Amazon ECS is a fully managed container orchestration service that makes it easy for you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications.
Service | Image | Url |
OpenSCD | lfenergy/compas-open-scd | |
Cim Mapping | lfenergy/compas-cim-mapping | |
Auto Alignment | lfenergy/compas-scl-auto-alignment | |
Scl Validator | lfenergy/compas-scl-validator | |
Scl Data Service | lfenergy/compas-scl-data-service | |
Look up your profile id on AWS (login on and it should be in the dropdown menu under your username). Now change the executionRoleArn to something like this:
"executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::[PROFILE_ID]:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole",
Change the executionRoleArn in the following files:
- task-definitions/compas-auto-alignment.json
- task-definitions/compas-cim-mapping.json
- task-definitions/compas-openscd.json
- task-definitions/compas-scl-data-service.json
- task-definitions/compas-scl-validator.json
Go to the Elastic Container Service
in the AWS console.
Here you can create a new cluster.
After creating the new cluster, you can click on it to get inside the cluster.
You should have task definitions
in the menu on the sidebar.
Within task definitions, you can create the tasks.
Click on Create new task definition with JSON
and paste the first json file in.
Now create task definitions for the other json files mentioned above.
Back in you cluster, click on Deploy
under the Services tab.
For launch type, choose Fargate
Application type should be Task
Family should be one of the newly created Task Definitions
If you don't have a load balancer set up yet, you can create a load balancer now. Choose ALB, or Application Load Balancer as type. Check the mapping inside the nginx proxy to use the correct mappings for each service.
When deploying the Services, make sure that the target groups
have the correct healthcheck.