
961: revert ReentrancyGuard();
967: revert ZeroValue();
972: revert ZeroAddress();
985: revert Paused();
1067: revert ReentrancyGuard();
1082: revert Paused();
1132: revert ReentrancyGuard();
1207: revert ZeroValue();
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
423: revert AlreadyInitialized();
430: revert ZeroAddress();
534: revert ZeroAddress();
554: revert ZeroAddress();
759: revert ZeroValue();
1088: revert DelegatecallOnly();
1093: revert SameBlockNumberViolation();
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumDepositProcessorL1.sol
103: revert ZeroAddress();
142: revert ZeroValue();
155: revert ZeroValue();
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultDepositProcessorL1.sol
68: revert ZeroAddress();
73: revert ZeroValue();
194: revert ZeroAddress();
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
111: revert ZeroAddress();
116: revert ZeroValue();
142: revert ReentrancyGuard();
255: revert ZeroAddress();
269: revert ReentrancyGuard();
275: revert Paused();
326: revert ReentrancyGuard();
332: revert Paused();
338: revert ZeroValue();
380: revert ReentrancyGuard();
392: revert ZeroValue();
415: revert ReentrancyGuard();
426: revert Unpaused();
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/EthereumDepositProcessor.sol
73: revert ZeroAddress();
89: revert ReentrancyGuard();
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisDepositProcessorL1.sol
81: revert ZeroValue();
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisTargetDispenserL2.sol
51: revert ZeroAddress();
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismDepositProcessorL1.sol
88: revert ZeroAddress();
122: revert ZeroValue();
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismTargetDispenserL2.sol
67: revert ZeroValue();
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/PolygonDepositProcessorL1.sol
50: revert ZeroAddress();
106: revert ZeroAddress();
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/PolygonTargetDispenserL2.sol
67: revert ZeroAddress();
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeDepositProcessorL1.sol
42: revert ZeroAddress();
47: revert ZeroValue();
75: revert ZeroValue();
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeTargetDispenserL2.sol
78: revert ZeroAddress();
Use alternative variants, e.g. allowlist/denylist instead of whitelist/blacklist
Instances (17):
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingVerifier.sol
46: event ImplementationsWhitelistUpdated(address[] implementations, bool[] statuses, bool setCheck);
160: emit ImplementationsWhitelistUpdated(implementations, statuses, setCheck);
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
6: import {IDonatorBlacklist} from "./interfaces/IDonatorBlacklist.sol";
110: error DonatorBlacklisted(address account);
276: event DonatorBlacklistUpdated(address indexed blacklist);
353: address public donatorBlacklist;
419: address _donatorBlacklist
459: donatorBlacklist = _donatorBlacklist;
616: function changeDonatorBlacklist(address _donatorBlacklist) external {
622: donatorBlacklist = _donatorBlacklist;
623: emit DonatorBlacklistUpdated(_donatorBlacklist);
1002: address bList = donatorBlacklist;
1003: if (bList != address(0) && IDonatorBlacklist(bList).isDonatorBlacklisted(donator)) {
1004: revert DonatorBlacklisted(donator);
File: tokenomics/contracts/interfaces/IDonatorBlacklist.sol
5: interface IDonatorBlacklist {
9: function isDonatorBlacklisted(address account) external view returns (bool status);
File: tokenomics/contracts/interfaces/IErrorsTokenomics.sol
116: error DonatorBlacklisted(address account);
According to the Solidity Style Guide, Non-external
variable and function names should begin with an underscore
Instances (2):
File: registries/contracts/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol
22: function safeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal {
64: function safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint256 amount) internal {
Instances (7):
File: registries/contracts/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol
33: mstore(36, to) // Append the "to" argument.
34: mstore(68, amount) // Append the "amount" argument.
75: mstore(36, amount) // Append the "amount" argument.
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
932: uint256 normalizedStakingAmount = stakingIncentive / (10 ** (18 - bridgingDecimals));
933: normalizedStakingAmount *= 10 ** (18 - bridgingDecimals);
1221: uint256 normalizedAmount = amount / (10 ** (18 - bridgingDecimals));
1222: normalizedAmount *= 10 ** (18 - bridgingDecimals);
The default value for variables is zero, so initializing them to zero is superfluous.
Instances (39):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
227: for (uint256 i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WEEKS; i++) {
267: for (uint256 i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WEEKS; i++) {
573: for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
793: for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
332: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _stakingParams.agentIds.length; ++i) {
380: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numAgentIds; ++i) {
449: for (uint256 i = 0; i < totalNumServices; ++i) {
548: for (uint256 i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
648: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numServices; ++i) {
669: for (uint256 i = 0; i < serviceIds.length; ++i) {
773: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numAgents; ++i) {
899: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numServices; ++i) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingToken.sol
92: for (uint256 i = 0; i < serviceAgentIds.length; ++i) {
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingVerifier.sol
150: for (uint256 i = 0; i < implementations.length; ++i) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
450: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
462: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
473: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
485: for (uint256 j = 0; j < updatedStakingTargets.length; ++j) {
526: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
550: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
593: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
600: for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakingTargets[i].length; ++j) {
717: for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; ++i) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
904: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numServices; ++i) {
916: for (uint256 unitType = 0; unitType < 2; ++unitType) {
930: for (uint256 j = 0; j < numServiceUnits; ++j) {
960: for (uint256 j = 0; j < numServiceUnits; ++j) {
1010: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numServices; ++i) {
1199: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1329: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1335: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
1357: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
1401: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1407: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
1429: for (uint256 i = 0; i < unitIds.length; ++i) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/TokenomicsConstants.sol
58: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numYears; ++i) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
150: uint256 localWithheldAmount = 0;
154: for (uint256 i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) {
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/EthereumDepositProcessor.sol
94: for (uint256 i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) {
Issue | Instances | |
L-1 | approve() /safeApprove() may revert if the current approval is not zero |
7 |
L-2 | decimals() should be of type uint8 |
1 |
L-3 | Division by zero not prevented | 11 |
L-4 | External call recipient may consume all transaction gas | 4 |
L-5 | Initializers could be front-run | 5 |
L-6 | Signature use at deadlines should be allowed | 7 |
L-7 | Possible rounding issue | 4 |
L-8 | Loss of precision | 14 |
L-9 | Solidity version 0.8.20+ may not work on other chains due to PUSH0 |
1 |
L-10 | Unsafe ERC20 operation(s) | 11 |
L-11 | Unsafe solidity low-level call can cause gas grief attack | 2 |
L-12 | Upgradeable contract not initialized | 11 |
L-13 | A year is not always 365 days | 1 |
- Some tokens (like the very popular USDT) do not work when changing the allowance from an existing non-zero allowance value (it will revert if the current approval is not zero to protect against front-running changes of approvals). These tokens must first be approved for zero and then the actual allowance can be approved.
- Furthermore, OZ's implementation of safeApprove would throw an error if an approve is attempted from a non-zero value (
"SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance"
Set the allowance to zero immediately before each of the existing allowance calls
Instances (7):
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumDepositProcessorL1.sol
174: IToken(olas).approve(l1ERC20Gateway, transferAmount);
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
191: IToken(olas).approve(target, amount);
290: IToken(olas).approve(target, amount);
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/EthereumDepositProcessor.sol
118: IToken(olas).approve(target, amount);
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisDepositProcessorL1.sol
65: IToken(olas).approve(l1TokenRelayer, transferAmount);
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismDepositProcessorL1.sol
111: IToken(olas).approve(l1TokenRelayer, transferAmount);
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/PolygonDepositProcessorL1.sol
68: IToken(olas).approve(predicate, transferAmount);
Instances (1):
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
853: uint256 bridgingDecimals
The divisions below take an input parameter which does not have any zero-value checks, which may lead to the functions reverting when zero is passed.
Instances (11):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
432: weight = 1e18 * nomineeWeight / totalSum;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingActivityChecker.sol
58: uint256 ratio = ((curNonces[0] - lastNonces[0]) * 1e18) / ts;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
622: updatedReward = (eligibleServiceRewards[i] * lastAvailableRewards) / totalRewards;
633: updatedReward = (eligibleServiceRewards[0] * lastAvailableRewards) / totalRewards;
904: reward = (eligibleServiceRewards[i] * lastAvailableRewards) / totalRewards;
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
932: uint256 normalizedStakingAmount = stakingIncentive / (10 ** (18 - bridgingDecimals));
1221: uint256 normalizedAmount = amount / (10 ** (18 - bridgingDecimals));
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
473: uint256 _inflationPerSecond = getInflationForYear(0) / zeroYearSecondsLeft;
872: totalIncentives = mapUnitIncentives[unitType][unitId].topUp + totalIncentives / sumUnitIncentives;
928: uint96 amount = uint96(amounts[i] / numServiceUnits);
1451: topUp += totalIncentives / sumUnitIncentives;
There is no limit specified on the amount of gas used, so the recipient can use up all of the transaction's gas, causing it to revert. Use{gas: <amount>}("")
or this library instead.
Instances (4):
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingFactory.sol
216: (bool success, bytes memory returnData) =;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingNativeToken.sol
33: (bool success, ) ={value: amount}("");
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
161: (bool success, bytes memory returnData) =;
396: (bool success, ) ={value: amount}("");
Initializers could be front-run, allowing an attacker to either set their own values, take ownership of the contract, and in the best case forcing a re-deployment
Instances (5):
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
278: function _initialize(
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingNativeToken.sol
20: function initialize(StakingParams memory _stakingParams) external {
21: _initialize(_stakingParams);
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingToken.sol
54: function initialize(
60: _initialize(_stakingParams);
According to EIP-2612, signatures used on exactly the deadline timestamp are supposed to be allowed. While the signature may or may not be used for the exact EIP-2612 use case (transfer approvals), for consistency's sake, all deadlines should follow this semantic. If the timestamp is an expiration rather than a deadline, consider whether it makes more sense to include the expiration timestamp as a valid timestamp, as is done for deadlines.
Instances (7):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
228: if (t > block.timestamp) {
243: if (t > block.timestamp) {
268: if (t > block.timestamp) {
283: if (t > block.timestamp) {
503: if (nextAllowedVotingTime > block.timestamp) {
542: if (oldSlope.end > block.timestamp) {
658: if (oldSlope.end > block.timestamp) {
Division by large numbers may result in the result being zero, due to solidity not supporting fractions. Consider requiring a minimum amount for the numerator to ensure that it is always larger than the denominator. Also, there is indication of multiplication and division without the use of parenthesis which could result in issues.
Instances (4):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
432: weight = 1e18 * nomineeWeight / totalSum;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
622: updatedReward = (eligibleServiceRewards[i] * lastAvailableRewards) / totalRewards;
633: updatedReward = (eligibleServiceRewards[0] * lastAvailableRewards) / totalRewards;
904: reward = (eligibleServiceRewards[i] * lastAvailableRewards) / totalRewards;
Division by large numbers may result in the result being zero, due to solidity not supporting fractions. Consider requiring a minimum amount for the numerator to ensure that it is always larger than the denominator
Instances (14):
File: governance/contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
214: timeSum = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK;
309: uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
424: uint256 t = time / WEEK * WEEK;
432: weight = 1e18 * nomineeWeight / totalSum;
489: uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
515: slope: uint256(uint128(userSlope)) * weight / MAX_WEIGHT,
605: uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
622: updatedReward = (eligibleServiceRewards[i] * lastAvailableRewards) / totalRewards;
633: updatedReward = (eligibleServiceRewards[0] * lastAvailableRewards) / totalRewards;
904: reward = (eligibleServiceRewards[i] * lastAvailableRewards) / totalRewards;
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
1126: uint256 numYears = (block.timestamp - timeLaunch) / ONE_YEAR;
1136: curInflationPerSecond = getInflationForYear(numYears) / ONE_YEAR;
1243: numYears = (block.timestamp + curEpochLen - timeLaunch) / ONE_YEAR;
1252: curInflationPerSecond = getInflationForYear(numYears) / ONE_YEAR;
The compiler for Solidity 0.8.20 switches the default target EVM version to Shanghai, which includes the new PUSH0
op code. This op code may not yet be implemented on all L2s, so deployment on these chains will fail. To work around this issue, use an earlier EVM version. While the project itself may or may not compile with 0.8.20, other projects with which it integrates, or which extend this project may, and those projects will have problems deploying these contracts/libraries.
Instances (1):
File: registries/contracts/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol
2: pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
Instances (11):
File: tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol
420: IToken(olas).transfer(depositProcessor, transferAmount);
456: IToken(olas).transfer(depositProcessor, transferAmounts[i]);
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumDepositProcessorL1.sol
174: IToken(olas).approve(l1ERC20Gateway, transferAmount);
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
191: IToken(olas).approve(target, amount);
290: IToken(olas).approve(target, amount);
443: bool success = IToken(olas).transfer(newL2TargetDispenser, amount);
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/EthereumDepositProcessor.sol
112: IToken(olas).transfer(timelock, refundAmount);
118: IToken(olas).approve(target, amount);
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/GnosisDepositProcessorL1.sol
65: IToken(olas).approve(l1TokenRelayer, transferAmount);
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismDepositProcessorL1.sol
111: IToken(olas).approve(l1TokenRelayer, transferAmount);
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/PolygonDepositProcessorL1.sol
68: IToken(olas).approve(predicate, transferAmount);
Using the low-level calls of a solidity address can leave the contract open to gas grief attacks. These attacks occur when the called contract returns a large amount of data.
So when calling an external contract, it is necessary to check the length of the return data before reading/copying it (using returndatasize()
Instances (2):
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingFactory.sol
216: (bool success, bytes memory returnData) =;
File: tokenomics/contracts/staking/DefaultTargetDispenserL2.sol
161: (bool success, bytes memory returnData) =;
Upgradeable contracts are initialized via an initializer function rather than by a constructor. Leaving such a contract uninitialized may lead to it being taken over by a malicious user
Instances (11):
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingBase.sol
116: error AlreadyInitialized();
278: function _initialize(
283: revert AlreadyInitialized();
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingNativeToken.sol
20: function initialize(StakingParams memory _stakingParams) external {
21: _initialize(_stakingParams);
File: registries/contracts/staking/StakingToken.sol
54: function initialize(
60: _initialize(_stakingParams);
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
113: error AlreadyInitialized();
409: function initializeTokenomics(
423: revert AlreadyInitialized();
File: tokenomics/contracts/interfaces/IErrorsTokenomics.sol
119: error AlreadyInitialized();
On leap years, the number of days is 366, so calculations during those years will return the wrong value
Instances (1):
File: tokenomics/contracts/TokenomicsConstants.sol
15: uint256 public constant ONE_YEAR = 1 days * 365;
Issue | Instances | |
M-1 | block.number means different things on different L2s |
2 |
On Optimism, block.number
is the L2 block number, but on Arbitrum, it's the L1 block number, and ArbSys(address(100)).arbBlockNumber()
must be used. Furthermore, L2 block numbers often occur much more frequently than L1 block numbers (any may even occur on a per-transaction basis), so using block numbers for timing results in inconsistencies, especially when voting is involved across multiple chains. As of version 4.9, OpenZeppelin has modified their governor code to use a clock rather than block numbers, to avoid these sorts of issues, but this still requires that the project implement a clock for each L2.
Instances (2):
File: tokenomics/contracts/Tokenomics.sol
1026: lastDonationBlockNumber = uint32(block.number);
1092: if (lastDonationBlockNumber == block.number) {