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Flash Hypriot as your Pi

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179 lines (137 loc) · 5.1 KB

Flash Hypriot as your Raspberry Pi Operating System.

HypriotOS is a linux distro for the Raspberry Pi that focuses on using Docker.

1. Download the Raspberry Pi Imager (not the Raspberry Pi OS)

2. Download hyriot os

  • Hypriot is made to:
  • Run on Raspberry Pi
  • Run headless (ie no destkop)
  • Run Docker
  • Be 10-20x faster to flash than Raspberry Pi OS

3. Unzip

Change X.YY.Z to the latest version, in my case it's 1.12.3

4. Insert a microSD card* into your non-raspberry pi computer

*We are going to completely erase this card

5. Open Raspberry Pi Imager

Under Operating System

  • Select Custom
  • Navigate to your unzipped Hypriot OS (hypriotos-rpi-vX.YY.Z.img not Under Storage system
  • Select the microSD card you inserted in step 4

When in doubt, do not just select anything. Eject your card, take note of available options on the Imager, insert card, select the new option.

6. Click Write

  • Confirm warnings
  • Wait about 2-10 minutes

7. Once complete, card will be ejected for you.

8. Re-insert card into your non-raspberry pi computer

9. Open up the contents of the mircoSD Card (should now be named HypriotOS)

10. Copy user-data to your non-raspberry pi computer and open in VSCode

user-data is just a yaml file.

11. Edit user-data.

The following items I tend to change:

  • hostname
    • default is black-pearl
    • default is pirate
  • users.gecos
    • default is Hypriot Pirate
  • users.plain_text_passwd
    • default is hypriot
  • users.ssh_authorized_keys
    • This is an optional field, I add my public ssh key here.
  • timezone
    • default is America/Los_Angeles
    • default is YOUR_WIFI_SSID
    • default is YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD

YOUR_WIFI_SSID and YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD are your wifi network name and wifi password respectively.

I recommend setting passwords using at least plain_text_passwd:

python3 -c "import secrets;print(secrets.token_urlsafe(32))"

Setting the ssh_authorized_keys: will allow you to login without using a password. To get your ssh public key you can just:


cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy


cat ~/.ssh/ | type

Here's my working sample:

# vim: syntax=yaml

# Set your hostname here, the manage_etc_hosts will update the hosts file entries as well
hostname: tars-1
manage_etc_hosts: true

# You could modify this for your own user information
  - name: cfe
    gecos: "CFE for Life"
    shell: /bin/bash
    groups: users,docker,video,input
    plain_text_passwd: qcxOIuSjAI1dKebYLwbzT7OciGNV5FpNe4Ij21BWRr0
    lock_passwd: false
    ssh_pwauth: true
        - ssh-rsa AAAAB3N... cfe@justins-mbp.lan
    chpasswd: { expire: false }

# # Set the locale of the system
locale: "en_US.UTF-8"

# # Set the timezone
# # Value of 'timezone' must exist in /usr/share/zoneinfo
timezone: "America/Los_Angeles"

# # Update apt packages on first boot
# package_update: true
# package_upgrade: true
# package_reboot_if_required: true
package_upgrade: false

# # Install any additional apt packages you need here
# packages:
#  - ntp

# # WiFi connect to HotSpot
# # - use `wpa_passphrase SSID PASSWORD` to encrypt the psk
  - content: |
      allow-hotplug wlan0
      iface wlan0 inet dhcp
      wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
      iface default inet dhcp
    path: /etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0
  - content: |
      ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
    path: /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

# These commands will be ran once on first boot only
  # Pickup the hostname changes
  - 'systemctl restart avahi-daemon'
  # Activate WiFi interface
  - 'ifup wlan0'

12. Replace your local user-data with the microSD card's user-data

13. Eject microSD, insert into pi, and boot. Wait for initial boot. Restart the pi again to ensure the user-data (aka cloud-init config) changes take place from above.

If you ever need to change user-data after you boot for the first time, you must reflash the OS and do steps 10-13 again.

14. To repeat on new raspberry pis, I recommend you change the hostname in user-data each time to something new. The reason I used tars-1 is because my next few would be tars-2, tars-3, etc.

15. Use grep to find our new host ips:


nmap -sP "$(ipconfig getifaddr en0)/24" | grep "tars"


nmap -sP "$(ip -4 addr show eth0 | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}')/24" | grep "tars"

windows users use this guide