The goal of this project is to create a web app to generate GTFS feeds for public transportation agencys in Greater Mercer County / princeton area. Refer to our Presentation and Description.
- Basics: Create a website to provide information of public transportation in princeton, which should include bus and train systems:
- Bus:
- Train:
- Conver bus schedule to GTFS format (Level 1): Converted bus schedule into GTFS format.
- Map of Route (Level 1): Created a map showing the routes and bus stops.
- Web App (Level 2): Created a web app to streamline the process of GTFS conversion.
- Real-time Tracking (Level 3): Install or integrate tracker information (if available) to track bus movement in real time.
- IOS App? (Level 4): not sure yet.
- Github Repo: All of our files and creations are stored here.
- Public Transportation Guide: Basic info/tutorial of our team, tips on how to use Github, Slack and Meetup, etc.
- Slack: Our main communication channel, please search for Code for Princeton -> public_transport channel, welcome to join us!
- Meetup: This is how we schedule our meetings.
- Bootstrap: We will use Bootstrap to create our front end/user interface.
- Atom: A very nice and free text editor tool.
- Data supplier: This is where we get our data.
- Jiahuan K. (Jack) , Data Analyst/developer, potential lead
- Erika S., Developer
- Neelesh K, Developer
- Matthew R.,(Planner/Community Organizer/GIS) (Planner/Community Organizer/GIS)
Maggie M. DataArchitect/team member
Paz B. Team member
Steve K. Jr.Developer