From Wikipedia:
Car boot sales or boot fairs are a form of market in which private individuals come together to sell household and garden goods. They are popular in the United Kingdom, where they are often referred to simply as 'car boots'.
This is a very small application is an example that models a 'Car Boot Sale' program.
- Spring Boot
- In Memory Database (HSQL)
- JUnit 4.12
- Apache Commons Lang
no web.xml required |
default uses Tomcat but can exclude this to use Jetty instead |
just slap on @SpringBootApplication annotation to Application main class |
need quite a lot of maven configuration on the pom.xml or gradle configuration on the build.gradle |
schema.sql file in root classpath (resources) and Spring Boot will automatically use to create database schema |
data.sql file in root classpath (resources) and Spring Boot will automatically use to initialize the database |
logging is automatically configured (no need for even a /log4j.xml confiiguration file) |
adding the spring-boot-starter-jdbc dependency will allow you to inject JdbcTemplate |
can add to resources which you can configure whole lots of properties from database to logging |