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Salento 2.0


A language model gives us the probability of the last term in a given sequence of terms. Let $L(t|s)$ be the probability of the last term $t$ given that the system has executed $s$ for a certain language model $L$.

The probability $P(s)$ of a certain API call sequence $s = t_0 ... t_i$ be the comulative language probability of all of its sub-sequences $t_0 ... t_i$:

$$P(s) = \prod_i^n L(t_i | t_0 ... t_{i - 1})\quad \text{where } s = t_0 ... t_n$$

For instance, the probability of sequence $t_1 t_2 t_3$ is given by:

$$P(t_0 t_1 t_2) = L(t_0 |) \times L(t_1 | t_0) \times L(t_2 | t_0 t_1)$$

The log-likelihood anomaly score is defined as

$$\mathrm{ll}(s) = -\log(\mathrm{P}(s))$$

The KLD divergence takes a set of sequences $\vec s$ and yields the mean log likelihood of a set of sequences.

$$\log(\frac{1}{n}) + \frac{\sum \mathrm{ll}(s_i)}{n}$$

where $n$ is the number of sequences given in $\vec s$. Since $n$ is small, we can simplify the expression to:


Further, to simplify the computation of our expression, we do:

$$-\frac{\log (\prod P(s_i))} n$$

Encoding context in calls

We encode contextual information of function calls by categorizing terms into two domains: calls and states. Let $c$ be meta-variable ranging over the call vocabulary (domain) and $v$ be a meta-variable ranging over the state-variable vocabulary.

Our framework restricts the language model to two possible sequence of terms:

  1. We can query the probability of a function call given a sequence of function calls:


    The formula queries the probability of invoking function $c$, given the previous execution of function calls $c_1,...,c_n$, where the calls are executed in the order of the sequence. Thus, call $c_1$ is the first call executed in this context and call $c_n$ is the last in this context.

  2. We can query the probability of a state $v$ of call $c_{n+1}$, given a sequence of calls $c_1,...,c_{n}$ and a sequence of states $v_1,...,v_n$.


    The formula queries the probability of the $m+1$-th state $s$ of call $c_{n+1}$, given that function calls $c_1,...,c_n$ were executed, $c_{n+1}$ is being executed with state variables $v_1,...,v_m$.

Limitations of Salento 1.0

In this section we identify the limitations of Salento 1.0 and for each of which we propose a recommendation. Salento 1.0 uses KLD to detect anomalies. It groups the input sequences by last-location and computes the KLD score of each group.

We can summarize the limitations of Salento 1.0 as follows:

  1. Only function-exit points are considered
  2. KLD bias
  3. Unknown behaviour is considered anomalous
  4. Low next-call probability does not imply anomaly
  5. The order of calls identifies few anomalies

1. Only function-exit points are considered. Salento 1.0 will group API-sequence calls by last location and assign a KLD divergence score to each location. This is means that, in practice, Salento 1.0 will only report errors at a couple of exit points per function, ignoring all other locations. Furthermore, it will not report the actual location of the error, just where the sequences incidentally terminate.

This leads to a poor UX experience, as the user has no way of knowing why a certain location is anomalous, since the anomaly be in a different function.

Recommendation: we must range over all locations of the dataset.

2. KLD bias. The KLD score suffers from two limitations:

  • outlier sequences are hidden in large groups
  • the score grows with the length of the sequence calls

The KLD score averages the log-likelihoods of a set of sequences. This means that it is difficult to identifying an anomalous sequence in a set of many non-anomalous sequences.

Recommendation: in group-based scores we want to single out outliers, by taking the most anomalous, rather than computing average anomaly score.

Because the KLD score grows with the length of each sequence, Salento 1.0 will mistake long but not anomalous sequences for anomalous. Such pattern shows up when there is high code code reuse, and in loops/branches, as these yield multiple call sequences. This also means that functions with a sizeable amount of code will be considered anomalous.

Recommendation: one idea is to analyze sub-sequences rather than a whole sequence to identify which portion of the execution is anomalous.

3. Unknown behaviour considered anomalous. In a case where the API usage pattern is unknown most, if not all, calls of a given sequence will have a near-zero probability. The discussed KLD scoring algorithm will treat these sequences as highly anomalous, which is unintersting to the end user --- it might only be interesting to the engineer responsible for training the API-usage model.

Recommendation: introduce new techniques that disregard unknown behaviours.

4. Low next-call probability does not imply anomaly. The KLD diveregence score only considers the probability of each call in a sequence, ignoring what the probabilities of other calls at a given point are. For some sequence, we may have a call with a low probability and any other call in that context would also yeild a low probability. The API usage pattern simply might just not know what to do next. The anomaly should be relative to other calls in that context, and not just the probability of the next call.

Recommendation: consider the probability distribution of other calls in the anomaly score.

5. The order of calls identifies few anomalies. For the C-API's we have studied, the order of calls is an infrequent source of anomalies. Instead, how code uses (or not) the return value of a function call is better source of anomaly. To this end, we encoded three (binary) states:

  1. if the return value is read
  2. if the return value is read as an argument of a function call
  3. if the return value is read as a conditional expression (in an if-block or a while-block).

State (1) subsumes states (2) and (3). Hence, whenever either state (2) or state (3) are enabled, then state (1) is also enabled.

Normalized likelihood

Max-term probability. Let the max-term probability of sequence $s$, notation $\mathrm{max}\ \mathrm{P}(s)$, be the maximum probability of any term $t$ in the language vocabulary such that

$$\forall t, \mathrm{max\ P}(s) \ge \mathrm{P}(t | s)$$

and there exists a term $t_\mathrm{max}$ such that $\mathrm{max\ P}(s) = \mathrm{P}(t_\mathrm{max} | s)$

The normalized likelihood, notation $\mathrm{nl}(t|s)$, is defined as the ratio between the probabilities of the next term and the max term:

$$\mathrm{nl}(c|s) = \frac{ \mathrm{P}(c|s) }{ \mathrm{max\ P}(s) }$$

A normalized-likelihood score ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 is unlikely and 1 is likely. The maximum likelihood addresses problem (4), by taking into consideration the calling context.

Implementation details

In the implementation terms are divided into two classes. A term can be either a call or a state. Each API call has some contextual information, defined as a sequence of states. The distinction plays no role in the language model. However, such a distinction is crucial when computing the probability of the max term: given some distribution probability $P(s)$ the implementation has to restrict the domain (ie, the range of terms) to distinguish between the terms that are calls and the terms that are states.

In short, the implementation includes two variations (restrictions) of $\mathrm{max\ P}(s)$, one for calls $\mathrm{maxCall\ P}(s)$, and one for states $\mathrm{maxState}_i\ \mathrm{P}(s)$.

Call domain. A term is considered to be a call if, and only if, its name does not start with a number followed by #. TODO: Call names that include the string # are therefore problematic and are currently ignored (or considered to be a state-token).

State domain. States are ordered, so it is required to know the position~$i$ in which the state appears. Note that the end of the state is also recorded, so a state with $n$ states will have $n+1$ possible distribution probabilities. A term is considered to be a state in the $i$-th position if, and only if, it is the sentinel term (which in the implementation is term END_MARKER) or the term starts with number $i$ followed by #.

New metric: dip anomaly

The dip-anomaly metric takes a sequence of likelihoods (from 0 to 1) and returns an anomaly score (from 0 to 1). Identifies as anomalous sequences with a high average likelihood and, at the same time, includes a few outliers (elements with low likelihood).

$$\mathrm{dip}(s) = \frac{\mathrm{avg}(s) ^ 2 + (1 - \min(s)) ^ 2} 2$$

or in Numpy terms:

dip = lambda x : (x.mean() ** 2 + (1 - x.min()) ** 2) / 2

Why do we use the geometric mean? We want to penalize heavily when one of the two components does not match our goals; that is

We also want to highlight that this metric favors a single anomaly; as we are taking the smallest anomaly and when we have multiple anomalies, we are simply lowering the average.

Note 1: to convert from an anomaly score to a likelihood score, you can do 1 - anomaly.

Note 2: We use this anomaly metric by giving it the normalized likelihood of each call in a sequence:

$$\mathrm{nl}(t_0|), ..., \mathrm{nl}(t_n + 1 | t_0 ... t_n+1)$$


The base case is a sequence where we have one highly likely call and one highly unlikely:

>>> dip(np.array([1.0, 0]))

Since the anomaly score ranges from 0 to 1 (where higher is more anomalous), this sequence is not very anomalous.

As we can see below, as the sequence grows, the the anomaly increases slowly (because we square the average):

>>> dip(np.array([0]))
>>> dip(np.array([1]))
>>> dip(np.array([1.0, 0]))
>>> dip(np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0]))
>>> dip(np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0]))
>>> dip(np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0]))

Problem (2.1): outlier sequences are hidden in large groups. We do not accumulate scores of various sequences; instead we always pick the most anomalous sequence for a given location.

Problem (2.2): the score grows with the length of the sequence calls. Our metric favors longer sequences with fewer anomalies.

Problem (3): unknown behavior considered anomalous. Given that dip favors a high average likelihood, unknown behaviors are ignored.

Problem (4): low next-call probability does not imply anomaly. We propose the normalized likelihood to counter this problem.

State anomaly detection

State anomaly focuses only in anomalous state variables. Additionally, state anomaly ignores the order of function calls. For instance, in one of our use cases, our context has a fixed length of 3 elements, so each function call in a call sequence can have at most 3 anomalies.

We must first clarify, formally, the notion of state variables associated with a given call sequence. Let $\mathrm{V}(c|s)$ yield the state variables associated with call $c$ and a call sequence $s$. Further, let $V(c|s) = v_1,\dots,v_n$ and function $\mathrm{sv}$ yield the set of normalized probability of each state variable associated with call $c$ given a sequence $s$:

$$\mathrm{sv}(c|s)=\{\mathrm{nl}(v_i|sc v_1,\dots,v_{i-1}) \mid \forall i\colon 1 \le i \le n \}$$

the set of state-variable probabilities of a call sequence $s = c_1\dots c_n$ is given by function $\mathrm{sp}$

$$\mathrm{sp}(s) = \bigcup_{1 \le i \le n} \mathrm{sv}(c_i| c_1,\dots,c_{i-1})$$

An anomalous state variable has a normalized probability below a certain threshold. In our evaluation, the threshold used was 20%. In such a case, the state anomaly of a call sequence $s$ is given by function $\mathrm{sa}$ defined below:

$$\mathrm{sa}(s) = \sum_{x \in \mathrm{S}(s) \land x < 20\%} x$$

Handling false positives

Manual filtering. One way of reducing false positives is to filter out reports based on function names. Such a technique is useful whenever the state variable is stateless, that is, the state variable only depends on the function name, and the state variable is unaffected by any previous function calls. Filter lists are trivial to construct and proved effective in practice.

How does manual filtering leverage a language model? Given a stateless state variables why just not forfeit the language model altogether and use the mined features directly? The language model helps controlling the scale of what needs to manually filtered. In our evaluation, the language model of the GLib API consists of 1456 functions; our filter list consists of 30 functions, the remaining 1400 were handled by the model.

  • Can we know how many functions show up? We need to know how many functions were OK, as in, what is the percentage of functions that are true positives.
  • We need to make the evaluation clearer.

Comparison with APISan. There is considerably more effort in developing analysis rules, rather than creating filtering lists. However, rules can include more flexibility, as the domain of each state has to be considerably smaller.

Expand the comment above.

Limitations. TODO

Filter common anomalies. To address the limitations of manual filtering we introduce an automated way of reducing false positives. Our experience with building manual filtering lists led us to realize that the most frequent anomalies tend to be false positives; instead, our tool should give priority to rare anomalies.

We weight each state anomaly according to its inverse relative frequency in a given dataset, where the increased anomaly frequency weights the anomaly down and effectively filters the anomaly out. A state anomaly is uniquely identified by its position and function call. Our algorithm assumes that all function calls have the same state variables in the same order.

For instance, in the table below there are two state variables (0 and 1), three function calls (foo, bar, and meh), two symbols (T and F). We compute the inverse relative frequency below. Notice that any anomaly that is not in the table has a weight of 1.0.

state anomaly function name symbol freq weight
0 foo T 3 0.0
0 bar T 2 0.33
0 meh T 1 0.66
1 bar F 2 0.0

To compute the normalized term frequency, our algorithm performs a second pass on the same dataset that is used to training the language model.

  1. Only suggest the user to read from a variable within a given context

Only suggest the user to read from a variable within a given context. Recall that anomalies pertain to the context in which return values are read. We observe that it is uncommon for anomalies to arise when values are used, thus our system only recommends for a return value to be used in a given context (and never suggests a value to not be read in a given context).

TODO: Is it the case? We should study what happens when we recommend variables to NOT be used (anomalous to use the return value within a given context).

Salento 2.0

Salento 2.0 is our new version that targets the limitations of Salento 1.0. To address problems 2--4 we introduce the max-likelihood score. To address problem 1: our algorithm ranges over all sub-sequences that start at call 0.

Additionally, we introduce sequence-based metrics, rather than just ranking a set of sequences. In Salento 2.0 there are two kinds of metrics: high-level metrics which group sequences per source code locations; low-level metrics which identify anomalies per sequence. The former is more useful to track down more "obvious" bugs, those of which can be understood without knowning the runtime state. The latter is necessary to understand anomalous behaviour and helps the user understand how to reach a certain anomalous state at runtime.