Taskify API
* @route POST /auth/login
* @description Login with email and password
* @body { email, password }
* @access Public
* @route PUT /verifications/:verificationCode
* @description verifying a user through verification Code
* @access Public
* @route POST /users
* @description Register new account
* @body { firstName, lastName, email, password }
* @access Public
* @route GET /users
* @description Get users with pagination
* @access login required
* @route GET /users/:id
* @description Get a single user info
* @access login required
* @route GET /users/me
* @description Get the current user info
* @access login required
* @route PUT /users/:id
* @description Update user profile
* @body {firstName, lastName, profilePictureUrl}
* @access login required
* @route DELETE /users/:id
* @description Delete a user profile
* @access login required
* @route POST /users/:id/favorite/projects
* @description Add a project to user's favorite list
* @body {projectId }
* @@access login required
* @route GET /users/:id/favorite/projects
* @description get a list of favorite projects of a user
* @query { search, projectStatus: "Planning" or "Ongoing" or "Done', currentUserRole: "Owner" or "Lead" or "Member", startAfter, startBefore, dueAfter, dueBefore}
* @access login required
* @route DELETE /users/:id/favorite/projects/:projectId
* @description remove project from User's favorite list
* @access login required
* @route POST /projects
* @description Create a project
* @body {title, description, projectStatus: "Planning" or "Ongoing" or "Done", startAt, dueAt, projectMembers}
* @access login required
* @route GET /projects
* @description Get a list of projects
* @query { search, projectStatus: "Planning" or "Ongoing" or "Done", currentUserRole: "Owner" or "Lead" or "Member", startAfter, startBefore, dueAfter, dueBefore, sortBy: "title_asc" or "title_desc" or "created_at_asc" or "created_at_desc"}
* @access login required
* @route GET /projects/:projectId
* @description get detail of a project
* @access login required
* @route PUT /projects/:projectId
* @description Update project
* @body { title, description, projectStatus: "Planning" or "Ongoing" or "Done", startAt, dueAt}
* @access login required - project owner
* @route DELETE /projects/:projectId
* @description delete a project
* @access login required - project owner
* @route GET /projects/:projectId/newMembers
* @description get a list of new users to be added to the project and their invitation status
* @access login required
* @route POST /projects/:projectId/invitations
* @description send an invitation to a project member
* @body { to }
* @access login required
* @route GET /projects/:projectId/invitations
* @description Get a list of my project invitations with pagination
* @query {search, status: "pending" or "accepted" or "declined" or "canceled"}
* @access login required
* @route DELETE /projects/:projectId/invitations/:inviteeId
* @description Cancel an invitation
* @access login required
* @route PUT /projects/:projectId/invitations/:inviteeId
* @description React to an invitation
* @body { status: "accepted" or "declined" }
* @access login required
* @route GET /projects/:projectId/projectMembers
* @description Get list of project members of a project
* @query {search}
* @access login required
* @route PUT /projects/:projectId/projectMembers/:memberId
* @description change role of a project member
* @body { isNewLead: true or false }
* @access login required
* @route DELETE /projects/:projectId/projectMembers/:memberId
* @description remove a member from project
* @access login required
* @route GET /invitations/incoming
* @description get a list of current user's incoming invitations with pagination
* @access login required
* @route POST /tasks
* @description create a task
* @body {title, description, taskStatus: "Backlog" or "InProgress" or "Completed" or "Archived", assigneeId, projectId, startAt, dueAt}
* @access login required - project owner, project Lead for projects. Any user can create task for personal tasks.
* @route GET /tasks
* @description get a list of current user's tasks with pagination
* @query {search, taskStatus: "Backlog" or "InProgress" or "Completed" or "Archived", assigneeId, projectId, startBefore, startAfter, dueBefore, dueAfter}
* @access login required
* @route GET /tasks/:taskId
* @description get detail of a task
* @access login required
* @route PUT /tasks/:taskId
* @description edit fields of tasks
* @body { title, description, assigneeId, projectId, taskStatus: "Backlog" or "InProgress" or "Completed" or "Archived", startAt, dueAt, files }
* @access login required - project owner, project Lead for projects, normal project member can only update taskStatus. Any user can edit personal tasks.
* @route DELETE /tasks/:taskId
* @description delete a task
* @access login required - same as edit task
* @route GET /tasks/:taskId/comments
* @description get a list of comments in a task with pagination
* @access login required
* @route POST /comments
* @description Create a comment
* @body { targetType: "Task" or "Project", targetId, content }
* @access login required
* @route PUT /comments/:commentId
* @description Edit comment content
* @body { content }
* @access login required
* @route DELETE /comments/:commentId
* @description Delete a comment
* @access login required
* @route GET /comments/:id
* @description Get detail of a comment
* @access login required
* @route GET /notifications
* @description get list of notifications to current User with pagination
* @query {isRead: true or false, type: "System" or "User", targetType: "Project" or "Task" or "Invitation"}
* @access login required
* @route PUT /notifications/:notificationId
* @description change notification details
* @body {isRead: true or false}
* @access login required
* @route PUT /notifications
* @description update all notifications and return filtered notifications
* @body {isRead: true and false, page, limit}
* @access login required
* @route DELETE /notifications/:notificationId
* @description delete notification
* @access login required
* @route DELETE /notifications
* @description delete many notifications by filter
* @query {isRead: true or false}
* @access login required