Problem statement:
Imagine that you have a 4x4x4 cube of letters, with each of the 64 "cubies" containing a single letter. You also have a dictionary of words. You can say that a word "appears" in the cube if there is a path through the cube starting with a cubie containing the first letter of the word (ignoring case), moving next to an adjacent cubie containing the second letter of the word, and so on until the word is complete. A cubie can only be used once in constructing a single word, so the longest word that can possibly be constructed is 64 letters long. (A single cubie can be used twice in two different words, etc.) By an "adjacent" cubie we mean one that touches a given cubie in any direction, so a central cubie will have 26 neighbors (and a corner cubie will have 7).
The program is invoked as follows:
program cube-file word-file
cube-file is a file containing a sequence of 64-letter strings, each on a separate line and each representing a cube in the obvious way. word-file is a dictionary containing words, each once again on its own line.
The program should output to stdout a sequence of integers, one for each cube. Each integer should be the number of unique words in the dictionary that appear in that cube.
Sample text files (cubes.txt and words.txt) are included.
The file in this directory was auto-generated by the Qt Creator IDE.
All other source files (.cpp and .h) are the work of Cody Brookshear.
The source code can be compiled under Linux by running the command:
g++ -O3 -o cube cubie.cpp cube.cpp main.cpp
Specifically, if executable is named cube, to invoke with the sample files, type:
./cube cubes.txt words.txt