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HYPERBAND: A Novel Bandit-Based Approach to Hyperparameter Optimization

  • exploits the iterative algorithms of machine learning and embarassing parallelism of hyperparameter optimization
  • poses the problem as a hyperparameter evaluation problem rather than a hyperparameter selection problem
  • allocates more resources to promising hyperparameter configurations while quickly eliminating poor ones
  • adaptive computation increases efficiency, thereby examining orders of magnitude more hyperparameter configurations
  • relies on an early-stopping strategy for pruning hyperparameter configurations


If a hyperparameter configuration is destined to be the best after a large number of iterations, it is more likely than not to perform in the top half of configurations after a small number of iterations.

Another way of phrasing this is that even if performance after a small number of iterations is very unrepresentative of the configuration's absolute performance, its relative performance compared with many alternatives trained with the same number of iterations is roughly maintained. This is particulary intuitive for machine learning algorithms which are trained using SGD: the iterative nature of training means that if a certain set of parameters have been performing badly for a few iterations, then we might as well kill it off and try a different set of parameters.

We should note, however, that there are some counterexamples to this. For the learning rate, for example, smaller values will likely appear to perform worse for a small number of iterations but may outperform the pack after a large number of iterations. We'll see how the authors fight this in the next section.



  • B: fixed, finite time budget. The total amount of time you are willing to spend on hyperparameter tuning.
  • n: number of sampled hyperparameter configurations.
  • r: minimum amount of resource that can be allocated to a single configuration.
  • R: maximum amount of resource that can be allocated to a single configuration.
  • nu: proportion of configurations discarded in each round of Successive Halving.


HYPERBAND extends the Successive Halving algorithm and calls it as a subroutine. The idea behind this algorithm is to uniformly allocate a budget to a set of hyperparameter configurations, evaluate the performance of all configurations, throw out the worst half, and repeat until one configurations remains. Thus, successive halving allocates exponentially more resources to more promising configurations. We can show that on average, given a fixed time budget B and n hyperparameter configurations, Successive Halving allocates B/n resources across the configurations.

The authors argue that forcing the user to pick a value of n is a crucial drawback to the algorithm since it involves a certain tradeoff. In fact:

  • a small n means a smaller number of configurations with longer average training times, i.e. more resourcers per config.
  • a large n means a larger number of configurations with smaller average training times, i.e. less resources per config.

There are cases that warrant a small n (when 2 configs converge slowly, it gets harder to differentiate between the 2, and similarly, when 2 configs have very similar performace, it gets harder to tell them apart, so we need to train for longer, i.e. dedicate more resources per config) and other cases that warrant a larger n (if the iterative training method converges very quickly and the quality of configs is revealed using minimal resources, so we need to train less, i.e. dedicate less resources per config).


HYPERBAND tries to address this “n versus B/n” problem by performing a grid search over feasible value of n for a given B. It consists in 2 components:

  • an outer loop which iterates over different values of n and r.
  • an inner loop that invokes the Successive Halving algorithm for each n and r above.

HYPERBAND requires 2 inputs from the user:

  • R: maximum amount of resource that can be allocated to a single configuration
  • nu: proportion of configurations discarded in each round of Successive Halving

These 2 inputs dictate how many runs of Successive Halving happen. In fact, the outer loop ranges from s_max + 1 to 0 where s_max is a function of R. Furthermore, in each s, we reduce n successively by nu.


Let's say the user decides that the maximum number of iterations he would like to train a neural network for is 81 epochs and that he would like to retain 1/3 of each hyperparameter configuration at every round of Successive Halving. In that case:

  • R = 81
  • nu = 3
  • s_max = log_3(81) = 4
  • B = (4+1)R = 5R

In the normal case, we would have run Successive Halving once, for a user-defined number of configurations n, for a total of log_nu(n) iterations.

With HYPERBAND, we run Successive Halving s_max+1 times (0 to s_max), where in each SH bracket, we calculate the number of configurations n to sample along with r, and run each bracket for log_nu(n) iterations. Here, r is the minimum amount of iterations to run each configuration for.


HYPERBAND levarages 2 functions:

  • get_random_config(): returns a set of n i.i.d. samples from some distribution defined over the hyperparameter configuration space.
  • run_config(t, r): takes a hyperparameter configuration t and resource allocation r and returns the validation loss after training for the allocated resources.

Parameter Advice

  • Set R to the usual amount one would train neural networks for. It's mostly a rule fo thumb, but something in the range [80, 150].
  • Larger values of nu correspond to a more aggressive elimination schedule and thus fewer rounds of elimination. Increase to receive faster results at the cost of a sub-optimal performance. Authors advise a value of 3 or 4.
  • Resume from a checkpoint to reduce work (for configurations that are kept).


  • On average, given a fixed time budget B and n hyperparameter configurations, Successive Halving allocates B/n resources across the configurations - click here
  • Successive halving sees more parameter configurations than pure random search - click here
