CART algorithm bagging K bootstrap samples - plot prediction error vs K - parallelization gain
We are using the default mtcars data set in R, trying to predict mpg as a response to all other explanatory variables.
- check the assumption that the best tree without bagging is an unstable result.
- split our data into a learning set and a testing set.
- create K bootstrap samples of size the size of the learning set.
- get a best tree for each sample, average out the predictions and compute a 2-norm prediction error on the bag.
- vary K from 2 to Kmax. We take successively Kmax = 50, 100, 200, 500.
- we parallelize the previous step with one thread per core and see the gain in time.
Note that parallelization is not optimized because we have a replicate function executed separately in each thread but we can still observe a very good effect since I added a shuffling of the list of K values to balance out the load on each thread.
I'm using a processor Inter Core i7-8700 (12 cores) and I got : (times in sec.)
with multiple small functions
Kmax | without parallel | with parallel | with parallel & shuffling K list |
50 | 6.62 | 6.17 | 6.53 |
100 | 25.78 | 10.19 | 9.73 |
200 | 235.39 | 27.16 | 22.30 |
500 | >1000 | 140.08 | 103.95 |
unifying getBestTree() into one single function
Kmax | without parallel | with parallel & shuffling K list | & prune() instead of rpart() |
50 | 6.55 | 5.53 | 5.99 |
100 | 26.09 | 9.35 | 8.38 |
200 | 103.95 | 21.75 | 17.71 |
500 | 653 | 109.82 | 82.55 |
Files :
- CARTmtcars.R containing the code
- 2 graphs (pdf) plotting error vs K for Kmax = 50 and 500 showing the convergence of the error but not toward 0 because our prediction is made on a testing sample which is not included in the learning sample.