Installation instructions ==>
- install netbeans.(NetBeans IDE 8.0.2) or other version
- install mysql database password (apcl123456) that use in project (you can also change project password see point 13,14)
- mysql workbench
Database Configure ==>
- open mysql workbench
- unzip the project folder(
- open btrs.sql from ESRS\DatabaseScript\esas.sql) location
- copy all file text and past it in mysql Workbance workspace and run it
- now esas database in available in database
Project Configure ==>
- open netbeans IDE
- GlassFish server by default add in netbeans, if not add GlassFish server
- Open project in netbeans from (ESRS\Project) location
- for change database password, host or anything
- open Connect Class from com package
- now change batabase configure what you want
- run project.
Porject Login ==>
- username = admin password = test