![] (https://github.com/cogwheelcircuitworks/IntroToEagleCAD/blob/master/ClassFiles/finishedbareboard.jpg "" ) ![] (https://github.com/cogwheelcircuitworks/IntroToEagleCAD/blob/master/ClassFiles/schematic.jpg "" ) ![] (https://github.com/cogwheelcircuitworks/IntroToEagleCAD/blob/master/ClassFiles/layout.jpg "" )
Learn the basics of schematic capture and PC Board layout.
You will design your own microcontroller-based LED Blinky board.
You can then send your design to www.oshpark.com who will fabricate them for less than $5 and 10 days !
You should already have some previous exposure to basic electronics. If you have taken an Arduino breadboarding class, then you should be good to go. If you get your boards fabricated after class (and why wouldn't you ?), then you will need basic soldering skills to assemble them.
We will provide you with pre-programmed ATTiny85 microcontroller. You can use the Arduino Software Development Kit to program it to customize it afterward.
This is a Bring-Your-Own-Device workshop; You will need to bring a Mac/Linux/Windows laptop with the free version of Eagle CAD loaded:
Plus the libraries and other files for the class:
Class files are located here:
Download as zip and place NovaLabsCadClassFiles/ in your Eagle CAD projects directory. To find out where that is use Options->Directories from the Eagle CAD Control Panel
You should also register on https://oshpark.com/ so you are ready to submit your job
Printed Circuit Board Basics - FR4, Drill, Plate Etch, Mask, Screen, Pads, Surface Mount, Through-hole, Minimum hole/track/gap sizes.
PCB CAD Basics: Schematic Capture, Devices, Symbols, Wires, Joints, Names, Labels, Netlists, .sch file, PCB Board Layout: .brd file, board outline, parts placement, hand-routing, auto-routing, silkscreen, gerber and drill file generation, submission to oshpark