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Ruby DSL v0.4.x Documentation

colinsurprenant edited this page May 31, 2012 · 1 revision

v0.4.x DSL usage

Your project can be created in a single file containing all spouts, bolts and topology classes or each classes can be in its own file, your choice. There are many examples for the simple DSL.

The DSL uses a callback metaphor to attach code to the topology/spout/bolt execution contexts using on_* DSL constructs (ex.: on_submit, on_send, ...). When using on_* you can attach you code in 3 different ways:

  • using a code block
on_receive (:ack => true, :anchor => true) {|tuple| do_something_with(tuple)}

on_receive :ack => true, :anchor => true do |tuple| 
  • defining the corresponding method
on_receive :ack => true, :anchor => true 
def on_receive(tuple)
  • defining an arbitrary method
on_receive :my_method, :ack => true, :anchor => true 
def my_method(tuple)

The example SplitSentenceBolt shows the 3 different coding style.

Topology DSL

Normally Storm topology components are assigned and referenced using numeric ids. In the SimpleTopology DSL ids are optional. By default the DSL will use the component class name as an implicit symbolic id and bolt source ids can use these implicit ids. The DSL will automatically resolve and assign numeric ids upon topology submission. If two components are of the same class, creating a conflict, then the id can be explicitly defined using either a numeric value, a symbol or a string. Numeric values will be used as-is at topology submission while symbols and strings will be resolved and assigned a numeric id.

require 'red_storm'

class MyTopology < RedStorm::SimpleTopology
  spout spout_class, options 
  bolt bolt_class, options do
    source source_id, grouping
  configure topology_name do |env|
    config_attribute value

  on_submit do |env|

spout statement

spout spout_class, options
  • spout_class — spout Ruby class
  • options
    • :id — spout explicit id (default is spout class name)
    • :parallelism — spout parallelism (default is 1)

bolt statement

bolt bolt_class, options do
  source source_id, grouping
  • bolt_class — bolt Ruby class
  • options
    • :id — bolt explicit id (default is bolt class name)
    • :parallelism — bolt parallelism (default is 1)
  • source_id — source id reference. can be the source class name if unique or the explicit id if defined
  • grouping
    • :fields => ["field", ...] — fieldsGrouping using fields on the source_id
    • :shuffle — shuffleGrouping on the source_id
    • :global — globalGrouping on the source_id
    • :none — noneGrouping on the source_id
    • :all — allGrouping on the source_id
    • :direct — directGrouping on the source_id

configure statement

configure topology_name do |env|
  configuration_field value

The configure statement is required.

  • topology_name — alternate topology name (default is topology class name)
  • env — is set to :local or :cluster for you to set enviroment specific configurations
  • config_attribute — the Storm Config attribute name. See Storm for complete list. The attribute name correspond to the Java setter method, without the "set" prefix and the suffix converted from CamelCase to underscore. Ex.: setMaxTaskParallelism is :max_task_parallelism.
    • :debug
    • :max_task_parallelism
    • :num_workers
    • :max_spout_pending
    • ...

on_submit statement

on_submit do |env|

The on_submit statement is optional. Use it to execute code after the topology submission.

  • env — is set to :local or :cluster

For example, you can use on_submit to shutdown the LocalCluster after some time. The LocalCluster instance is available usign the cluster method.

on_submit do |env|
  if env == :local


Spout DSL

require 'red_storm'

class MySpout < RedStorm::SimpleSpout
  set spout_attribute => value

  output_fields :field, ...

  on_send options do

  on_init do

  on_close do

  on_ack do |msg_id|

  on_fail do |msg_id|

set statement

set spout_attribute => value

The set statement is optional. Use it to set spout specific attributes.

  • spout_attributes
    • :is_distributed — set to true for a distributed spout (default is false)

output_fields statement

output_fields :field, ...

Define the output fields for this spout.

  • :field — the field name, can be symbol or string.

on_send statement

on_send options do

on_send relates to the Java spout nextTuple method and is called periodically by storm to allow the spout to output a tuple. When using auto-emit (default), the block return value will be auto emited. A single value return will be emited as a single-field tuple. An array of values [a, b] will be emited as a multiple-fields tuple. Normally a spout should only output a single tuple per on_send invocation.

  • :options
    • :emit — set to false to disable auto-emit (default is true)

on_init statement

on_init do

on_init relates to the Java spout open method. When on_init is called, the config, context and collector are set to return the Java spout config Map, TopologyContext and SpoutOutputCollector.

on_close statement

on_close do

on_close relates to the Java spout close method.

on_ack statement

on_ack do |msg_id|

on_ack relates to the Java spout ack method.

on_fail statement

on_fail do |msg_id|

on_fail relates to the Java spout fail method.


Bolt DSL

require 'red_storm'

class MyBolt < RedStorm::SimpleBolt
  output_fields :field, ...

  on_receive options do

  on_init do

  on_close do

on_receive statement

on_receive options do

on_receive relates to the Java bolt execute method and is called upon tuple reception by Storm. When using auto-emit, the block return value will be auto emited. A single value return will be emited as a single-field tuple. An array of values [a, b] will be emited as a multiple-fields tuple. An array of arrays [[a, b], [c, d]] will be emited as multiple-fields multiple tuples. When not using auto-emit, the unanchored_emit(value, ...) and anchored_emit(tuple, value, ...) method can be used to emit a single tuple. When using auto-anchor (disabled by default) the sent tuples will be anchored to the received tuple. When using auto-ack (disabled by default) the received tuple will be ack'ed after emitting the return value. When not using auto-ack, the ack(tuple) method can be used to ack the tuple.

Note that setting auto-ack and auto-anchor is possible only when auto-emit is enabled.

  • :options
    • :emit — set to false to disable auto-emit (default is true)
    • :ack — set to true to enable auto-ack (default is false)
    • :anchor — set to true to enable auto-anchor (default is false)

on_init statement

on_init do

on_init relates to the Java bolt prepare method. When on_init is called, the config, context and collector are set to return the Java spout config Map, TopologyContext and SpoutOutputCollector.

on_close statement

on_close do

on_close relates to the Java bolt cleanup method.
