task 0 create a switch that switches current user to user betty
1script that points the effective username of the current user
2 script prints all the group the current user is part of
3script that changes the owner of the file to the user betty
4-script that creates emptyfile called hello
5script that add executes permission to the owner of the file hello
6script that adds execute permission to the owner the group owner and read permissions to other user of the file hello
7script that adds excute persmission to the owner ,the group owner and user of the file hello
8 script that sets permissions to the file hello as follows
a owner:no permission at all
group:no permission at all
other users:all permissions
9scripts that sets mode of the file hello tot this:
-rwxr -x-wx 1 julien julien 23 sep 20 14:25 hello
nb:file hello will be in the working directory
10 write a script that sets the mode of the file hello same as olleh mode
nb:both files will be in cureent working directory
11:create a script that adds execution permission to all subdirectories of the current directory for the owner,group owner andall other users.Regular files should not be changed
12 create a script that creates a directory called my-dir with permissions 751 in working directory
13 create ascript that changes the group owner to school for the file hello
14 write a script that changes the owner to vincent and group owner to staff for all the files and directories in the working directory
15 write a scrip that changes the owner and group owner of _hello vincent and staff respectively.both files are in current working directory
16 write a scriptthat changes the owner of the file hello to betty only if it is used by the user gullaume
17 write a script that will play the Star WarsIV episode in the terminal This test is based on shell directions