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Creating Workflow

Ankit Nanglia edited this page Aug 3, 2018 · 13 revisions

A workflow is a sequence of tasks necessary to complete a job on a regular basis. Tasks can be dependant on other tasks. Each task is defined independently of the workflow to enable reuse. These definitions are then referred in the workflow as part of workflow tasks.

Task Definition: A task definition is composed of a set of attributes required by the Kronos during execution.

Workflow Task: A workflow task is an extension of task definition containing execution properties like the policy to apply in case of timeout, max execution time etc.

Task Definition

A task definition in Kronos is defined as

name name of the task definition (used while defining workflow task) string None yes
type type of task (the task of the same type are handled by the same handler) string None yes
properties properties required by the task handler to execute the task map None no

Workflow Task

A workflow task in Kronos is defined as

name name of the task (should be same as task definition) string None yes
properties properties required by the task handler to execute the task map None no
dependsOn list of tasks current task depends on (check Task Dependency for more detail) list None no
schedule cron string representing the task schedule string None no
maxExecutionTime max allowed time for the task to finish execution string 1d no
timeoutPolicy policy to apply in case of timeout string None no
isEnabled enable/ disable a task, disabled tasks won’t be picked for execution boolean true no

Task Dependency

Dependency between tasks is defined as

name name of the task it depends on string None yes
mode whether it depends on the first, last or all tasks in the workflow with given name enum all no

Workflow Definition

A workflow in Kronos is defined as

name name of the workflow string None yes
namespace namespace the workflow belongs to (used in multi-tenancy) map default no
description a short description about workflow map None no
tasks list of tasks part of the workflow defined as workflow task boolean true no
schedule cron string representing the task schedule string None yes
isEnabled enable/ disable a workflow, disabled workflow won’t be picked for execution boolean true no

Sample task definitions and workflow definitions is available here in yaml format for reference.