A game I'm coding to practice handling animations smoothly and consistantly in JMonkeyEngine.
- Idle
- Walk --> Run (using BlendAction)
- Fall impact
- Crouching (moving and idle, but missing idle animation)
- Draw pistol, shoot, and holster (currently incompatible with movement)
- Animation utility.
- Character movement utility.
- Smooth walk direction interpolation using Quaternions instead of
- Jumping (framework is setup but untested, waiting on proper animations).
- Grab some more animations. :D
- Movement speed falloff, instead of instantaneous stopping.
- Specific fall impact animation when the character is moving fast.
- JMonkeyEngine (or on GitHub)
- Lemur 1.16+
- Minie (latest version is highly suggested)
- J3map
- Boost
- Zay-ES