- Pain point: End-user when edit the content does not know how it would be populated to the frontend, how does it looks...
- Library used: ChatGPT Node SDK, TinyMCE Open-source
- Extension type: Directus Module for auto create neccessary models, VueJS Frontend Library to work with Editor
- Next feature: Search images from open library, more AI features, easy to connect with other headless CMSs, public for community to use
- https://live-editor-seven.vercel.app
- Accessing the page with paramemter to login: https://live-editor-seven.vercel.app
- It will require to login with user/password: contact@codihaus.com / !@#CDH2020!@#
- Start trying out the features
- CodiHaus
- minhquangtran
- tusieunhan
- khanhtd