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The Baby Equipment Exchange


This project assists the collection and distribution of unused and gently used baby and child equipment. Over twenty different organizations are served by this exchange.

Dev Local Setup - Docker Compose Option

Docker compose provides a way to manage and orchestrate local environment services.

Currently, we use 3 services:

  • firebase - Our firebase emulator which provides access to local firebase services
  • functions - A convenient wrapper around our firebase functions project which aims to automate the dev build + reloading of the functions compilation.
  • nextjs - Our main nextjs application


Config Setup

  1. Create / Acquire firebase configuration, firebase-config.json, put in the root directory.
  2. Acquire Service Account Credentials, service-account.json, put in the root directory.

** Both of these files should be ignored by git **

Quick Start: docker compose build && docker compose up -d

In general, the urls that should be available after doing this:

Common Commands:

  • Build docker compose build (builds all images)
  • Start docker compose up -d (starts all services)
  • Stop docker compose down --remove-orphans --volumes (stops all containers and cleans up)

Other Commands:

  • Logs docker compose logs --follow (shows logs across all services)
  • Run docker compose run --no-deps -T --rm <service> <command> (runs a one time on a (--no-deps dont start any other services) (--rm remove after run) (-T if running a background command that requires no input/shell))

Cleanup Commands: Over time, images, containers, volumes will need to be cleaned up.

  • Everything docker system prune -a
  • Images docker image prune -a
  • Volumes docker volume prune -a

Dev remote Setup (Recommended for consistency, you can dev local if you don't want to work with docker)

  1. install Docker desktop (or equivalent in Mac and Linux)

  2. the Docker image is hosted in a the GitHub Packages repository, you'll need to authenticate with GitHub Packages to pull and run the need to authenticate using a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) with at least read:packages permission. If you haven't already, generate a PAT by following these steps:

  • go to GitHub and log in.
  • click on your profile picture in the top right corner and go to Settings.
  • on the left sidebar, click Developer settings.
  • click on Personal access tokens and then Generate new token.
  • give your token a name, set the expiration, and select at least the read:packages scope under package permissions. - If you also want to push or delete packages, select the appropriate additional scopes.
  • click Generate token at the bottom of the page and make sure to copy your new personal access token; you won't be able to see it again.
  1. log in to GitHub Packages Use the docker login command to authenticate with GitHub Packages, use the PAT you just created for CR_PAT:
export CR_PAT="ghp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
echo $CR_PAT | docker login -u codeforbtv --password-stdin
  1. now that you're authenticated, you can pull and run the Docker image
docker pull
  1. run the docker container
docker run -dit -p 3000:3000 -p 4000:4000 -p 5000:5000 -p 4400:4400 -p 4500:4500 -p 9099:9099 -p 8080:8080 -p 9150:9150 -p 9199:9199 --name baby-equipment-app
  1. install visual studio code.
  2. run visual studio code and install Visual Studio Code Dev Containers extension, for documentation on this extension (
  3. download VScode extension called "Remote Development"
  4. in visual studio code press ctrl+shit+p to open command palette and select Dev Containers: Attach to Running Container (
  5. select the Attach to Container inline action on the container you want to connect to
  6. verify your connection by going to the remote tab in VScode
  7. open folder and navigate to /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange/
  8. create a new file called serviceAccount.json, you need to contact the repo admin to get the content of this file
  9. open a new terminal in VScode (verify that it's connected to the container not your host machine) the following command should start the emulators and the app:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange/serviceAccount.json"
export FIREBASE_CONFIG="$(cat /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange/firebaseConfig.json)"
npm run dev

  1. see the output you can run in your host machine browser http://localhost:3000

Dev Local Setup

Below are linux command used to setup the environment. notes for setup on Mac are in docs\

  1. Install required packages
sudo apt install default-jdk
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git
wget -qO- | bash
nvm install 18.19.0
nvm use 18.19.0
sudo mkdir -p /home/user/projects/
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /home/user/projects/

cd /home/user/projects/
sudo git clone

cd /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange
sudo wget
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get install -f
echo 'export PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH=/usr/bin/google-chrome' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
sudo wget
sudo unzip
sudo mv chromedriver /usr/bin/chromedriver
sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/chromedriver
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/chromedriver
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /home/user/projects/
cd /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange/
npm install -g firebase-tools
  1. Setup environment variables
sudo touch /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange/.env.local
sudo echo 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange/serviceAccount.json"' >> /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange/.env.local
sudo echo 'FIREBASE_EMULATORS_IMPORT_DIRECTORY="./data_directory"' >> /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange/.env.local
sudo apt-get install jq
echo FIREBASE_CONFIG=\"$(jq -c . < firebaseConfig.json)\" >> .env.local
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange/serviceAccount.json"
export FIREBASE_CONFIG="$(cat /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange/firebaseConfig.json)"
  1. install npm requirments and build project
npm install

cd /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange/functions
npm install
npm run build

cd /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange

npm run build

firebase experiments:enable webframeworks
firebase use --add
npm run dev

Automatically compiling Firebase Functions changes

If one intends to make changes to cloud functions located in /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange**/functions**/src/index.ts while using the Emulator Suite, npm run build would need to be called in the /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange**/functions** directory each time a change is made.

To automatically watch for changes:

# Open a new terminal
cd /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange**/functions**
npm run build:watch

npm run dev

Given that,

  • firebase.json exists and is valid in /home/user/projects/baby-equipment-exchange/
  • FIREBASE_EMULATORS_IMPORT_DIRECTORY environment variable is set

the following command should start the emulators and the app:

npm run dev

package.jsonsrc/utils/setup.cjsthe emulator is initialized

The command line should display the following lines:

i  emulators: Starting emulators: auth, functions, firestore, hosting, storage
✔  firestore: Firestore Emulator UI websocket is running on <PORT>.
✔  hosting[ab-test-with]: Local server: <HOST_PORT>
✔  functions: Using node@18 from host.
Serving at port <PORT>
✔  functions: Loaded functions definitions from source ...
✓ Ready in 11.11s

Account Creation

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/join and create a new user”

Join page

The landing page should display upon successful account creation.

Landing Page as standard user

Navigate to http://localhost:4000/auth, select the ellipses next to the newly created user, and select Edit user:

Firebase Emulator Auth

Scroll to Custom claims. Claims should already be present. If the text field is empty and if claims are already present, provide the following claims:

{ "admin" : true, "can-read-donations" : true, "donor" : true, "unverified" : true }

Firebase Emulator Auth edit existing user

(Clicking outside the Edit user pop-up closes it) Scroll the slider down and select the Save button:

Firebase Emulator Auth save button

Refresh the landing page http://localhost:3000. The Users tab should be visible:

Landing pages

Viewing the application with a web browser

The application should have compiled and deployed to an emulated Firebase hosting environment on:


The Next dev environment (when changes are made to the app’ code during runtime they reflect here) should be available at:


The Firebase Emulator UI Dashboard should be accessible when navigating to:



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