- Node 16.x || 18.x
- yarn install
- yarn dev
- npm i OR npm i --legacy-peer-deps
- npm run dev
- setup mongodb in your laptop confirm mongodb runnning in your laptop
- go to src/app/constant/server.js set SERVER_URL to "http://localhost:5000"
- go to backend folder yarn install or npm i run 'node server.js'
- copy contracts folder to hardhat/contracts folder.
- go to hardhat.config.js set solidity: { version: "0.8.20", settings: { optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 200 } } } networks: { base_sepolia: { url: 'https://sepolia.base.org', chainId: 84532, accounts: ['here your wallet private key(0x prefixed)'], } }
- deploying deploy Memetoken.sol deploy StandardToken.sol deploy Module.sol deploy ModuleManager.sol deploy ModuleFactory.sol (params for this: ["0x46A15B0b27311cedF172AB29E4f4766fbE7F4364"(INonfungiblePositionManager Address of uniswap V3 on base sepolia testnet ), StandardToken deployed address(this is COMP token), ModuleManager deployed Address, Memetoken dpeloyed address, Module deployed address])
- giving access go to deployed ModuleManager address call addAdminModuleFactory as param with ModuleFactory deployed address
- Module Creation This platform is used to create module and token. Users can create Module using "Create Meme Coin & Module" button To create module, users need to have COMP token(platform token). While creationg, new module token and COMP token will be paired on uniswapV3 pool.
- Module usage Once module created, users can use that module by double clicking on that module card. Each module has 10 free times for new users can use. Once a user reached that limit then users can use that module according to the staked amount. For example, user that staked 100COMP token or module token (100COMP amount) then they can use that module once per day. Users can see the module informations and github pages once they enter that module.
- Staking/UnStaking. Users can stake/unstake using COMP token or module token to a module.
- Buying Each module has Buy button to buy that module token and on the dashboard we had "buy COMP" button for users to buy COMP token.