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bristermitten committed Jun 11, 2024
1 parent 52c5f02 commit 2224e93
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Showing 6 changed files with 128 additions and 127 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions templatespiler-converter/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal (putDoc)
import Prettyprinter.Render.Text qualified as PP
import Templatespiler.Convert.Target (TargetLanguage (..), toIR)
import Templatespiler.Emit.Target
import Templatespiler.IR.Imperative (prettyProgram)
import Templatespiler.IR.Imperative
import Templatespiler.ToLang.Target (ToLang (toLang))
import Text.Trifecta (parseFromFile)

Expand All @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ main = do
Nothing -> exitFailure
Just bs -> do
let ir = toIR @Python bs
putDoc $ prettyProgram ir
-- putDoc $ prettyProgram ir
let py = toLang @Python ir
putStrLn ""

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@

module Templatespiler.Convert.Target where

import Data.Reflection (Reifies (reflect))
import Language.Templatespiler.Syntax (BindingList)
import Templatespiler.Convert.ToDeclarative qualified as Declarative
import Templatespiler.Convert.ToImperative qualified as Imperative
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120 changes: 60 additions & 60 deletions templatespiler-converter/src/Templatespiler/Convert/ToImperative.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,74 +9,74 @@ import Prelude hiding (Type)
type IRWriter a = Writer [IR.Statement] a

toIR :: BindingList -> IR.Program
toIR (BindingList bs) = execWriter $ traverse bindingToIR bs
toIR (BindingList bs) = execWriter $ traverse undefined bs

bindingToIR :: Binding -> IRWriter IR.Expr
bindingToIR (Binding name t) = typeVarToIR name t
-- bindingToIR :: Binding -> IRWriter IR.Expr
-- bindingToIR (Binding name t) = typeVarToIR name t

typeVarToIR :: Ident -> Type -> IRWriter IR.Expr
typeVarToIR name (TerminalType t) = terminalVarToIR name t
typeVarToIR name (CombinatorType c) = combinatorVarToIR name c
-- typeVarToIR :: Ident -> Type -> IRWriter IR.Expr
-- typeVarToIR name (TerminalType t) = terminalVarToIR name t
-- typeVarToIR name (CombinatorType c) = combinatorVarToIR name c

combinatorVarToIR :: Ident -> Combinator -> IRWriter IR.Expr
combinatorVarToIR _ (NamedCombinator newName c) = typeVarToIR newName c
combinatorVarToIR _ (GroupCombinator (BindingList bs)) = do
es <- traverse bindingToIR bs
pure (IR.TupleOrStruct Nothing es)
combinatorVarToIR name (ArrayCombinator len b) = do
let lenExpr = IR.ConstInt len
arrayLike (identToVarName name) lenExpr b
combinatorVarToIR name (SepByCombinator sep (BindingList bindingList)) = do
let toReadAssign (Binding n t) =
( identToVarName n
, case t of
TerminalType StringType -> IR.ReadString
TerminalType IntType -> IR.ReadInt
TerminalType FloatType -> IR.ReadFloat
CombinatorType c -> error ("CombinatorType in toReadAssign: " <> (show c))
let rAss = toReadAssign <$> bindingList
tell [IR.MultiReadAssign (toText sep) rAss]
pure (IR.TupleOrStruct (Just (identToVarName name)) (IR.Var . fst <$> rAss))
combinatorVarToIR name (ListCombinator b) = do
let vn = identToVarName name
let lenName = vn `withSuffix` "len"
tell [IR.Assign lenName IR.IntType (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadInt)]
arrayLike vn (IR.Var lenName) b
-- combinatorVarToIR :: Ident -> Combinator -> IRWriter IR.Expr
-- combinatorVarToIR _ (NamedCombinator newName c) = typeVarToIR newName c
-- combinatorVarToIR _ (GroupCombinator (BindingList bs)) = do
-- es <- traverse bindingToIR bs
-- pure (IR.TupleOrStruct Nothing es)
-- combinatorVarToIR name (ArrayCombinator len b) = do
-- let lenExpr = IR.ConstInt len
-- arrayLike (identToVarName name) lenExpr b
-- combinatorVarToIR name (SepByCombinator sep (BindingList bindingList)) = do
-- let toReadAssign (Binding n t) =
-- ( identToVarName n
-- , case t of
-- TerminalType StringType -> IR.ReadString
-- TerminalType IntType -> IR.ReadInt
-- TerminalType FloatType -> IR.ReadFloat
-- CombinatorType c -> error ("CombinatorType in toReadAssign: " <> (show c))
-- )
-- let rAss = toReadAssign <$> bindingList
-- tell [IR.MultiReadAssign (toText sep) rAss]
-- pure (IR.TupleOrStruct (Just (identToVarName name)) (IR.Var . fst <$> rAss))
-- combinatorVarToIR name (ListCombinator b) = do
-- let vn = identToVarName name
-- let lenName = vn `withSuffix` "len"
-- tell [IR.Assign lenName IR.IntType (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadInt)]
-- arrayLike vn (IR.Var lenName) b

arrayLike :: VarName -> IR.Expr -> Type -> IRWriter IR.Expr
arrayLike vn lenExpr b = do
tell [IR.Decl vn (IR.ArrayType lenExpr (tryFigureOutTypeOf (Just lenExpr) b))]
-- arrayLike :: VarName -> IR.Expr -> Type -> IRWriter IR.Expr
-- arrayLike vn lenExpr b = do
-- tell [IR.Decl vn (IR.ArrayType lenExpr (tryFigureOutTypeOf (Just lenExpr) b))]

let idxName = vn `withSuffix` "idx"
let (_, b') = runWriter $ do
e <- typeVarToIR (Ident "unnamed") b
tell [IR.AppendToArray vn (IR.Var idxName) e]
-- let idxName = vn `withSuffix` "idx"
-- let (_, b') = runWriter $ do
-- e <- typeVarToIR (Ident "unnamed") b
-- tell [IR.AppendToArray vn (IR.Var idxName) e]

tell [IR.For idxName (IR.ConstInt 0) lenExpr b']
pure (IR.Var vn)
-- tell [IR.For idxName (IR.ConstInt 0) lenExpr b']
-- pure (IR.Var vn)

tryFigureOutTypeOf :: Maybe IR.Expr -> Type -> IR.VarType
tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (TerminalType StringType) = IR.StringType
tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (TerminalType IntType) = IR.IntType
tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (TerminalType FloatType) = IR.FloatType
tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (CombinatorType (NamedCombinator _ t)) = tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing t
tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (CombinatorType (GroupCombinator (BindingList bs))) = IR.TupleOrStructType Nothing (fmap (\(Binding _ t) -> tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing t) bs)
tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (CombinatorType (ArrayCombinator len t)) = IR.ArrayType (IR.ConstInt len) (tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing t)
tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (CombinatorType (SepByCombinator _ (BindingList bs))) = IR.TupleOrStructType Nothing (fmap (\(Binding _ t) -> tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing t) bs)
tryFigureOutTypeOf (Just len) (CombinatorType (ListCombinator t)) = IR.ArrayType len (tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing t)
tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing (CombinatorType (ListCombinator t)) = IR.DynamicArrayType (tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing t)
-- tryFigureOutTypeOf :: Maybe IR.Expr -> Type -> IR.Type
-- tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (TerminalType StringType) = IR.StringType
-- tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (TerminalType IntType) = IR.IntType
-- tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (TerminalType FloatType) = IR.FloatType
-- tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (CombinatorType (NamedCombinator _ t)) = tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing t
-- tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (CombinatorType (GroupCombinator (BindingList bs))) = IR.TupleOrStructType Nothing (fmap (\(Binding _ t) -> tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing t) bs)
-- tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (CombinatorType (ArrayCombinator len t)) = IR.ArrayType (IR.ConstInt len) (tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing t)
-- tryFigureOutTypeOf _ (CombinatorType (SepByCombinator _ (BindingList bs))) = IR.TupleOrStructType Nothing (fmap (\(Binding _ t) -> tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing t) bs)
-- tryFigureOutTypeOf (Just len) (CombinatorType (ListCombinator t)) = IR.ArrayType len (tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing t)
-- tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing (CombinatorType (ListCombinator t)) = IR.DynamicArrayType (tryFigureOutTypeOf Nothing t)

terminalVarToIR :: Ident -> TerminalType -> IRWriter IR.Expr
terminalVarToIR name StringType = do
tell [IR.Assign (identToVarName name) IR.StringType (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadString)]
pure (IR.Var (identToVarName name))
terminalVarToIR name IntType = do
tell [IR.Assign (identToVarName name) IR.IntType (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadInt)]
pure (IR.Var (identToVarName name))
terminalVarToIR name FloatType = do
tell [IR.Assign (identToVarName name) IR.FloatType (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadFloat)]
pure (IR.Var (identToVarName name))
-- terminalVarToIR :: Ident -> TerminalType -> IRWriter IR.Expr
-- terminalVarToIR name StringType = do
-- tell [IR.Assign (identToVarName name) IR.StringType (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadString)]
-- pure (IR.Var (identToVarName name))
-- terminalVarToIR name IntType = do
-- tell [IR.Assign (identToVarName name) IR.IntType (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadInt)]
-- pure (IR.Var (identToVarName name))
-- terminalVarToIR name FloatType = do
-- tell [IR.Assign (identToVarName name) IR.FloatType (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadFloat)]
-- pure (IR.Var (identToVarName name))

identToVarName :: Ident -> VarName
identToVarName (Ident name) = VarName (name :| [])
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions templatespiler-converter/src/Templatespiler/IR/Imperative.hs
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
module Templatespiler.IR.Imperative where

import Templatespiler.IR.Common (SingleLineString)
-- import Templatespiler.IR.Common (SingleLineString)
import Prelude hiding (Type)

newtype VarName = VarName Text
Expand All @@ -27,12 +27,13 @@ data Type

type Program = [Statement]
data Statement
= -- | Variable declaration, for statically typed languages or initialization for scope
DeclareVar VarName Type
| -- | Read one or more variables from stdin, separated by spaces. Having this as a single statement means more idiomatic usage of things like scanf in C.
-- ^ Separator string
(NonEmpty (VarName, Type))
-- ^ Variable names and types
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120 changes: 60 additions & 60 deletions templatespiler-converter/src/Templatespiler/ToLang/Python.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,68 +46,68 @@ data Stmt
type Program = [Stmt]

toPython :: IR.Program -> (Program, [ToPythonWarning])
toPython = runToLang . fmap join . traverse statementToPython
toPython = runToLang . fmap join . traverse undefined

statementToPython :: IR.Statement -> PythonWriter [Stmt]
statementToPython (IR.Decl name t) =
[Assign (nameToPyName name) (defaultTypeValue t)]
statementToPython (IR.Assign name _ e) = do
e' <- exprToPython e
[ Assign
(nameToPyName name)
statementToPython (IR.MultiReadAssign sep bindings) = do
let i = Input
let split = Split sep i
let uniqBindingsTypes = ordNub (fmap snd (toList bindings))
case uniqBindingsTypes of
[] -> error "impossible"
[IR.ReadString] ->
-- if we're only reading strings, we already have all the parts as a list, so we just need to assign
pure [MultiAssign (fmap (nameToPyName . fst) (toList bindings)) split]
[IR.ReadInt] -> do
let mapped = Map (Var "int") split -- map all inputs to int
pure [MultiAssign (fmap (nameToPyName . fst) (toList bindings)) mapped]
[IR.ReadFloat] -> do
let mapped = Map (Var "float") split
pure [MultiAssign (fmap (nameToPyName . fst) (toList bindings)) mapped]
_ -> do
let multi = MultiAssign (fmap (nameToPyName . fst) (toList bindings)) split
let makeCast (name, as) = case as of
IR.ReadString -> Nothing
IR.ReadInt -> Just $ Assign (nameToPyName name) (CastToInt (Var (nameToPyName name)))
IR.ReadFloat -> Just $ Assign (nameToPyName name) (CastToFloat (Var (nameToPyName name)))
let casts = mapMaybe makeCast (toList bindings)
pure (multi : casts)
statementToPython (IR.For v start end body) = do
start' <- exprToPython start
end' <- exprToPython end
body' <- join <$> traverse statementToPython body
pure [For (nameToPyName v) start' end' body']
statementToPython (IR.AppendToArray arr _ val) = do
val' <- exprToPython val
pure [Append (Var $ nameToPyName arr) val']
exprToPython :: IR.Expr -> PythonWriter Expr
exprToPython (IR.ConstInt i) = pure (Int i)
exprToPython (IR.Var n) = pure (Var (nameToPyName n))
exprToPython (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadString) = pure Input
exprToPython (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadInt) = pure (CastToInt Input)
exprToPython (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadFloat) = pure (CastToFloat Input)
exprToPython (IR.TupleOrStruct _ exprs) = do
exprs' <- traverse exprToPython exprs
pure (Tuple (toList exprs'))
-- statementToPython :: IR.Statement -> PythonWriter [Stmt]
-- statementToPython (IR.Decl name t) =
-- pure
-- [Assign (nameToPyName name) (defaultTypeValue t)]
-- statementToPython (IR.Assign name _ e) = do
-- e' <- exprToPython e
-- pure
-- [ Assign
-- (nameToPyName name)
-- e'
-- ]
-- statementToPython (IR.MultiReadAssign sep bindings) = do
-- let i = Input
-- let split = Split sep i
-- let uniqBindingsTypes = ordNub (fmap snd (toList bindings))
-- case uniqBindingsTypes of
-- [] -> error "impossible"
-- [IR.ReadString] ->
-- -- if we're only reading strings, we already have all the parts as a list, so we just need to assign
-- pure [MultiAssign (fmap (nameToPyName . fst) (toList bindings)) split]
-- [IR.ReadInt] -> do
-- let mapped = Map (Var "int") split -- map all inputs to int
-- pure [MultiAssign (fmap (nameToPyName . fst) (toList bindings)) mapped]
-- [IR.ReadFloat] -> do
-- let mapped = Map (Var "float") split
-- pure [MultiAssign (fmap (nameToPyName . fst) (toList bindings)) mapped]
-- _ -> do
-- let multi = MultiAssign (fmap (nameToPyName . fst) (toList bindings)) split
-- let makeCast (name, as) = case as of
-- IR.ReadString -> Nothing
-- IR.ReadInt -> Just $ Assign (nameToPyName name) (CastToInt (Var (nameToPyName name)))
-- IR.ReadFloat -> Just $ Assign (nameToPyName name) (CastToFloat (Var (nameToPyName name)))
-- let casts = mapMaybe makeCast (toList bindings)
-- pure (multi : casts)
-- statementToPython (IR.For v start end body) = do
-- start' <- exprToPython start
-- end' <- exprToPython end
-- body' <- join <$> traverse statementToPython body
-- pure [For (nameToPyName v) start' end' body']
-- statementToPython (IR.AppendToArray arr _ val) = do
-- val' <- exprToPython val
-- pure [Append (Var $ nameToPyName arr) val']
-- exprToPython :: IR.Expr -> PythonWriter Expr
-- exprToPython (IR.ConstInt i) = pure (Int i)
-- exprToPython (IR.Var n) = pure (Var (nameToPyName n))
-- exprToPython (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadString) = pure Input
-- exprToPython (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadInt) = pure (CastToInt Input)
-- exprToPython (IR.ReadAtom IR.ReadFloat) = pure (CastToFloat Input)
-- exprToPython (IR.TupleOrStruct _ exprs) = do
-- exprs' <- traverse exprToPython exprs
-- pure (Tuple (toList exprs'))

defaultTypeValue :: IR.VarType -> Expr
defaultTypeValue IR.IntType = Int 0
defaultTypeValue IR.FloatType = Float 0.0
defaultTypeValue IR.StringType = String ""
defaultTypeValue (IR.ArrayType _ _) = List []
defaultTypeValue (IR.DynamicArrayType _) = List []
defaultTypeValue (IR.TupleOrStructType _ _) = Tuple []
defaultTypeValue IR.UnknownType = None
-- defaultTypeValue :: IR.VarType -> Expr
-- defaultTypeValue IR.IntType = Int 0
-- defaultTypeValue IR.FloatType = Float 0.0
-- defaultTypeValue IR.StringType = String ""
-- defaultTypeValue (IR.ArrayType _ _) = List []
-- defaultTypeValue (IR.DynamicArrayType _) = List []
-- defaultTypeValue (IR.TupleOrStructType _ _) = Tuple []
-- defaultTypeValue IR.UnknownType = None

nameToPyName :: VarName -> Text
nameToPyName = toCaseStyle SnakeCase
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions templatespiler-server/src/Templatespiler/Server.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Templatespiler.Server where

import Data.Aeson

import Data.Base64.Types
import Data.Text (toLower)
import Data.Text.Encoding.Base64
import Data.UUID
Expand All @@ -33,10 +34,10 @@ data TemplateParseRequest = TemplateParseRequest
newtype Base64String = Base64String Text deriving newtype (Eq, Show, ToJSON)

unBase64 :: Base64String -> Either Text Text
unBase64 (Base64String t) = decodeBase64 t
unBase64 (Base64String t) = decodeBase64Untyped t

toBase64 :: Text -> Base64String
toBase64 = Base64String . encodeBase64
toBase64 = Base64String . extractBase64 . encodeBase64

instance FromJSON TemplateParseRequest where
parseJSON = withObject "TemplateParseRequest" $ \o ->
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